Is It Possible That The Mecha I'm Talking About Is A Toy?

Chapter 73 Director Lu, Are You Sure You Got This Purchase Application Correctly?

"Liu Xun!"

"Proceed to the last chip assembly!"

"Old Lin!"

"The at particle nano-mecha link has been opened, ready to be written into the mecha auxiliary program!"

The second day of the large-scale manned variable mecha project.

Through the simultaneous efforts of two at-particle nano-mecha production lines [the first soil frame at-particle nano-mechanical machinery was successfully assembled.

department production line.

Zhang Dahai directed several scientific research personnel to carry out the final chip assembly on the mech and write the auxiliary program of the mecha.


"Program at001 has been written, and the form of the nano-mecha will automatically open...."

The extinguished miniature ark reactor was activated, and the faint blue light quickly spread from the carrier on the doll's wrist, lighting up strips of light that were also blue.

At the same time, it falls with the sound of electronic synthesis.

The wrist watch on the puppet's wrist quickly flows out some black "liquid", which continuously swallows the puppet's body along the arm.

Three seconds four five!

Less than four seconds.

The surface of the puppet in front of everyone is covered with a layer of black, dyed with blue light strips and decorated with nanomachines!

"Too shocking!"

"This nano-mech is simply too strong!"

"One moment it was a watch in the shape of a wristband, but the next moment it turned into a full-body black mecha!"

Everyone was shocked.

Although before this, Lu Yuan had already told them that the Lat particle nanomachine belonged to the compressed mecha.

The whole can be compressed into a wrist-sized carrier.

But what they saw with their own eyes at this time still made them feel unbelievable.

"What a hard armor plate, it was just like a liquid just now, I didn't expect them to be so hard after solidification.

Liu Xun excitedly jumped to the side of the mech.

Looking at it from such a close distance, it feels that it is hundreds of meters away from before, and the various details are obviously much clearer.

Especially on the blackened armor plate, a lot of lines are hidden, making the mecha look more impactful and mysterious.

"I don't know what it feels like to wear this mech?"

Liu Xun couldn't help muttering.

An Xiaoyu next to him gave him a blank look: "This is a mecha ordered by the military department, it's not something we can wear casually."

When Lu Yuan was testing the flying ability of the mech, many people saw the other Ling Hui coming to Factory 106.

The purpose is self-evident.

What's more, on that day, they were seconded to Lu Yuan's toy research and development department, responsible for the production line of mechs and fighters.

"I'm not just talking..."

Liu Xun scratched the back of his head.


Without Lu Yuan's consent, even Zhang Dahai has no right to arrange mecha fittings and the like.

But at this moment.

Holding a document, Lu Yuan came out from the direction of the scientific research room.

"Old Zhangye.

"This is the purchase application from our department, you will send it to the factory for approval later.

"Alright Chief Master Lu, I'll go over now."

Zhang Dahai nodded.

Purchase requisitions are very common in all major departments.

The replacement of important equipment and the purchase of important raw materials need to be approved by the factory manager.

Just be his gaze.

After glancing at the purchase application in his hand, he felt a little dumbfounded.

A touch of shock.

The inconceivable expression froze directly on his face.

"Lu... Chief Master Lu, are you sure that this information is correct?"

Zhang Dahai swallowed his saliva.

His gaze was mixed with shock and looked at Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan flipped through the purchase application form and nodded with certainty: "There is nothing wrong with it, and the contents inside are fine."


Zhang Dahai was immediately paralyzed.

Until Lu Yuan turned and left, he also stared blankly in that direction, without recovering for a while.

"Old Zhang?"

Vice President Lin stretched out his hand and waved it in front of his eyes.

"Cough cough cough..."

Woke up.

Zhang Dahai coughed several times in a hurry, before he could barely suppress the poison in his heart and his shortness of breath.

"Is there anything wrong with this purchase requisition?"

See him wake up.

Deputy Chief Master Lin asked again.

"You, you'd better watch it yourself, but you have to be prepared."

Zhang Dahai opened his mouth.

Simply throw the purchase application to Lin Yuan.

The stimulation just now was so intense that he still felt like his tongue was fighting even when he was speaking.


"how can that be!"

Deputy General Manager Lin opened the purchase application.

The next moment, his exclamation echoed in the entire production line workshop.

[Purchasing Application: The Toy R&D Department purchases an at particle nano-mecha at a cost of 200 million RMB and a manual cost of 10 million. 】

[Mecha use classification: Auxiliary gadgets, used for daily maintenance, assembly, and large-scale research and development projects. 】

[User: All researchers in the toy research and development department...


Lin Yuan didn't expect it at all.

This at particle nano-mecha with more advanced functions is actually an auxiliary gadget made by Lu Yuan.

It is not intended for the delivery of weapons and equipment to the Third Army.

"It means that this mecha is an auxiliary tool purchased by our toy research and development department?"

*`"Can we use it as we please?"

Liu Xun's excited eyes almost burst into light.

As expected of Master Lu!

To use such an advanced mecha as an auxiliary gadget in the toy research and development department.

This is just so explosive!

"Don't get excited, this matter has to be approved by the factory manager, you wait here, I will go to the factory manager right away!"

Zhang Dahai regained his strength.

There is a purchase application, but it needs to be approved and stamped by the factory manager before it can take effect.

Now this mecha.

It still belongs to the toy research and development department of the 106 factory, and the military weapons and equipment developed.

"Master Zhang, why don't I carry you? We are strong and can run fast..."

Mecha researcher Zhou Haisheng, who was squeezed next to Liu Xun, showed off his strong muscles.

An Xiaoyu jokingly said: "You are running fast, but I guess it will be you who will run in front later, and Master Zhang's soul will chase after you..."


"I'll go alone for this matter, you just stay here and wait."

Zhang Dahai raised his hand.

Holding the purchase requisition (Qian Nuo's) book, he walked outside the toy research and development department.

Come to the gate.

Two guards stopped him.

A few necessary checks were carried out.

However, when they saw the purchase application that Zhang Dahai carried, the two guards were directly stunned by the contents.

Since the safety level of the toy research and development department has been upgraded to SSS level.

They were ordered to guard this place.

As for the at particle nano-mecha, the two of them naturally had a misunderstanding.

Knowing that this is a new type of mecha that is more advanced than the anti-missile exoskeleton mecha.

The last time Commander Wu Linghui came here, it was for this mecha.

The result was unexpected.

The toy research and development department produces mechs.

The first time was actually to submit the purchase application and include it as an auxiliary tool within the department.


The military department uses the worse first-generation anti-missile armor, and the research and development department uses the second-generation nano-machine with stronger performance.

Ah this......

The three views of the two guards were shattered. .

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