Is It Possible That The Mecha I'm Talking About Is A Toy?

Chapter 94 Zhang Dahai: We Are Just Stinkers, Comrade Lu Yuan Is Zhuge Liang!

The other school officials in the control room didn't come back to their senses for a long time.

One shot killed Europa.

This weapon is no longer something they can understand.

It was obviously just an energy beam, but after hitting the target, it exploded from inside the satellite.

common sense?


These things are completely useless in front of the superconducting star destroyer.


"The target is destroyed, and the curvature engine core energy consumption is 15.6%, exceeding the reserve quota by 0.6%..."

The auxiliary intelligent system prompts to echo.

After the superconducting Star Destroyer completed its attack, it automatically changed back to its previous appearance, and it stood on the turret on the deck of the aircraft carrier.

The leaders of various countries opened their mouths.

No one can make any sound at this time.

The terrifying explosion impact spread rapidly in the images captured by the satellite.

Just a few breaths.

The Europa, which has been around Jupiter for 180 million years, was just destroyed by the main gun of our aircraft carrier!

"If the attack lands on our territory, I'm afraid the whole country will be like Europa in an instant, and it will be gone right away?"

The leader of the island country swallowed his saliva, and his face was as pale as paper.

If only the previous plasma cannon.

That weapon looks powerful, but it's not without its strength.

Now that the aircraft carrier's main gun is fired, no empire on the entire Blue Star can withstand it!

"Send the order down!"

"In the future, when we see the aircraft carrier of the Dragon Kingdom, our warship will directly detour! Detour as far as you can!"

The island nation is really scared.

The power of this weapon is simply world-killing!

Even if the diameter of Blue Star is several times larger than that of Europa, the main guns of the Dragon Kingdom's aircraft carrier cannot be completely destroyed.

But the target central area of ​​this weapon will definitely destroy a large area.

Leader Ah San was also trembling with fright.

On the command ship of the beautiful country, the old leader's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot.

The scientists who developed the aircraft carrier Mienrigus and the Spear of Odin are now like eggplants beaten by frost, looking at the aircraft carrier of the Dragon Kingdom.

My heart is full of powerlessness.

"The power of the main weapon of the Dragon Kingdom aircraft carrier may only be comparable to the Star Destroyer Cannon in sci-fi movies..."

This is a thought that pops up in many people's minds.

Star Destroyer.

One shot can destroy a planet.

Although the main weapon on the aircraft carrier, it only destroyed a satellite.

But this cannot be denied, it already possesses the power 640 of the primary Star Destroyer Cannon!

"Report to the Chief of Staff!"

"The main gun of the aircraft carrier's space mother hit the target! And...and completely defeated Europa!"

The adjutant concerned about Europa's situation excitedly reported to Long Lao the final result of the aircraft carrier's weapon system.

Yang Tianmin and the others next to him were stunned.

Huge shock.

It made them feel as if a heavy hammer had been hit on their heads, and they couldn't react for a long time.

"Really... really hit Europa?"

I do not know how long it has been.

Only then did Long Lao recover from the shock.

The eyes he looked at Zhang Dahai and Song Kaiming became even more fiery.

"Two masters, what's the name of this weapon?"

"Report to the Chief of Staff, this weapon is called the Superconducting Star Destroyer..."

Zhang Dahai twitched the corner of his mouth.

The name was chosen by Lu Yuan, who said that it is a pity that a flying aircraft carrier is not worthy of a Star Destroyer.

The two thought he was talking hilariously.

In the end, I didn't expect that the aircraft carrier would kill Europa, and it would be gone in one shot.

"Superconducting Star Destroyer?"

"Good name!"

"It can destroy Europa with one shot, and this aircraft carrier's main weapon is indeed worthy of this famous official!"

Old Long smiled.

"The two master masters really gave me a big gift for Longguo!"


Zhang Dahai and Song Kaiming hesitated to speak.

This has nothing to do with us!

Let's just use two fake tricks, the real Monkey King has already gone back to Huaguo Mountain!!!

"Commander Yang!"

"Notify the relevant personnel on the aircraft carrier, and immediately drive the aircraft carrier back to the waters of the Dragon Kingdom!"

Calm down a little.

Elder Long quickly issued an order to end the exercise.

Qin Huai'an wondered: "Chief of the General Staff, are we not going to continue the missile system interception exercise?"

Long Lao glared at him: "Missile interception exercise? Do you think this thing is still useful?"

"As far as the current level of the aircraft carrier is concerned, what do you think is the difference between conducting a missile interception system exercise?"


He glanced at the many leaders who were still in a daze on the video platform.

No matter how powerful the missile interception system is, it probably won't be as exciting as the aircraft carrier launching satellites, right?

"What you said, Chief of the General Staff, is that we don't need exercises at all now."

The purpose of aircraft carrier exercises is to prove the strength of one's own country.

Now the purpose has been fully achieved (agcb).

There is really no need to exercise the missile interception system or not.

The best defense is offense.

One shot and nothing.

Are you afraid that the enemy will turn into a ghost to frighten people?

"Two chief teachers, our northern military region has formally issued a request to you to serve as an academician of the aircraft carrier research and development of the Academy of Military Sciences. I wonder if you two are interested?"

The warship changed course.

Qin Huai'an looked at Zhang Dahai and the two with burning eyes.

"Thanks to Chief of Staff Qin for his kindness, Lao Zhang and I are still used to staying in the south..." Song Kaiming hastily declined.

What a joke.

I don't know how much the two of them weigh?

Serving as an academician of the Aircraft Carrier Research and Development Academy of the Northern Academy of Military Sciences?

It's a good job, but the two of them must be able to do it!


They don't want to leave Lu Yuan.

"The two chief teachers don't have to worry about Lao Zhou's disagreement. As long as you agree to serve as academicians, I can apply for a transfer order from the chief of the general staff and transfer you directly with your files."

Qin Huai'an still did not give up.

These are two top talents in research and development of aircraft carriers.

No matter what, he will try his best to keep it.

"Old Qin, aren't you afraid that Lao Zhou will fight for you like this?"

Long Lao looked at Qin Huai'an with some amusement.

It's also fortunate that Zhou Wen'an wasn't here, otherwise Zhou Wen'an would definitely be furious about openly poaching corners.

"I can't help it, Chief of the General Staff, with these two golden bumps, are you willing to let them run away again if you meet them?"

Qin Huaian sighed helplessly.

"It's really not possible, you two leave one, it's all over, right?"

Even if you can't keep two.

It's okay to have one left.

Long Lao looked at Zhang Dahai.

He looked at Song Kaiming again.

Both of them seemed to be in a bit of a dilemma, and they were unwilling to stay on the side of the Northern Military Region.

"Old Qin, otherwise, let's forget about it. I think the two chief teachers don't seem to want to stay in the north."

"A twisted melon is not sweet."

"It's better to hurry up and send the two chief teachers back. If there is something wrong next time, maybe Lao Zhou can borrow you again."

"As the saying goes, if you borrow something, you must pay it back, and it's not difficult to borrow again..."

"chief of staff."

"You are a full man who doesn't know how hungry a man is. You just need to make a joint military speech."

"It's not like us..."

"Everything needs to be developed by ourselves, and if you are not lucky, you will not be able to come up with any projects for a few years.

Qin Huaian continued to sigh.

It's as miserable as it can be.

Elder Long ignored him at all, and went directly to Zhang Dahai and Song Kaiming and said, "Two chief teachers, I don't know what energy source this aircraft carrier uses?"

"Even a superconducting star destroyer, a star destroyer weapon, can easily support it?"

"And what class is the propeller? Can it be pushed out of the atmosphere after reducing the size of the aircraft carrier?"

Qin Huai'an also closed his mouth at this moment.

He also wanted to know what kind of energy was it that could perfectly support a terrifying weapon like a superconducting star destroyer.

And even the steel behemoth of the aircraft carrier can support it, reaching a supersonic flight of 20 times the speed of sound.

There is also the last question Long Lao said.

Reduce the size of the aircraft carrier and break through the atmosphere. Is this intended to develop an interstellar carrier?

"chief of staff…………"

"The power system used by this aircraft carrier is called a curvature engine. In theory, after reducing the size of the aircraft carrier, it can release enough reverse thrust to allow the aircraft carrier to break through the atmosphere circle..."

Zhang Dahai swallowed his saliva.

Bite the bullet and answer according to what he understands.

Song Kaiming next to him couldn't help breaking into a cold sweat.

"What about the energy system?"

"As far as I know, the plasma cannon transferred from your southern military region consumes a lot of energy.

"This aircraft carrier shouldn't use the same energy source as the plasma cannon?"

Elder Long continued to question.

Zhang Dahai opened his mouth.

They also know a little about the weapon system.

Except for the curvature engine, he doesn't even have a clue about the energy and power system of this aircraft carrier.

Song Kaiming sighed.

He patted Zhang Dahai with a desperate look: "Old Zhang, let's tell the truth, we can't hide this matter anymore."

Qin Huaian and Long Lao were taken aback at the same time.

He looked at the two of them suspiciously.

After Zhang Dahai nodded, he took out a satellite phone.

Song Kaiming explained from the side: "I'm sorry to the two chiefs of staff. Although we are the chief engineers of this aircraft carrier research and development mission, we don't know much about the aircraft carrier's power system and energy system."

"About the question you asked, we can only call and ask General Master Lu, he is the one who knows these things best.


Qin Huai'an and Long Lao were immediately stunned.

The two chief engineers in charge of aircraft carrier research and development said that they did not understand the aircraft carrier's energy system and power system?

Is this what you are responsible for developing?

Or was it developed by someone else?

"What's the matter, old Zhang?"

Just when Long Lao and Qin Huai'an were distracted, Zhang Dahai's satellite video call was connected.

Lu Yuan, who was sleeping soundly, frowned.

"Master Lu, it's like this."

"The chief of staff wants to know some issues about the aircraft carrier's energy system and power system.

Zhang Dahai glanced at Long Lao and Qin Huai'an.

He quickly said what happened just now.

Lu Yuan gave a hutch and said, "That's it?"

"Didn't I remember telling you that at the time?"

"This aircraft carrier uses a curvature engine, and its energy system is naturally the core of the curvature engine.

"Just before we went to the moon, we scrapped two quantum entanglement engines, and a more powerful nuclear fusion reactor, and made a black sphere.

Lu Yuan's tone was casual, and the words were spoken very easily.

But everyone on the commander-in-chief ship was immediately numb with shock.

Scrap two quantum entanglement engines?

A more powerful nuclear fusion reactor?

Or was it made on the moon?

Is this a little too outrageous?

Qin Huaian is fine.

He knew about the lunar event that Lu Yuan said.

At that time, Yang Tianmin reported to him and applied for an SSS-level confidentiality order.

Only then did the matter be successfully suppressed.

Unexpectedly, the aircraft carrier energy and engine experiments they conducted on the moon actually scrapped two quantum entanglement engines and a nuclear fusion reactor.

Not to mention nuclear fusion reactors.

Long Guo has already mastered the initial technology, which is not very stable, but it can be used barely.

But the thing about quantum entanglement.

He learned from several academicians in the Northern Academy of Military Sciences that this thing is a milestone in the long-distance exploration of the universe by human beings.

As long as the quantum entanglement engine can be successfully developed.

Spaceships manufactured by humans are expected to exceed the speed of sound by tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of times.

Even if it can't reach the speed of light, it can shorten the time to explore the interstellar space a lot.

But in terms of the current technology of Blue Star.

To realize the research and development of the quantum entanglement engine, it is estimated that it will take at least a hundred years of precipitation.


Is it that such a theoretical product just proposed has been developed by the Southern Military Region?

Even more outrageous.

In order to manufacture the aircraft carrier's energy and engines, how dare you destroy two of them in one go?!

"Two chief teachers, who is this little comrade?"

Elder Long came back to his senses.

Came near Zhang Dahai.

Through the video on the satellite phone, I took a look at Lu Yuan in the screen.

The first impression is youthful.

He looked like he was only about twenty years old.

"Chief of the General Staff, this is Lu Liu Zhouzhi, Chief Engineer of the R&D Department of 106 Playset."

"At the same time, he is also the secret chief engineer of this aircraft carrier research and development mission. All the research and development related to the aircraft carrier and space mother are all in charge and planned by Chief Engineer Lu."

"Mr. Song and I are just assisting and cooperating."

Zhang Dahai quickly moved the satellite phone in the direction of Long Lao.

Also very detailed.

Introduce some general information about Lu Yuan.


"Behind this aircraft carrier research and development mission, there is actually a little comrade hidden?"

Long Lao looked at Lu Yuan and was startled.

The two chief engineers, Zhang Dahai and Song Kaiming, are actually just covering up?

The one who actually took over the research and development task of the aircraft carrier was the frighteningly young Different Thinking?

Lu Yuan scratched the back of his head, and replied with some embarrassment: "The commander said that it was my first time participating in a secondment mission, and he was worried that I might not be able to handle some things well.

"In addition, this task is also a relatively difficult aircraft carrier research and development, so the commander asked me to assist Lao Zhang and Lao Song, and do it according to their requirements.

Said here.

Lu Yuan set his eyes on Zhang Dahai again, and asked with a little concern.

"That's right, Zhang."

"How about the aircraft carrier research exercise this time? The aircraft carrier we developed shouldn't embarrass our Dragon Kingdom, right?"

The corners of the mouths of everyone on the command ship twitched.


This almost didn't swell the face of other countries, and you actually asked if it was embarrassing?

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