Is It Possible That The Mecha I'm Talking About Is A Toy?

Chapter 60 Is It Possible That The Two Fighters Are Actually One?

106 factory toy research and development department.

At the beginning, Wu Linghui thought he heard it wrong, but he didn't expect that there was really such a department in the 106 factory in the name of researching toys.


In fact, that department doesn't really develop toys. The mecha that was just delivered was customized from that department.

Due to the limited production equipment, about six mechas can be produced every three months.

However, even if the follow-up production line continues to expand, this amount of time will not increase much.

It's just that he didn't think of it.

Not long after that, another fighter plane capable of space navigation appeared in the area under his management.

"Probably not. This department has only been established for more than three months. It will take about 180 days at the fastest to fly from Blue Star to Mars."

"Even if the toy research and development department started to study such a fighter plane on the first day of its establishment, it would be impossible to complete the research and development and the test flight to Mars within three months."

Wu Linghui is very clear.

It is a very difficult problem to complete the landing and get rid of gravity in the universe, and the probability of accidents will be very high.

It's not going to be resolved in a short time.

Then he picked up the phone and called Fang Hongyun, the director of Factory 106.

"Hi sir!"

As soon as the phone was connected, Fang Hongyun's angry voice came from inside.

Wu Linghui didn't beat around the bush, and asked straight to the point: "Old Fang, are you researching space fighters and manned landing plans on Mars in your factory?"

Fang Hongyun, who was wondering why Wu Linghui, the boss of the military department, thought of calling him today, suddenly had a series of question marks in his mind.

"What space fighter? What Mars manned landing plan? Why can't I understand at all?"

Fang Hongyun said directly on the phone.

Wu Linghui frowned: "What? You have to hide even me, the commander?"

"Although you have done a good job of keeping secrets, I still have a way to know about the situation of that space fighter!"

Fang Hongyun yelled injustice: "Chief, I really didn't hide it! This is the first time I've heard what you said..."


"You don't cry when you don't see the coffin, right? I'll show you the evidence now!"

Gritting his teeth, Wu Linghui forwarded the information sent by the General Staff Headquarters directly to Fang Hongyun.

Fang Hongyun, who was still about to say something, was instantly stunned by the information inside.

"how is this possible!"

"The fighter developed by Comrade Xiao Lu turned out to be a space fighter? And it even flew to Mars?!"

Fang Hongyun couldn't believe it at all.

Didn't this fighter just undergo a test flight today? Moreover, the pilot was temporarily borrowed from the fighter aircraft research and development department.

Even if it can really escape the atmosphere, it cannot appear on Mars at this time! ! !

Let alone whether the speed is so fast, shouldn't this point be used to participate in the sixth-generation fighter jet exercise of the Southern Military Region?

"Now you know each other?"

"Ten minutes, I want to know everything about this fighter!"

"Don't try to hide this, the General Staff already knows that Chief of Staff Zhou, the chief general of our armed forces, will come to our Third Military Headquarters today!"

"I'll let you know in advance, he's coming for your factory's individual mechas and this cosmic fighter!"

Wu Linghui said directly on the phone.

Mr. Fang Hongyun smiled wryly.

Then a look of surprise and excitement appeared on his face.

The generals of the three armies will come to their 106 factory?

This last time seems to be more than ten years ago, when the old factory was here!

"Chief! I'll call and ask Comrade Xiao Lu right now to see what's going on!"

Fang Hongyun didn't care about whether it was reasonable or not, so he quickly agreed, and then changed a mobile phone to call Lu Yuan.

However, when he left the super-light particle fighter, he left his mobile phone on the fighter.

So Fang Hongyun didn't answer the call for a long time, and finally had to change the target and call Song Kaiming.

"Old Song, is Comrade Xiao Lu at the exercise base?"

The phone connects.

Fang Hongyun asked directly.


Song Kaiming nodded.

Before he could ask the factory manager what's the matter, Fang Hongyun couldn't help muttering.

"Xiao Lu and the others are now at the fighter plane exercise base, so what's going on with the fighter planes on Mars?"

"Could it be that while going to the exercise base, Comrade Xiao Lu also arranged for a fighter plane to go to Mars for a manned landing plan?"

Wait a minute.

What does it mean to arrange another fighter plane to go to Mars for the Mars manned landing plan at the same time?

Isn't that Xiao Lu and the others?

Think here.

Song Kaiming felt that it was necessary for him to explain clearly, so as to prevent the factory manager from being unclear and causing trouble. .

"Director, is it possible that the fighter plane on Mars is the one piloted by Xiao Lu and Chen Yong?"

Let go and look in the direction of the training platform.

He heard these words just now from several academicians.

In two hours, a round trip from Blue Star to Mars was completed.

And it included more than an hour of delay.

"Old Song, do you think there is something wrong with my brain?"

"Mars is at least 55 million kilometers away from Blue Star, and the fastest manned rocket will take half a year to reach it unilaterally."

"You told me it was a fighter plane?"

Fang Hongyun naturally wouldn't believe it.

Song Kaiming's mouth twitched: "But what if the flying speed of that fighter plane can reach Mach 888,000?"


"888,000 Mach?"

"Are you sure this is still a fighter plane?!"

Fang Hongyun asked back in disbelief.

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