Is It Possible That The Mecha I'm Talking About Is A Toy?

Chapter 85 Chief Of Staff! The Researchers Of The Southern Military Region Dismantled Our Aircraft C


"I'd like to see how you restore the aircraft carrier!"

Wang Dewen gritted his molars.

With the command of the chief of staff, he, the chief engineer in charge of the former aircraft carrier research and development base, has no choice.

Even in front of him.

If people want to demolish it, they can just demolish it directly, and they will not obey his arrangement at all.

Zhang Dahai hasn't spoken yet.

Wang Dewen and Liu Jianshan left from the aircraft carrier's scientific research cabin.

"Old Wang, we just let them tear down our hard work?" Ma Wen was a little dissatisfied.

Wang Dewen sighed: "Otherwise, what else can we do? They tore down a third of the Book of Songs, even if we stop it - so what?"

"It's better to wait until they dismantle it and see the progress of the follow-up restoration."


"They only have five months, beyond this time, we don't need to say anything, they are not easy to deal with the chief of staff."

Only Liu Jianshan was bored and did not speak.

Obviously, he felt very uncomfortable seeing his hard work being torn apart.

Aircraft research warehouse.

After the three chief teachers left, Yang Tianmin came over and said, "Master Zhang, don't take it to heart."

"Old Wang just looked at his hard work and dedication, and was dismantled by you, and felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

"I will give him some ideological work later on."

Zhang Dahai waved his hand: "Commander Yang, you are being polite. This matter is indeed our problem. We dismantled the main body of the aircraft carrier without communicating with you."

"But Commander Yang, don't worry, we are all professionals, what it looked like before it was demolished, and what it will look like after the subsequent upgrade."

"Thank you, Master Zhang, for your understanding."

"You keep busy, if you have anything to do, go directly to my adjutant, and he will pass it on to me."

Yang Tianmin took a second look at the nano-mecha before leaving the aircraft carrier's scientific research cabin.

But just out the door.

Qin Huaian's video call came in directly.

"Old Yang, after the handover of the aircraft carrier is completed, what new actions will the researchers in the Southern Military Region have?"

Yang Tianmin showed a wry smile on his face: "Chief of Staff, let me tell you something, don't get excited.

"Researchers from the Southern Military Region completely dismantled the main body of the aircraft carrier we built before."


Qin Huai'an's voice instantly rose a lot.

"What's going on here? Lao Yang, have you communicated with their chief teacher?"

Yang Tianmin replied: "We have communicated."

"General Master Zhang said that the purpose of dismantling the aircraft carrier is to carry out upgrades and transformations, to improve the Mohs hardness and metal yield of the aircraft carrier's deck."

Qin Huaian's expression changed.

Upgrading the deck metal of the aircraft carrier, isn't this a complete dismantling and rebuilding?

What about the remaining five months?

"But Chief of Staff, don't worry."

"The Southern Military Region has nano-mechas as an auxiliary tool."

"Our newly developed enhanced special steel can be cut into steel plates illegally and easily under the light beam released by the mecha."

Seeing that Qin Huai'an was silent, Yang Tianmin began to talk about the scene he saw in the research cabin of the aircraft carrier.


After listening to what he said.

The sorrow on Qin Huai'an's face gradually disappeared.

Even after follow-up questioning, the worries in his heart completely disappeared.

"Equipped with an advanced nano-mecha as an auxiliary tool, it seems that the old Zhou guy is secretly hiding a lot of good things."

He muttered a few words softly.

Qin Huai'an then continued to Yang Tianmin: "Since Chief Master Zhang said they can recover as before, let's let them do it."

"As for Lao Wang and the others, we will arrange some logistical work for them for the time being, and let them come back to continue the previous work after the repair of the main body of the aircraft carrier is completed.

The researchers from the Southern Military Region, but it took him a lot of effort to second him.

The time limit is only five months.

The progress of aircraft carrier research and development must not be delayed because of other things.

"Guaranteed to complete the mission!"

Yang Tianmin straightened his back.

Then the conversation between the two ended.

He also went to the meeting room where the meeting was taking place just now, and briefly talked about the latest order that Qin Huai'an just issued.

the other side.

Lu Yuan also quickly entered the working state.

After Chen Yong and Liu Xun finished dismantling the aircraft carrier, they entered the independent conference room again and began to build the equipment for making the aircraft carrier.

All kinds of used parts come in.

Put together a set of instruments and equipment and put them in the area cleaned up in the meeting room.

Start up two of the devices.

Lu Yuan asked to put the armor plate on the aircraft carrier into it.

The special metal elements in the Yiding stone will be fused into the aircraft carrier armor plate under the special frequency of the instrument.

Followed by traceless welding equipment.

According to the order of previous dismantling, the strengthened aircraft carrier armor plate was restored again.

It's been like this for almost two months.

The aircraft carrier that was disassembled into steel plates appeared again in the aircraft carrier's scientific research warehouse full of blood.

Just because of the addition of Idin stone.

The color of the entire aircraft carrier's armor plate looks a little gray, unlike the previous reinforced special steel, which looks full of metallic luster under the light.

Looking at the restored aircraft carrier, Yang Tianmin was shocked and paralyzed.

Sure enough, it was the same as what Zhang Dahai said.

What was it like before the demolition, and what it will be after the demolition and restoration.

Even with a microscope, he didn't see any cutting marks on the divided armor plate of the aircraft carrier.

"Old Zhang."

"The next engine is a little troublesome, we have to change to a bigger place.

"Otherwise, the collision caused by the two quantum entanglement engines is enough to blow up the entire aircraft carrier research and development base."

The main body of the aircraft carrier is completed.

For the rest, he handed over to Song Kaiming and several other ordinary researchers for arrangement.

With the assistance of people from the Northern Military Region, except for the weapon system and power engine system of the entire aircraft carrier, other things are proceeding in an orderly manner.

"Then where are we going?"

Zhang Dahai couldn't make up his mind for a while.

The collision caused by the quantum entanglement engine is no less powerful than a 100,000-yield mushroom bomb.

"How about this."

"You go to contact the factory manager and ask him to transfer our super-light particle fighter over, and we will go to the moon to carry out it.

Lu Yuan thought about it.

His eyes just caught the moon hanging above his head in the evening.

If the ground doesn't work, go to the sky.

Zhang Dahai directly gave a thumbs up: "General Master Lu has a solution!"

Immediately, he quickly picked up the satellite phone and called Fang Hongyun at Factory 106 of the Southern Military Region.

Just a few minutes.

The superluminous particle fighter M000 came to the sky above the aircraft carrier research and development base, and landed at the gate of scientific research.

"Chen Yong, Liu Xun, according to the items on the list, carry them all to our fighter plane."

With the super-light particle fighter in place, Lu Yuan took out a list and handed it directly to Chen Yong and Liu Xun.

The two are not talking nonsense.

Turn on the nano-mecha and start to carry the things on the list.

Two quantum entanglement engines.

And an additional curvature engine core that looks like an iron lump, and a controllable nuclear fusion reactor for functional use.

"Master Zhang, where are you going?"

Yang Tianmin came after hearing the news.

I happened to see Chen Yong and Liu Xun, who were wearing nano-mechas, carrying various things into the hyperparticle fighter.

"It's like this, Commander Yang, we now need to conduct experiments on the aircraft carrier's power engine, and the risk factor is relatively high, so we need to change to another place.

"I also temporarily transferred this fighter plane from the Southern Military Region to pick us up."

According to Lu Yuan's request, Zhang Dahai gave a slightly modified explanation.

However, he did not say exactly where he was going.

In addition, he only mentioned the problems that would inevitably arise when activating the core of the curvature engine.

"So that's how it is."

"I thought Commander Zhang had something to do and needed to go back to the Southern Military Region..." Yang Tianmin breathed a sigh of relief.

"Ha ha."

"Commander Yang, you are too sensitive."

"Since we have signed a five-month agreement, we will naturally follow the requirements of the above and wait for five months before leaving.


"I only brought four assistants with me this time, isn't there still Lao Song here?"

Zhang Dahai grinned.

To avoid suspicion.

This time, he wasn't even going to bring the guards sent by the commander.

Anyway, to the moon.

There will be no danger.

As for the explosion caused by the collision of the quantum entanglement engines, as long as they take the tachyon fighter and keep a sufficient distance, there will be no problem.

"Then Yang will wait for the good news from Master Zhang." Yang Tianmin nodded and said.

At this time, Song Kaiming and several other researchers are still busy with other work in the research cabin of the aircraft carrier.

As for the engine thing.

Yang Tianmin really didn't understand very well.

I only know that controllable nuclear fusion is also a relatively dangerous power source, at least until the reaction of nuclear fusion is completely stable.

It could explode at any time.

In addition, diesel hydrogen engines also have such problems.

Although less likely.

The range of the explosion is not very large.

But the explosion of the diesel-hydrogen engine caused by the last mistake is still fresh in his memory.

0......seeking flowers...

"Master Lu, the seat is dark."

The pilot newly arranged by the fighter R&D department reminded Lu Yuan intimately.

Afterwards, the ultra-light particle fighter entered the countdown to take-off stage, and yellow particles were ejected from the engine nozzle.

Yang Tianmin outside looked at the super-light particle fighter with jealousy, and it took off at an extremely fast speed.

Almost in the blink of an eye.

Just disappear completely from the clouds overhead.



Two sonic booms sounded one after another, and the voice in the clouds also calmed down after a while.

"The electromagnetic barrier has been activated..."

The sound of electronic synthesis sounded.

An invisible electromagnetic field soon formed outside the superluminous particle fighter.

But it can effectively block the outside world and the detection of various non-camera detectors.

"The target location has been reached, and the landing mode is automatically turned on..."

Less than ten minutes.

The super-light particle fighter successfully escaped from the atmosphere and came to the vicinity of the moon.

Because of the gravity of the blue star.

The direction of the moon toward the blue star is almost always at the same angle.

"Let's land on the back of the moon. In case of an explosion, we won't be broadcast live by the probe on Blue Star.

Zhang Dahai before the fighter plane landed.

Said to the pilot who was flying the super-light particle fighter.

It's not very far from Blue Star.

Moreover, various near-Earth satellites and space stations have the habit of monitoring the moon.

Lu Yuan didn't have any objections.

Anyway, use

The collision of the quantum entanglement engine activates the core of the curvature engine.

It doesn't matter whether it's on the front or the back of the moon, as long as the space is wide enough, just let him mess around.


The Superluminous Particle Fighter has landed.

Zhang Dahai and An Xiaoyu stayed in the fighter plane and did not go out. Lu Yuan activated the nano-mecha and quickly assembled two quantum entanglement engines and the Ark reactor outside.

They are connected to each other through special energy transmission devices.

And on two quantum entanglement engines.

Lu Yuan is also equipped with two synchronous signal receiving devices, which can receive the electromagnetic radio wave signal transmitted by the nano-mech from a long distance.

This is a special signal transmission method developed based on the electromagnetic field of the planet.

Whether it's the blue star, the moon, or Mars.

As long as the electromagnetic frequency is adjusted to be the same as the planet's magnetic field, the magnetic radio wave signal can cover the entire planet at 360 degrees without dead ends.

"Liu Xun."

"Put the core of the curvature engine in the middle of the two quantum engines, and pay attention to the same distance between the two sides, and the error cannot exceed 5mm!"

Connect the quantum engine in series.

Lu Yuan conducted another series of inspections.

After confirming that there was no problem, he asked Liu Xun to put the curvature engine core with a diameter of more than two meters in the middle of the two quantum engines.

"Ready to evacuate!"

"Within two hundred square kilometers from the current location!"

Lu Yuan turned on the flight mode of the nano-mecha, and quickly left the impact explosion area where the quantum engine was placed.

Two hundred square kilometers.

It is equivalent to a circle with a diameter of about fifteen kilometers, or a square with a side length of about fourteen kilometers.

Under the command of Lu Yuan, the superluminous particle fighter quickly evacuated in the opposite direction.


"Start the countdown to the quantum engine collision!"

After a while.

Lu Yuan stopped in the air nearly 20 kilometers away, and said to the intelligent assistance system of the mecha.


"The countdown to the quantum engine collision begins..."




The sound of the electronic countdown echoed in his ears.

The two nearby Chen Yong and Liu Xun stood in front of him, one on the left and the other on the right.

With the countdown to zero.

On the ground twenty kilometers away, the Ark reactor released a stream of faint blue energy, which poured into the two quantum engines connected in series.



The two quantum engines turned on to the maximum power instantly ejected red particles, and the terrifying thrust almost broke the link bracket between the two quantum engines.

Energy collision!

The silent explosion impact spreads rapidly!

Even if there is no air on the moon, the people located 20 kilometers away seem to have heard a deafening explosion.

at the same time.

The space agency lunar probe of the Northern Military District.

Just captured the energy impact of this explosion.

The picture on the moon was transmitted back to the space agency through the space station.

Looking at the center of the explosion, the curvature of the engine core remains intact.

Everyone in the Northern Space Agency was stunned. .

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