Is It Possible That The Mecha I'm Talking About Is A Toy?

Chapter 72 Epic Ru0026D Project! Large Manned Transformable Mecha!

"The system, according to Transformers and Gundam, generates a large-scale mecha, the size of which is about 30 meters after transformation.

Lu Yuan turned on the computer.

Find Megatron, the leader of the Decepticons, and a red heretic from Gundam anime on the Internet.

Said to the golden finger system.

next second.

A progress bar for generating a design diagram and various data appeared in front of his eyes.

[AT particle large-scale manned mecha: using enhanced at particle solar furnace, equipped with enhanced hydrogen steel carbide alloy, the large-scale manned mecha has super endurance, excellent weapon system configuration, size: one-to-one mix Reduction, manufacturing cost: 1.5 billion mb...]

[Quantum large-scale manned mecha: a large-scale manned mecha built with a strengthened quantum engine and equipped with a weakened hydrogen steel carbide alloy. It has strong endurance and excellent weapon system configuration. Size: one-to-one mixed reduction , Manufacturing cost: 12 RMB...]

[Nuclear-powered large-scale manned mech: a large-scale manned mech built with a reinforced ark reactor and equipped with ceramic tungsten steel alloy, has relatively excellent endurance, and the configuration of the weapon system is better than that of 06. Size: one-to-one mix Reduction, manufacturing cost: one billion RMB...]

[Rechargeable large-scale manned mecha: using the latest electric drive engine, equipped with reinforced tungsten steel and titanium alloy, the large manned mecha has poor endurance, and the weapon system configuration is relatively common. Size: 1:1 Mixed reduction manufacturing cost: 100 million.......

Lu Yuan's eyes quickly swept over all the large mechs and 3D projections generated by the system.

Because of the shape requirements.

Therefore, all the large mechs this time are the same as the super light particle fighters.

The general structure is basically the same.

There are only some irreversible differences due to the core engine and weapons.

[Please host to choose a custom plan.....]

system hint.

"Is there still a choice?"

Lu Yuan's gaze returns to the top, with a metallic red heresy.

However, after systematic integration and design, the shape of this red heresy is quite different from that in the anime.

Among some details of the armor plate, there are also some Transformers elements that are biased towards Megatron.

"Melee weapons include double-knife AT particle overfrequency shock knives, long-range weapons include atomic pulse beams, and range attacks include enhanced solar furnace plasma cannons, plus the two-in-one transformation function of fighter planes and manned mechs."

"Such a large manned mecha should be able to meet the commander's requirements?"

Lu Yuan finalizes the customized plan.

The system began to rapidly evolve the production plan of the entire mecha, as well as various required equipment and raw materials.

Almost ten minutes passed.

Lu Yuan just digested the information of the first wave of design drawings.

However, having these materials in the first step is almost enough for him to fiddle with for a long time.

For the rest of the information, Lu Yuan allowed the system to gradually transmit it to his mind.

"It's a pity that the fighter plane doesn't have the function of long-distance transmission, otherwise, Lao Song and the others can now collect more Iding stones.

To create a two-in-one red heresy, it is still necessary to use Idin stone, a rare material on the blue star.

And the demand is even higher than that of the at particle nano-mech.

As for metallic hydrogen.

There is no need to integrate the technology of the nano-mech, and the amount of this mineral that needs to be used in the manufacturing process of the red heresy can be almost completely ignored.

"It's better to buy second-hand recycled parts, which can save a lot of money."

Lu Yuan muttered softly.

Anyway, there are various solutions given by the system. After the second-hand recycled parts are processed and modified, they will not be worse than brand-new parts.

So even if you put this large mech in your collection Curry.

The mane he took out can also be reduced a lot.

for the rest of the time.

While arranging the procurement of raw materials for the large-scale manned mech, Lu Yuan was silently drawing the design drawings in the research room.

complex construction.

It is much more complicated than the super-light particle fighter plus the at-particle nano-mech.

Even if Lu Yuan stayed up all night, it took nearly a month to complete.

All kinds of complicated parameter data, complicated deformation structure [it will almost become a ten-inch thick book when it is serious.

As for other people in the research room.

After this period of familiarity.

He has almost completely figured out the production process of the anti-missile mecha and the ultra-light particle fighter.

This kind of problem can also be solved without looking for Lu Yuan through the familiarity during this period of time.

As for understanding these technologies?

Zhang Dahai and Song Kaiming had already given up on this idea.

Not that they blow.

As for the blueprint of this low-tech anti-missile exoskeleton, Lu Yuan directly released it.

Without the equipment and instruments here, it is impossible for anyone to reproduce it.

For at least a few years, the technology used by this anti-missile exoskeleton mech was difficult for others to master.

As for the more advanced ultra-light particle fighters, as well as the AT particle nano-mech.

These two epoch-making universe-level equipment.

Maybe another hundred years.

Only the technologies on Blue Star have a chance to barely open their threshold.

"Everyone has worked hard in the past month, and now there is one person left for each production line, and the rest will fully participate in the research and development project of the new series of weapons and equipment requested by the commander.

"This is the design plan I just completed, you can get familiar with it first."

Lu Yuan came to the production line of mechs and fighters.

He casually handed over the design drawings of the large manned mecha to Zhang Dahai and Song Kaiming, the two chief teachers.

"Master Lu, this is..."

The two huddled together and turned over.

The 503 on his face was nothing but bewildered.

Complicated blueprints.

And it is also partially split.

It is completely impossible to see what the final product of the design drawing is.

"This is a large-scale manned mecha, which has super maneuverability and endurance, and can realize dual switching between fighter and humanoid states."

"The name I call it the red heretic at-type."

Lu Yuan glanced at the two of them.

Casually talked about the characteristics of this large manned mecha.


The researchers near the production line swallowed involuntarily.

Large Manned Mecha!

It can also realize double switching between fighters and human figures!

This is definitely a unique epic-level large-scale scientific research project!

"Lao Song and Lao Zhang, I will leave the personnel arrangement to you, and if there is not enough, I will ask the factory manager to continue to borrow.

"The chief of staff just said that we can ask the factory manager to solve any problems in our department.

"In addition, you will also deal with the materials, but if you can buy second-hand recycled materials, you can buy second-hand recycled materials. If there is no such thing, the buyer in the cashier department will send new materials.

Lu Yuan started to make arrangements.

Zhang Dahai and Song Kaiming were very serious, and carefully wrote down every word he said.

Finally negotiated.

Lu Yuan planned to ask Zhang Dahai to go to other departments and borrow ten people to participate in the research and development of the large-scale manned mecha, and divide some trivial matters and work. .

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