Wang Chao saw Lu Yi from the car from the car, and the corner of his mouth rose slightly.

This is an interesting day.

The corner of the lift -up mouth slowly straight, turned his head and looked at Xu Ruoxi:

“You see, your fiance is coming to kill me again!”

Speaking of innocent shrugging, walking out of the car tightly!

Seeing this, the driver hurriedly jumped from the car, stopped in front of his young master, and stared at a group of people on the opposite side:

“Who are you? Why do you live in our way?”

“kill him!”

Lu Yi looked at Wang Chao coldly, and his eyes were luster.

He and Wang Chao have no hatred of wearing heaven!

The words fell, and more than a dozen killer behind him rushed forward at the same time, ready to kill him.

Wang Chao stood in place and didn’t move.

Although these killers are very powerful among ordinary people, there are even some, and they have reached the realm of Qigong master.

But he didn’t look at it at all, not to mention, it seemed that he didn’t need to do it!

Xu Ruoxi in the car was frightened by this, hurriedly poked out, and shouted:

“Lu Yi!”

She identified Lu Yi to lie to him, identified Lu Yi and Wang Yue, and at this time, she would kill people at this time.

No matter what aspect, she will not stand by.

All the killer stopped the sound of Xu Ruoxi, stopped in place.

As a killer Wang Luyi, they naturally recognized Xu Ruoxi.

Turning his head to look at Lu Yi, trying to ask if he would kill someone in front of the sister -in -law.

When Lu Yi saw Xu Ruoxi, she was so tight.

Does Wang Chao kidnap Xiao Xi?

Thinking of this, the anger in my heart is even worse.

Lu Yi bit his teeth tightly and soothed:

“Xiao Xi, don’t be afraid, there are me, no one can hurt you!”

Then, turned to Wang Chao, if the killing intention in his eyes was substantial, “Wang Chao, you killed my grandpa, now kidnap Xiao Xi, a vicious person like you is not worthy of staying in the world! He killed me!”

“Who do I dare!”

Xu Ruoxi’s strong female lead breathed out in an instant, opened the door and got out of the car, and blocked directly in front of Wang Chao.

Lu Yi’s men did not dare to act for a moment.

Lu Yi couldn’t understand Xu Ruoxi. I’m protecting you, but why should you protect a bad person?

Wang Chao was innocent. He was familiar with every character in the original book. He had already guess Xu Ruoxi would stand up and was about to stage a wonderful drama.

He really wants to prepare a camera now to record this scene.

“Lu Yi, don’t have blood spraying people. Wang Chao did not abduct me at all. On the contrary, I also saved me from the robbers. It was you. As my personal bodyguard, my fiance, when my fiance was the most dangerous, when I was the most dangerous, You are not there! ”

Xu Ruoxi didn’t like Lu Yi. If it hadn’t been seen in Lu Yi’s saving her, it would not let him be his own bodyguard at all.

Lu Yi was dark, and he didn’t know what happened these days.

Grandpa was killed by Wang Chao, and he had to report this hatred.

As for the fiancee in front of me, what ecstasy medicine must be used by Wang Chao, and can only wait to explain it later:

“Xiao Hei, control Xiaoxi, the rest, kill!”


When everyone responded, they started to act.

Xu Ruoxi was as frosty at this time, and he unswervingly blocked Wang Chao.

There is a kind of momentum who wants to hurt Wang Chao. She must kill her momentum first.

However, she was just a mortal, where can I resist it.

The killer quickly pulled Xu Ruoxi aside and controlled her, and the rest killed Wang Chao!

“Hey, I’m a peaceful person! But you have to force me to do it!”

Wang Chao sighed and shook his head helplessly.

As soon as the body moves, it turns into a virtual shadow.

The ghost -like figure passed through the group of killer and went directly to Lu Yi.

The next second, the killer behind him actually fluttered to the ground, no breath!

Seeing this scene, Lu Yi only felt numb for a while.

What he brought is the most elite killer in the world, most of which are qigong masters, and several have reached the realm of the master.

Is this inexplicably killed?

Is this person reaching the realm of Di Xian or above?

Xu Ruoxi was anxious to die. If Wang Chao died, she would feel guilty for a lifetime, and she could see that Xiao Hei, who controlled her, suddenly fell to the ground.

The rest of the killer fell to the ground almost at the same time.

However, Wang Chao was unscathed, and he opened his mouth wrongly, and he didn’t know what happened at all!

The driver on the side also looked at the killer fell to the ground!

“Lu Yi, I and I have no grievances, why do I find someone to kill me?”

Wang Chao stopped in front of Lu Yi and did not do it, but questioned calmly.

Although Lu Yi was frightened, he didn’t care, but he practiced the orthodox Xianxian Road.

His cultivation has reached the early stage of the Royal Ling, and it is not a comparison of qigong.

His eyes were cold and sneered:

“Why? Because you killed my grandpa!”

“Do you have a pit in your head?”

At this time, Wang Chao couldn’t admit at this time, frowning, “Which is your grandpa, why do I kill your grandpa?”

Seeing that Wang Chao seemed to be blank, somehow, somehow, he even doubted whether he was wrong.

However, as the king of the killer, I soon denied the idea:

“Do you want me to come up with evidence, can you admit it? Okay, Xinzhouzhou Real Estate, but your Wang family’s industry? A few days ago, you used a truck, pulled a ton of explosives, and went to Xiaolang Mountain. “”

“Xinzhouzhou Real Estate is indeed the industry owned by our Wang family, but what does it have to do with me. Now I have already come out to start a business by myself. Olympic, I think of it. Management under Wang Yueni! ”

Wang Chao said seriously.

He believes that Lu Yi has the ability to find his industry and must find an oasis group.

Lu Yi suddenly realized a problem. Although he found someone to check the new Zhouzhou home business, he did not check who he governed.

The general manager of Xinzhouzhou Real Estate only said that Wang Chao used a truck and a jeep, and did not provide evidence of Wang Chao.

If it is true, Wang Chao said, Xinzhouzhou Real Estate is under Wang Yue’s name, that’s completely different!

But why did Wang Yue kill Grandpa?

“I don’t care about your affairs, but should you explain to me with Wang Yue?”

Wang Chao looked at Lu Yi’s expression and guess he probably started to shake.

After all, he is a male lead, and his mind is extremely scary. He just gives him a little clue, and you can infer the matter.

“How do you know that I and Wang Yue co -authored?”

Lu Yi stared at Wang Chao vigilantly, and did not let go of the subtle changes in his expression on his face.

“Oh, is this difficult to check? My brother has found someone to kill me twice, and said that the person is your men! Don’t tell me, my brother is lying!”

Wang Chao sneered, except that his lips moved, there was no expression on his face.

When Lu Yi heard this, it seemed to understand everything all at once.

It seems that he was played!

Killing Grandpa is not Wang Chao, but Wang Yue.

As for why he kills Grandpa, it is very simple, he wants to plant stolen and framed.

Wang Yue knew that he was the king of the killer, so he proposed a cooperation and wanted to borrow his hand to kill Wang Chao!


Lu Yi clenched his fist tightly, overflowing with a full body, and was played by a little fart!

Wang Chao is still cold on his face, but he is cheering:

“Start, fight!”


The main character’s trust value of the host +30

The protagonist gas transport value -500, the remaining gas transport value 8200

The host villain value +500, the villain can be worth 3300

Wang Chao: == (●● |||)

Is my flicker so powerful?

The protagonist adds 30 trust value to me?

What are you get?

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