Is It Possible That The Mecha I'm Talking About Is A Toy?

Chapter 84 The Aircraft Carrier Is Disassembled Into Parts, What Do You Call This An Upgrade?

"This is all the information and data of the aircraft carrier research, and the list of relevant responsible personnel is also included.

"According to the chief of staff's instruction, everyone in our aircraft carrier R&D base will cooperate with you as much as possible."

"Whether it's human and material needs, we will do our best to meet your requirements."

Yang Tianmin took the materials compiled by the three chief teachers and handed them over to Zhang Dahai.

Thick materials are stacked together, almost a foot high.

You can see how much content there is.

"Okay Commander Yang, since the information on aircraft carrier research and development is here, let's go back and hold an emergency meeting first.

"Discuss and discuss the specific research and development direction of this aircraft carrier project, as well as some things that need to be prepared."

Zhang Dahai handed the information to the two researchers next to him.

Although he is the chief engineer of this project, he is at best a fake Monkey King.

He has no ability to solve the remaining problems of this aircraft carrier.

"Okay, okay."

"I'll arrange a conference room for you right now."

Yang Tianmin asked people to clear out a separate conference room in the scientific research room.

After Lu Yuan and others entered.

Colonel Ye Feihong led two intensive classes, a total of 2,500 people, guarding the door of the entire conference room.

Except for the people from the Southern Military Region, the rest of the personnel are not allowed to approach.

"Chief Lu, do you think the research and development task of this aircraft carrier can be completed within five months?"

Close the conference room door.

The seriousness on the faces of Zhang Dahai and Song Kaiming disappeared instantly.

The two quickly took the materials and sent them to Lu Yuan to ask about the research and development of the aircraft carrier.

"Can be able to."

"But what are their requirements for an aircraft carrier?"

"According to the data? Or according to our way, to optimize and upgrade the aircraft carrier?"

Lu Yuan sat on the seat.

I flipped through the information casually.

In his mind, the Goldfinger system has already completely scanned the data and information of the aircraft carrier and generated 3D graphics to project them out.

in addition.

The system also gives several revised plans, the strongest one needs to invest about 10 billion, and the time is also very tight.

It will take nearly five months at the earliest to be fully completed.

"Old Zhang.

"Call Commander Yang Yang and ask, and see what their requirements are. We'll talk about other things after we've settled down." 053

Song Kaiming thought about it.

Quickly ask Zhang Dahai to call.

Although the project has been handed over to them, the final finished product is also theirs.

"Well, I'll talk about it after I finish the phone call."

Zhang Dahai nodded.

He picked up the phone and called Yang Tianmin.

"Commander Yang, how do you plan to develop this aircraft carrier?"

"Continue according to the data? Or follow our own way to optimize and transform the aircraft carrier?

Yang Tianmin thought for a while and answered: "Master Zhang, can the optimization and transformation you mentioned be completed within five months?"

Lu Yuan in the conference room nodded.

Only then did Zhang Dahai answer: "There should be no problem, and even if there is not enough time, we will take the lead in completing the main body and power system of the aircraft carrier."

"Going to sea is definitely no problem, the weapon system depends on how much time is left."

His answer was very smooth.

The most important thing about an aircraft carrier is the main body, power system and weapon system.

And judging from the information provided by Yang Tianmin.

They have completed the deployment of the aircraft carrier's weapon system. Even if there is no time for follow-up, this aircraft carrier is not a show without attack power.


"Then do it according to your method, and our staff will try their best to cooperate with your work."

Yang Tianmin gritted his teeth.

In my heart, I went straight out.

Judging from the military capabilities of the Southern Military Region, if they are fully responsible, all aspects of this aircraft carrier should be greatly improved.

Even if the subsequent weapon system cannot complete subsequent upgrades and transformations due to time constraints.

Their own set is almost enough to deal with global joint military exercises.

"Master Lu, they asked us to use our own method to figure it out, as long as we can complete the delivery within five months.

hang up the phone.

Zhang Dahai quickly conveyed Yang Tianmin's meaning.

"Okay, then let's try to meet the highest requirements for them on the basis of the aircraft carrier.

Lu Yuan nodded to show that he understood.

Then he contacted the system in his mind and finalized a super transformation plan with a cost of 10 billion.

[Aircraft Carrier: On the basis of the original aircraft carrier, it adopts space-class warship technology and combines the curvature engine to improve the super combat unit. It has the advantages of super endurance, super fast moving speed, etc. Size: 1:1 Reduction, manufacturing cost: 10 billion RMB...]

The general shape of the entire aircraft carrier aeronautical mother is almost the same as the semi-finished aircraft carrier in the scientific research room.

The only difference is.

It has four more closable super-large curvature engines on the entire bottom of the ship.

There are also three main engines at the rear, which are like the nozzles of a fighter jet.

Usually these three main engines can also provide power on the sea surface, allowing the aircraft carrier to have an ultra-fast sea surface speed.

in addition.

On the deck of the aircraft carrier, there is also a gun barrel that looks very abrupt.

Just the whole is solid.

It does not have the hollow structure of the traditional gun barrel, and its size is also scary.

It directly reaches nearly one-third of the length of the entire aircraft carrier.

"Liu Xun, An Xiaoyu, and Chen Yong are proceeding according to the plan. Lao Song will be in charge of the other personnel, and will follow up on the material logistics."

Zhang Dahai began to make arrangements.

They don't know how to improve the design drawings. The only thing they can do is to release smoke bombs and let people above the level of engineers participate in it.

Under the leadership of Song Kaiming, other personnel prepared various materials and equipment in accordance with Lu Yuan's requirements.

Colonel Ye ruled out five people to follow Song Kaiming, pretending to protect them.

The rest of the staff took turns guarding the conference room where Lu Yuan was.

Zhang Dahai and An Xiaoyu also took the design drawings and sat on the seats to pretend.

After Lu Yuan draws a certain number of drawings, they will conduct research and discussion.

But the things involved in it are too esoteric.

Even if they got the modified design drawings, they were completely blind and couldn't understand anything.

Fortunately, while Lu Yuan is drawing, he occasionally spends some time explaining some relatively simple things to a few people.

that's it.

Nearly two weeks passed before Lu Yuan completed the drawing of the transformation design of the aircraft carrier.

Although based on the previous carrier body, the exploit did not undergo much modification.

But he almost drew the thickness of the design drawing more than a red Heretic AT fighter.

"Old Song, how are the materials prepared?"

Leave the conference room.

Lu Yuan followed Zhang Dahai and went directly to the scientific research warehouse where the aircraft carrier was docked.

"It's almost all in place."

"Furthermore, Commander Yang also went to our military region to negotiate and purchase the Yiding Stones requested by Commander Lu, and they are being delivered to us one after another.

Song Kaiming pointed to the various second-hand chips and some second-hand cars that Lu Yuan had requested.

Although he also raised objections at the beginning.

Anyway, the northern military region provides materials, and they can make whatever they want, there is no need to buy these second-hand recycled parts.

But Lu Yuan said.

These instruments and equipment are made by them.

If you have to spend money to buy them when you leave, and use them all brand new, wouldn’t that be shooting yourself in the foot?

Song Kaiming shut up instantly.

And regarding the procurement of raw materials for the production of auxiliary equipment, he made a separate list.

At that time, just settle and leave according to the above money.

"Lu Gong, what should we do now?"

Zhang Dahai looked around, and after confirming that there were no people from the Northern Military Region, he lowered his voice and ran over to ask.

Lu Gong is called this.

It was also to cover up Lu Yuan's identity on the outside.

"Now the equipment has not been assembled, so let's dismantle this big guy."

"All the steel plates are made according to the size of one square meter."

Lu Yuan looked up at the hill-like aircraft carrier, and directly knocked on the armor plate with a Mohs hardness of 75HRC.

This thing is fine in the near-earth area.

If it really wants to leave the atmosphere, it is estimated that it has not entered the speed of light, and a small stone can directly dry it through.

It's like when an airplane is flying high in the sky.

After hitting a small bird head-on, the special glass of the aircraft will also be dried out by the bird's beak.

"Chen Gong, Liu Gong, this task is left to you two."

Zhang Dahai didn't ask too much.

He directly waved to Chen Yong and Liu Xun.

These two guys are carrying the second-generation nano-mechas. If they want to complete the main body of the aircraft carrier in a short time, they naturally need to use stronger auxiliary tools.

click click click!

The two activated the nano-mech at the same time.

The black nano-robots quickly wrapped them up and hardened into two sets of jet-black mech warriors.


The researchers in the northern military region in the distance were stunned by this scene.

"what is that?"

A researcher's voice trembled.

He can be sure.

Both of them were from the Southern Military Region.

And there was nothing on the surface of the body just now, but in the blink of an eye, it was covered by a layer of black armor plate.

It happened that Song Kaiming was here to count the raw materials.

It is planned to be sent to the previous conference room, and Lu Yuan will secretly process it into instruments and equipment for the production of aircraft carriers.

After hearing the question from the soul.

Song Kaiming directly smiled and replied, "You mean those two guys?"

"They are wearing the latest nano-exoskeleton mech purchased by our Southern Military Region. When not in use, the electromechanical exoskeleton armor plate can be recycled to the designated load.

"When we received the secondment order, the higher authorities approved us to bring two sets to assist the research and development of the aircraft carrier.

"Do you think this is just in line?"

His voice is not loud.

But the people nearby are holding their breath at this moment, without making any sound.

So what Song Kaiming just said.

Almost verbatim, it fell into the ears of all the researchers in the Northern Military Region.

"I go!"

"The treatment of the Southern Military Region is too arrogant, right? Ordinary researchers can have nano-scale exoskeleton armor?"

"My dear! It looks similar to the Mark armor in the movie, the key point is that this armor is even more handsome!"

"I know why the chief of staff invited people from the Southern Military Region to take over our aircraft carrier research and development task.

Take a look at other people's auxiliary tools, and then look at ours, the gap is too big!"

Nearby researchers whispered.

All of them showed envious eyes.

Not to mention nano-scale exoskeleton mechs, even ordinary exoskeleton mechas, researchers like them are impossible to equip.


The first-generation mecha exercise was just completed before, and it is said that the mecha wearing still needs a special instrument to assist.

The appearance is not as cool as this nano-mech.

at this time.

Chen Yong and Liu Xun began to cut the deck of the aircraft carrier.

Lu Yuan stood on the ground and directed them to cut them to the size he wanted.

The weapons equipped with the nano-mecha are like turning into cutting tools at this time. With a few swipes, they can cut off a piece of aircraft carrier deck with a thickness of 160mm.


"What are they doing? Isn't it planning to dismantle our aircraft carrier?"

Only then did the people in the Northern Military Region react.

One of them hurried outside and reported the situation here to the three aircraft carrier chiefs and Yang Tianmin, the person in charge of the base.

not long time.

Yang Tianmin, Wang Dewen and others rushed to the scientific research warehouse in a hurry.

Looking at the aircraft carrier that has been dismantled by almost one-third of the ground, several people only felt dizzy for a while.


"What are you doing!"

Wang Dewen's grievances cracked.

Completely ignoring the guards blocking the front, they wanted to prevent Chen Yong and Liu Xun from continuing to dismantle the aircraft carrier.

"Didn't Chief Wang see it? We are upgrading the main body of the aircraft carrier."

Zhang Dahai walked over directly and spoke without hesitation.


"You call this an upgrade?"

"The main body of the entire aircraft carrier has been dismantled by you! How can this be called an upgrade?"

"Why don't you say it's a refurbishment?"

Wang Dewen's forehead was bulging with veins.

The whole person has been dazzled by anger.

Ma Wencai and Liu Jianshan who were behind were also furious in their hearts at this moment.

Five years of hard work.

From zero to now.

It was directly cut into pieces of scrap iron by the people of the Southern Military Region who had just taken over!

Only Yang Tianmin remained calm.

Although his heart was also filled with anger, he did not completely lose his mind.

He looked at Chen Yong and Liu Xun who were wearing nano-mechas.

Put aside this powerful maneuverability and ability to stay in the air.

The light beam released by this mech can easily cut special steel armor plates with a Mohs hardness of 75HRC.

"Don't get excited, Master Wang."

"We are really preparing to upgrade the main body of the aircraft carrier. According to our requirements, the hardness and ductility of these special steels are still somewhat insufficient."

"It needs to be enhanced to get to the level we want."

"Don't worry."

"The people we arranged are all professional, and they will definitely be able to return you after the demolition is complete.

Song Kaiming also came over to explain.

There is Lu Yuan.

He believes that even if the aircraft carrier is smashed into slag, it will be perfectly restored.

Absolutely no surprises!.

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