After Lu Yi thought a few thoughts, he had made a decision in his heart.

Even if he believed in Wang Chao, he had to investigate Wang Yue himself.

Of course, Wang Chao in front of him dare to point out his fiancee, and it is not forgiven.

Turn to Wang Chao, look cold:

“I will definitely verify what you said, but I tell you that Xu Ruoxi is my fiancee, you’d better stay away from her!”

“If I don’t?”

Wang Chao raised his eyebrows and smiled coldly.

He hates others threatening himself, no one can.

As the protagonist of this book, although it cannot be killed at the moment, it is always possible to fight.

“Don’t blame me to be polite to you!”

Lu Yi narrowed his eyes and stared at Wang Chao fiercely.

Wang Chao kicked up without saying a word.

Lu Yi only felt a crisis for a while, and the fastest speed drove the aura in the body, and wanted to protect her body.

However, the other party is too fast!


Wang Chao’s strong kick, but he did not use his best.

Even so, Lu Yi still flew out, and he ran into a big car.

Then, he fell to the ground again.

Lu Yi looked up and looked at Wang Chao in horror.

This power is so strong!

He is now in the early days of the Royal Ling, and has spent a long time through the realm of refining.

Even if he had no aura, it would not be possible to kick away so easily.

“I forgive your recklessness today, spare you a dog life, how far is it!”

Wang Chao left coldly and turned back to the Rolls -Royce car.

Xu Ruoxi looked at Lu Yi extremely disappointed, and more and more believe that Wang Chao’s previous words were true.

After thinking about it, I returned to Wang Chao’s car.


Congratulations to the host and shock the protagonist again.

Soul value +5, always courage 21

Wang Chao glanced at Xu Ruoxi lightly, but it was a bit surprised.

He didn’t expect Xu Ruoxi to continue to keep up.

Unreasonable, signal the driver to drive!

Lu Yi looked at Rolls -Royce from the distance and got up from the ground.

There was a hint of murderousness in his eyes, but helpless!

He knows that you must practice as soon as possible, otherwise, it is not Wang Chao’s opponent at all.

But on the earth, the aura is originally thin, and it is so easy to cultivate!

“Okay, a woman, the most important thing now is to help Grandpa avenge!”

After Lu Yi decided, he took out the phone and dial the number:

“Give me the information of Wang Yue clearly, and investigate, Wang Yue’s recent whereabouts!”


On the other side of the phone, the phone hung up.

In just a few minutes, Lu Yi got a piece of information:

Wang Yue, Wang Chao’s brother, 18 years old, senior high school, and the actual person in charge of the Wang family industry in the south.

Three days ago, the killer came to Jixiang City and the target of assassination was unknown!

Yesterday, it was sent to fake false auctions and sold the Oasis Jixiang Branch to Xu Ruoxi at a price of 120 million!

“Wang Yue! It’s really Wang Yue!”

Although Lu Yi just believed in Wang Chao, he told him as a killer king that things were not as simple as things.

After reading this information, he was more convinced that Grandpa must be killed by Wang Yue.

And Xu Ruoxi’s attitude towards him must know something.


Wang Yue will die!

Tall the phone again, and said coldly:

“Everyone, go to Yanjing, and catch Wang Yue back!”

On Rolls -Royce’s silver charming car, Xu Ruoxi sat uneasily on the back seat.

I originally thought that I won the Oasis Branch at a ultra -low price, but in the end it was a scam, and she was abducted. Now her fiance is still going to kill Wang Chao!

Wang Chao must be angry.

If he doesn’t let go of the contract, he will definitely eat a lawsuit.

At that time, the company she established was a trivial matter. I was afraid that she would still go to jail. At that time, her father could not save herself!

Take a deep breath and please with a bit of tone:

“Xiao Chao, the contract, I was deceived …”

“I know!”

Wang Chao looked at the road ahead and responded lightly.

“Now the contract is abolished, the company will return it to you, I will give you some compensation, can you see it?”

Xu Ruoxi strives to make himself look weak and helpless, and it is also the image of the victim!

She believes that her appearance at this time will definitely get Wang Chao sympathy.

Moreover, Wang Chao has been pursuing her before, as long as she puts down her body, the other party will forgive her!

“No need, just take the legitimate program!”

Wang Chao didn’t think about it.

What kind of joke, just forgive you? What about family?

Xu Ruoxi’s face froze for an instant, and now she is increasingly invisible to Wang Chao.

How could she be so indifferent now?

In any case, she doesn’t want to go to jail.

She only had the last trick, and promised to be Wang Chao’s girlfriend.

Anyway, Wang Chao is not bad now, at least more reliable than Lu Yi!

Thinking of Lu Yi, his heart was full of anger, and he decided to tell his father to return the matter!

Put your teeth and say:

“Okay, I promise to be your girlfriend!”

Wang Chao knows that with Xu Ruoxi’s personality, he will never admit his fate, and he will definitely find a way to remedy.

But he did not expect Xu Ruoxi to think of a way to be his girlfriend.

Good guy, do you think he has become a family, will you not investigate this matter?


I really want to agree to it. With Lu Yi’s personality, I am afraid that she will directly give up Xu Ruoxi. In this way, this heroine is useless!

There is no expression:

“You are a fiance now, I dare not pick up!”

Xu Ruoxi’s face became red for a while, opened his mouth, but didn’t know what to say.

Unexpectedly, the marriage set by his father would actually become a stumbling block.

“If you want to be private, it is not impossible. I want your company’s 51 % shares!”

Wang Chao looked at Xu Ruoxi’s reaction from the rearview mirror and felt almost the same.

To continue to get the villain from Xu Ruoxi, it is to continue to hate Lu Yi.

Her company was because of Lu Yi. This kind of anger will definitely last for a long time.

However, after doing this, it is time to find Lu Yi’s next girlfriend.

Xu Ruoxi fell into a dilemma, 51 % of the shares, and it was almost no different from the loss of the company.

That was for a long time to operate.

When taking over the company, he also gamble with his father, which will definitely develop the company.

It’s all because of Lu Yi!

After a long silence, I slowly nodded:

“I promise you!”

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