Is It Possible That The Mecha I'm Talking About Is A Toy?

Chapter 95 Five Months? Ten People? You Told Me That The Time Was Just A Little Rushed?

"No... No shame, and the performance of the aircraft carrier is very good, it has earned enough face for our Dragon Kingdom.

Zhang Dahai didn't show too excited because of Longlao and others.

It's just that the voice was mixed with a little trembling, talking about the results of this aircraft carrier exercise.

The corner of Long Lao's mouth trembled.

If what Zhang Dahai and the others said is true, the young man named Lu Yuan in front of him definitely has the strength to lead the aircraft carrier team.

What a first secondment.

What aircraft carrier research and development task is too difficult.

This is all nonsense!

It is estimated that the hidden meaning here is to completely cover up Lu Yuan's light, and let Zhang Dahai and Song Kaiming confuse the audiovisual of the northern military region.

Don't let Qin Huai'an know.

Who is the real person in charge of aircraft carrier research and development.

Sure enough, the old boy Zhou Wen'an is not a fuel-efficient lamp, he will honestly second the real talents with great fanfare.


"Master Zhang, Master Song, aren't you two in charge of this aircraft carrier?"

Only now did Qin Huai'an realize that he had come to his senses.

Staring at Zhang Dahai and Song Kaiming, I just felt an unspeakable aggrieved feeling in my heart.

Especially just now.

He also tried to keep Zhang Dahai and Song Kaiming behind.

"of course not...……"

Zhang Dahai shook his head.

Immediately, the satellite phone veered in the direction of Qin Huai'an.

"Chief of Staff Qin, let me formally introduce Comrade Lu Yuan, the secret chief engineer for this secondment mission.

"He is fully responsible for all the design and development of the aircraft carrier, and Lao Song and I are just assistants."

Now that it's been said and done.

Naturally, there was nothing to hide about Lu Yuan's identity.

Qin Huai'an's eyes fell on the satellite phone, and he remembered instantly.

This name that made him feel a little familiar was the chief engineer of the toy research and development department he saw in the file when he was seconded.

The main job is to be responsible for the research and development and production of military toys.

At that time, he thought Zhou Wen'an was crazy.

Actually set up a toy research and development department in the military factory.

I didn't expect that he was too young to play with Lu at all, but it was the person Zhou Wenan deliberately wanted to hide.

Age 22.

The information also looks very ordinary.

No matter how you look at it, it is also linked to key personnel who can be in charge of aircraft carrier research and development.

"Zhou Wen'an, you old boy, you've really mastered this drama of the real and fake Monkey King."

Long Lao smiled and shook his head.

Naturally, he would not intervene in the affairs of the northern and southern military regions.

After all, both the Southern Military Region and the Northern Military Region are sub-military regions directly under the General Military Region.

Strictly count.

Lu Yuan was naturally considered one of his researchers.

"Old Zhou guy! I just said he was there, so he agreed to my request for secondment. It turned out that he was already ready!"

Qin Huaian bit his back teeth.

His eyes were about to burst into flames.

Soon he was discouraged, shaking his head and muttering that he was too greedy.

Let this matter go to him.

So talented.

He may protect even better, and he will not even agree to this aircraft carrier secondment mission at all.

"Little Comrade Lu Yuan."

"Thank you very much for your support to our Northern Military Region, aircraft carrier research and development mission."

Qin Huaian sighed.

Then he sincerely thanked Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan scratched the back of his head: "Chief of Staff Qin, you are too polite, and I am just obeying the leader's arrangement.

Although this secondment task, and did not sign any orders.

The aircraft carrier also stayed in the Northern Military Region.

However, Zhou Wen'an, the chief of staff of the military region, promised to give him 3% of the manual cost.

Calculated based on the basic capital of 10 billion.

Three percent is three hundred million.

Although the cost of an aircraft carrier is much lower than that of an aircraft carrier, it earns 300 million in five months.

There are not many people in the world with this speed.

"Little Comrade Lu Yuan."

"I don't know if you can introduce some functions of this aircraft carrier in detail? People on our side have studied it for a long time, and they don't know much about most of the functions of the aircraft carrier.

The unhappiness in Qin Huai'an's heart was quickly swept away.

Glancing at the aircraft carrier in front of him, he asked very curiously through the satellite video phone.

Elder Long next to him.

His eyes also fell on Lu Yuan's face.

I was equally curious about this aircraft carrier that I didn't understand a lot.

"There seems to be nothing to say about this. Most of the functions have been built into the aircraft carrier's auxiliary intelligence system."

"As long as you are familiar with it, you can almost master all the functions of this aircraft carrier."

Lu Yuan glanced at Zhang Dahai.

He remembered that when he left, he clearly asked this guy to convey that the instructions for use were built into the assistant intelligence system.

Could it be that you forgot?

"Master Lu."

"I told you about the instructions, but the stuff inside is too complicated, and several of us studied for about two hours before we could barely understand some general functions.

Zhang Dahai's face was full of embarrassment.

Who will believe this?

The R&D chiefs of the two military factories, plus several school officers who usually fly aircraft carriers and have rich experience.

After looking through the instructions for two hours in a daze, I finally understood some simple functions of this aircraft carrier.

"Is it so difficult?"

Lu Yuan muttered.

Then he started to speak simply.

But in order to let everyone understand better, he also greeted Alpha, and projected a 3D projection in front of the camera of the video phone.

"Then let's start with the basic situation of the aircraft carrier."

"The first is the main body of the aircraft carrier, based on increasingly reinforced special steel."

"We use the particle fusion function of the particle collider to fuse the Idinite elemental metal mined from Mars into special steel to form brand new metal molecules."

"Their data in all aspects are more than 20 times that of reinforced special steel. Even if a 10,000-equivalent mushroom bomb explodes, the distance will not reach within three inches."

"Nor will there be any traces on the new special steels."

"in other words."

"Even if it is close to three inches, with zero-distance contact, the new special steel used by the aircraft carrier will only suffer slight damage on the surface, and there will be no deformation or penetrating damage."

According to the red logo projected by Alpha, the main body of the entire aircraft carrier includes three main engines and four auxiliary engines, a large part of which is made of this new type of special steel.

Qin Huai'an and Long Lao only felt their scalps go numb.

The data in all aspects are more than 20 times that of reinforced special steel.

Even a 10,000-equivalent mushroom bomb can only cause very slight damage when it explodes at zero distance.

This is simply an invincible rhythm!

An ordinary world-class aircraft carrier, apart from its own nuclear power system, does not have any attack weapons with an equivalent of more than 10,000.

After all, things like mushroom bombs.

On the surface, all countries that have mastered nuclear energy have only one nuclear power.

It is impossible to carry around on the aircraft carrier casually.

Coupled with the missile interception system of the aircraft carrier itself, the Spear of Odin in the beautiful country can also be completely ignored.

The defense system is impeccable!

"As for these blue marks, it is an alloy material stronger than new special steel."

"You also know that the requirements for power systems and weapon systems are higher than the main requirements for aircraft carriers.

"So when improving and upgrading these two pieces, I added some antimatter to it to form antimatter metal."

"It goes without saying about the data. It can withstand the main weapon superconducting star destroyer and the energy burst of the curvature engine. It can be seen how much its various data have improved compared with the new special steel."

Lu Yuan clicked on the weapon system and power system.

Let’s briefly show the areas that are marked in blue.

Everyone opened their mouths.

Especially Zhang Dahai and Song Kaiming, the chief divisions of the two military factories.

Others don't know what antimatter stands for, they do.

This is a substance that has not been fully confirmed, and it theoretically exists near the black hole.

Perhaps only by entering the black hole can we truly discover the existence of this kind of matter.


Not only has Lu Yuan discovered their existence, but they have also been directly integrated into the metal to form a new alloy material that far surpasses the new type of special steel.

Lu Yuan didn't respond when he saw the crowd.

I thought I was waiting for him to continue explaining.

"After talking about the main situation of the aircraft carrier, now let's continue to talk about its power system and some special devices on board."

"The aircraft carrier space carrier adopts the power as the curvature power, and the curvature core captures the free antimatter in the space, and carries out particle integration to form a new energy source.

"This kind of energy is called curvature energy by me. It can link space and form a powerful force field far beyond the blue star's magnetic field."

"Function and effect, it is natural to increase the flight speed of the aircraft carrier and the total damage of the weapon system, as well as the energy defense of the defense system."

All kinds of words that I haven't heard before.

Everyone's mind went blank.

However, Zhang Dahai and Song Kaiming heard something that shocked them in Lu Yuan's words.

"Forming a powerful force field that far surpasses the blue star's magnetic field? Is Chief Master Lu applying the force field theory to space?"

"Directly treat the space as a giant magnet?"

0...... Ask for flowers......

Zhang Dahai muttered to himself blankly.

Qin Huai'an's brain, which had just woken up, was completely numb again!

Use space as a magnet?

Is this something human can do?

But apart from this explanation, they don't seem to be able to find any other more reasonable ones.

The main body of an aircraft carrier is very large, and its weight is at least close to 100,000 tons.

If only anti-gravity thrusters are used, it is impossible for such a big guy to get rid of the geocentric experience.

"That's right, in theory it's similar to the anti-missile exoskeleton mech, but it's a lot of trouble to actually make this thing."

Lu Yuan nodded.

"in addition."

"Because the curvature engine has a core, its energy is theoretically endless.

"However, the premise is that before the energy stored in it is completely exhausted, otherwise without the protection of energy, the core of the curvature engine will lose its charging effect and turn into ten useless scrap iron lumps.

"So when setting up the program, I blocked 30 percent of the main engine power and 75 percent of the auxiliary lift engine."

I am Nima!

Not to mention the liftoff speed.

It doesn't matter if it's fast or slow.

However, the main engine propels the aircraft carrier to fly at 20 times the speed of sound, and it is still blocked by 3% of the starting power.

"Little Comrade Lu Yuan, according to what you said, the power limit of the main engine of the aircraft carrier's aerospace mother has been completely released. Wouldn't it, wouldn't it be able to reach Mach 30?"

Qin Huai'an took a deep breath.

Mach 30!


At present, the fastest intercontinental missiles and rockets in the world seem to be unable to reach such a speed, right?

"It's not..."

Lu Yuan shook his head.

"The airspace within the atmosphere circle is affected by gravity, even if the aircraft carrier is equipped with a special buffer device, the limit speed that the human body can withstand can only reach Mach 20 at most."

"If you want to break through this limit, you can only install a gravity offset device inside the aircraft carrier, or enter the outer court.

"However, due to the lack of time, I can only discard some less important functions and devices when developing the aircraft carrier and replace them with simpler methods."

The corners of everyone's mouths twitched.

Especially Yang Tianmin, the person in charge of the aircraft carrier research and development base.

I feel like my whole body is going numb.

It took five months to dismantle the aircraft carrier and re-develop and manufacture it from scratch.

Although it was an improvement based on their design, five months can no longer be described as hasty.

Just the main body of the aircraft carrier is impossible to complete in five months!

"Old Qin."

"Comrade Lu Yuan, how long have they been on secondment?"

Elder Long already had some doubts about his life.

Qin Huai'an opened his mouth and said, "Five months ago, I remember that Commander Yang reported to me that when Comrade Lu Yuan and the others came, they dismantled the main body of our aircraft carrier.

"It's been five months, everyone has really worked hard..." Long Lao sighed for no reason.

Yang Tianmin next to him smiled wryly, "That's right, the entire research and development mission of the aircraft carrier is carried out by the ten researchers brought by General Master Zhang and the others."

"The personnel in our aircraft carrier R&D base only help them prepare some raw materials and some unimportant work."

Strictly speaking.

With the addition of Zhang Dahai and Song Kaiming, two obvious chief engineers, only ten people participated in the entire aircraft carrier research and development task.

other people.

Including the guards arranged by the Southern Military Region, they provided very little help, not even one-fifth of the entire aircraft carrier research and development mission.


"Only ten R&D personnel participated?"

"Yang Tianmin! How did I tell you? No matter what Master Zhang and the others need! You must give me full satisfaction!"

"How dare you blatantly disobey orders! Do not carry out mission assistance for aircraft carrier research and development?"

Qin Huai'an glared at Yang Tianmin angrily.

Yang Tianmin quickly explained: "Chief of Staff, we really can't blame us for this matter."

"As far as the personnel tools in our hands, in addition to getting some common raw materials, even the Yiding Stone is also Master Zhang... No, Comrade Lu Yuan and the others went to Mars to mine it by themselves.

"We're just too weak..."

Yang Tianmin felt very wronged.

People have super-light fighters that can travel to and from Mars and mine Idin stone, and they only have to spend money to purchase it.

They have three nano-mechas.

One can support ten heavy cranes, and it is super flexible, able to fly, cut and weld.

And their researchers.

Even in the research and development warehouse of the aircraft carrier, I was at a loss and looked at it, not knowing how to start small. .

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