Is It Possible That The Mecha I'm Talking About Is A Toy?

Chapter 74 Finished! The Red Heresy At Transforming Mecha Is Here!

"Let go!"

Return the purchase requisition.

The two guards let it go directly, and Zhang Dahai took it and walked quickly to the factory director's office.

"Boom boom."

"Come in!"

Fang Hongyun was busy with his work.

He looked up towards the door of the office.

I happened to see Zhang Dahai walking in from the outside holding a purchase application.

"Old Fang, this is the purchase application that Director Lu asked me to see, please take it to see if there is any problem.


Zhang Dahai casually put the purchase application on the desk, watching his next move nervously.

After all, it is a brand new mech that has just been developed, and it is directly included in the auxiliary tools of the toy research and development department according to the procurement process.

Zhang Dahai didn't have the slightest confidence in this matter.

"Xiao Lu has already completed the second mecha? This guy's speed is really fast."

Fang Hongyun flipped through the application materials.

There was no surprise on his face, as if he had known about it a long time ago.

"Of course soon."

"Two production lines are producing one mech at the same time. If we really need one production line, we will probably have to wait at least another month."

Zhang Dahai interjected from the side.

After the completion of the establishment of the two production lines, Lu Yuan handed over all powers to him.

The requirements are simple.

The two production lines started at the same time, and completed the manufacture of an AT particle nano-mech in the shortest time.


"As long as we know about it, don't spread it outside."

"Otherwise the commander will know, and maybe something will happen again.

Fang Hongyun opened the drawer and took out the special seal from it.

A little ink was applied to the consent application and the name he had just signed.

"Don't worry, old Fang, I know this matter well, and I won't let it out."

The joy on Zhang Dahai's face was unbearable.

A newest model of nano-mecha was directly approved and became an auxiliary tool for the toy research and development department.

Tut tut.

Sure enough, Lu Yuan's name is still handy.

"By the way, how is the other work at Comrade Lu Yuan's place going?"

Put away the purchase requisition.

Fang Hongyun looked up at Zhang Dahai again.

Yesterday, Lu Yuan applied for the secondment of ten researchers. There should be some actions and arrangements that he doesn't know about.


"Other production lines have been fully handed over to us, and the new research and development project 957 is on the agenda, but if it is to be completed, I estimate that the time this time may exceed three months."

Zhang Dahai immediately lost his temper when he thought of the design drawing that was comparable to a thick book.

But think about it too.

This new series of weapons and equipment is a large-scale manned deformation receiver designed by combining the characteristics of fighter planes and mechs.

The difficulty is much more complicated than that of the AT Particle Nano-Mech and the Ultra-Light Particle Fighter combined.

The complexity of the design drawing will naturally be higher.

"It doesn't matter whether the time is exceeded or not. There is no time limit for this research and development task. You can go back later and tell Comrade Lu Yuan not to put too much pressure on him.

"In addition, if there is not enough manpower, I can go to other departments to second some more, so that he can raise any questions."

Fang Hongyun nodded.

Of course, he is very clear about Lu Yuan's criteria, the three-month delivery time.

No agreement is the default.

But this also has a premise, that is, starting from paying the material fee as a deposit.

The funds used in the research and development of new projects are all deducted from the research and development funds, so this is not counted as the material cost paid.

Zhang Dahai hummed.

At this moment, his mind is full of that AT particle nano-mech.

Fang Hongyun's seal was affixed, and the nano-mech naturally became an auxiliary tool for the toy research and development department to purchase.

Following submission by Lu Yuan.

This mecha can be worn and used by anyone in the toy research and development department.

"Old Fang, I'll go back first if there's nothing else to do." Zhang Tianhai said a little impatiently.

Fang Hongyun laughed and said, "You are so hot, since you went to Comrade Lu Yuan's hair department, every time you come to me, you are always so hot. "

Zhang Dahai stopped and explained: "Isn't there something else to do when I go back?"

"I am in charge of the production lines of the first-generation anti-missile armor and the second-generation nano-armor.

"If you don't want to go back and watch this matter, if something goes wrong, I won't be able to explain it to Master Lu.

"All right, all right."

"Go back quickly.

"After a while, when Comrade Lu Yuan is done with his work, I will transfer you back, and then we will find another time to discuss chess skills."

Fang Hongyun waved his hand.

Tell Zhang Dahai to go back (agag) quickly.

"do not."

"You mustn't do that."

"I want to transfer you back to Lao Song, now I will only look for Lu Zongshi's department, and I will not go anywhere!"

Zhang Dahai immediately became anxious.

He didn't even think about going back and tossing about that nano-mech.

"You're not planning to give up research on exoskeleton mechs, are you?" Fang Hongyun stared at him.

Zhang Dahai nodded: "What else can I do if I don't give up?"

"You have also seen the exoskeleton mecha developed by Master Lu, not to mention the second-generation nano-mecha recently."

"It's just the first-generation anti-missile exoskeleton mecha, and it's not something we can reproduce now.

"Instead of wasting that time and R&D money."

"It's better to stay in the research and development department of Master Lu, so that at least I can see some technologies that I didn't dare to think about before, right?"

Fang Hongyun was silent.

There is nothing wrong with Zhang Dahai's words.

If it weren't for him being the factory manager, he couldn't let go of his job.

Perhaps, like Zhang Dahai, he will join the toy research and development department and become a researcher struggling on the front line.


Zhang Dahai waved his hand.

Leaving Fang Hongyun's office, he walked back to the toy research and development department with a breeze.

"How's it going, old Zhang?"

"Did the old party agree?"

Just got back.

Deputy Chief Lin couldn't wait to ask.

"I don't know the specifics. When I submitted the purchase application, the old party was busy with other things.

Zhang Dahai pretended to shake his head helplessly.

But his movements are not slow at all.

Three steps and two steps, came to the side of the doll, and took off the nano-mecha carrier fixed on the wrist.

Put it on your hand with a snap.


Everyone was dumbfounded.

After Deputy Chief Lin was stunned for a moment, he immediately reacted.

What is not clear.

What submitted the purchase application, the old party is busy with other things.

This is all bullshit!!!


"The second form of nano-mecha is unfolding..."

The sound of electronic synthesis sounded.

The surface of Zhang Dahai's body was soon covered by a layer of "liquid" similar to black water.

Solidify into a black water mech with a solid appearance armor machine!

"I go!"

"We were deceived by Master Zhang!"

Liu Xun and An Xiaoyu, who were belatedly aware of it, also reacted at this time.

The three looked at the mecha on Zhang Dahai's body.

I can't wait to rush over to take it off and put it on for them.

Several people were making noise in the production workshop.

Song Kaiming, who was on the fighter jet production line next door, was also envious.

If I knew that I was in charge of the mech production line, I would have the authority to wear the second-generation nano-mech.

Then he will be in charge of the mecha production line no matter what.

At this time.

Lu Yuan walked out of the office, glanced at Vice President Lin and the others with burning eyes, and said, "I will purchase five nano-mechas in total, and you will have the opportunity to wear them later.

"As for the ownership of the mech, it belongs to our R&D department. You can go to the tool library to take it out when you need it, and put it back when you're done using it."


"I knew it was impossible for Master Lu to purchase just one!"

Liu Xun instantly became excited.

Five nano-mechas.

Even if the time comes, he will soon be able to wear this epoch-making super mech!

Just now.

The researchers seconded by the toy research and development department came to the production line after completing the procedures.

Hear what Lu Yuan just said.

"I go!"

"Isn't this the second-generation mecha developed by Master Lu before? It's actually an auxiliary gadget here?"

The ten researchers were immediately paralyzed.

But soon they also became excited, and some looked forward to what it would be like to wear the second-generation nano-mech.

"Old Zhang, they left it to you to arrange. Tomorrow we will start manufacturing the instruments and equipment needed for the project."

Lu Yuan glanced at the new researcher.

Everyone is staring at him with a kind of extremely admiring eyes at the moment.

"No problem, Master Lu, just leave these matters to me.

Zhang Dahai, who was wearing the nano-mecha, opened the metal mask and helmet.

Black nanobots.

Quickly shrink to the position of the mech's neck.

The ten newly transferred researchers, after Zhang Dahai's simple explanation and training, quickly understood the work they would be responsible for next.

Large-scale manned deformation mech project.

The design drawings have been fully completed, and various materials have been listed, entering the link of procurement.

What they have to do is to cooperate with Lu Yuan to build the instruments and equipment for manufacturing large-scale mech parts when the raw materials are sent back.

"Old Zhang, the first hydrogen steel carbide alloy smelter has been completed. According to the proportion of raw materials in the auxiliary intelligent system, the melting of hydrogen steel carbide alloy has begun."

"Chen Yong, reduce the amount of metal hydrogen mined, and maintain the ratio of 19 to 1 with Yiding Stone."

"Old Song, we need to speed up the mining of Iding Stone to manufacture a super-light particle fighter alone.

Lu Yuan directed the work in the entire R&D department in an orderly manner.

The metal hydrogen used in the at particle nano-mecha, and the overall proportion of Idin stone does not exceed one-twentieth.

Reducing the purchase quantity of metal hydrogen can effectively speed up the manufacturing progress of large manned deformed mechs.

Just this time.

Enough two production lines to complete a nano-mecha.

that's it.

Four months passed in the blink of an eye.

There is only less than a month left before the end of the year.

The large-scale manned transforming mech that Lu Yuan was in charge of developing has finally reached the most critical moment.

Write the mecha control program.

And activate the at particle solar furnace inside the mecha.

This is an energy furnace that transcends nuclear fusion, and its general concept is somewhat similar to solar energy.

Through the special particle trap, the fusion of alpha particles and solar particles is realized, so as to achieve stronger energy bursts.

As for the control system of the mecha.

Then it is controlled by the brain wave of the exoskeleton mech, and becomes the synchronous brain wave control.

This technique temporarily disconnects the brain from the body, allowing

Continue to establish a new link technology between the mecha and the brain.

Because it is separated from the influence of the body, this technology has a lower error tolerance rate than brain wave control.


"Write the control program successfully..."


"AT Particle Solar Furnace is activated..."

Curry, a significantly cooler fighter plane, is parked near it.

The armor plate of the fighter plane, which is mainly dark in color, is covered with sharp lines, and it is matched with a seamless cutting process.

The exterior paint surface of the entire fighter is like a whole, and there are no seams or screws at all.

But compared to super light particle fighters.

The red heresy AT type is not equipped with too large particle jets, and the three jets at the tail add up to the size of a super-light particle fighter, a main engine.


"Test the second form of the red heresy AT-type fighter."

Lu Yuan checked the control program of the red heresy on the link, and said to the auxiliary intelligence system.


"The warehouse dome is open..."

"The transformation function of the red heresy AT fighter is activated simultaneously..."

Electronically synthesized sounds echo.

The dark-colored fighter plane that was docked quietly in the warehouse Curry, the armor plate on the surface cracked one gap after another.

It reveals the red and white paint surface that is wrapped inside.

This is the outer armor plate of the red heretic, flipped through the system control when transforming.

The first to complete the transformation are two mechanical arms mixed with red and white metallic luster, which quickly protrude from the nose of the fighter.

At the same time, the head of the mech moves forward from the inside of the fuselage when the arms move to the sides.

As requested by Lu Yuan.

When the system generates a red heresy structure, it is equipped with a very powerful occupant protection system.

When the cockpit is deformed, it will automatically move to the starting side of the fighter.

Finally, it stopped at the chest of the deformed mecha.

It seems that there is a thicker version of the armor here, even in the face of the attack of mushroom eggs, it also has a very strong weakening effect.

Coupled with the energy captured by the AT particle solar furnace, the A force field released is obviously three to five times stronger than that formed by the nano-mech!

click click click!

The armor plates of the fighter jets are constantly moving.

About six seconds.

The dark fighter plane parked next to the super-light particle fighter plane disappeared, and turned into a humanoid mech with a height of more than 30 meters, mixed with red and white metal spray paint.

Left and right sides of the waist.

There are two very cool long knives stuck in them.

Visually inspecting this set of two-handed weapons, each one is as large as more than ten meters in length.

And behind the armor.

The two shoulder armors, which looked like spider claws, shone with a suffocating coldness in the sun.

Blue at particle beam.

Burst from the eyes of the mech's head.

It means that the mecha is in the normal mode that has not gone berserk at this time.

"The transformation of the red heresy AT-type fighter is completed..."

"It took five seconds, seven or eight..."

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