Wang Chao was originally no shortage of money. If Xu Ruoxi’s company asked all of them, she was afraid that it would make her disgusted.

Leave her 49 %, but can better control Xu Ruoxi.

“Tomorrow I will send someone to get a contract. In addition, the contract of Yongsheng Community will sign together tomorrow!”

During Wang Chao, Wang Chao has come to the villa in Yanshan Ling. From the car, to the driver’s lane, “Get Miss Xu back!”

Xu Ruoxi originally thought that Wang Chao would invite her to drink a cup of coffee, but did not want to, Wang Chao did not have a polite words.

If there was a chance to be alone, Wang Chao couldn’t wait to post it.

The huge contrast made Xu Ruoxi’s high -quality self -esteem was not satisfied, tangled, and a joke:

“Wang Chao, do you want me to go up to drink coffee?”

The voice was cold, and with the appearance of the Qingcheng, and in the other way, it was estimated that they couldn’t wait to worship in the palm of my hand.

Wang Chao turned his head, and he couldn’t see any expression on his cold face, but he only said:

“My family has no extra coffee!”

Then, turned away without hesitation.

Xu Ruoxi’s beautiful face blushed for a while, and Wang Chao refused to be merciless.

The car started, and Xu Ruoxi retracted his attention, under his long eyelashes, with strange emotions.

Wang Chao returned to the villa, and had a cup of coffee, put it beside him, and bowed his way:

“Master, after a day of hard work, drink a cup of coffee first, you will have a meal soon!”


The mellow nose is his favorite musk coffee.

Wang Chao nodded lightly and reached out to the coffee cup.

Before I touched the cup, I suddenly made the phone.

Glanced at it, and then picked it up.

“Brother, have you already done it, do you want to come and take a look?”

On the other side of the phone, Wan Haishou’s respectful voice came.

Since Wang Chao rescued him last time, he has settled Wang Chao. He finally had an opportunity to perform, and naturally he would not miss it.

“No, remember, tie the knot real point, and before throwing it down, cut a few more mouths!”

Wang Chao said blandly.

“Brother, rest assured, the dripping water I did this time will never leak, and there will be no problems! When you throw it in a while, I will open a video!”

Wan Haishou’s tone with full confidence.


Wang Chao slowly bent the corner of his mouth.

For those who dare to betray him, it is also an interesting thing to watch the other person dying in extreme panic and despair.

Hanging the phone, suddenly hearing the corner of the villa, two people whispered to talk:

“How is it, did Wang Chao drink?”

“No, I just answered a call, I don’t know which one was beaten!”

“What if he doesn’t drink?”

“Rest assured, the medicine was also prescribed in the meals. As long as he sticks to a little water or food, he will die. What we have to do is to wait for Wang Chao to die!”


Wang Chao glanced at the coffee cup and smelled it carefully. There was indeed something mixed in.

From this perspective, the villa has been inserted by Wang Yue’an.

But they really underestimated him, thinking that he could poison him with poison!

Wang Chao leaned on the sofa, pulled out a cigarette, and slowly on the point.

Waiting for eating.

Soon, the meal was brought up.

“Master, the food is ready, please go for dinner!”

The butler Ma Quan walked to the living room, and Yu Guang glanced at the coffee on the table.

Secretly, this kid did not drink, but fortunately I had prepared!

“Horse Butler, this coffee”

Wang Chao looked at Ma Quan quietly and pointed at the coffee cup.

Ma Quan couldn’t help his body stiff, his whole body was tight.

Did Wang Chao know the truth?

No, absolutely impossible!

After stabilizing his mind, bent down respectfully, and asked:

“Master, is this coffee that doesn’t fit your taste?”

“That’s not, I just think you work in a villa, it is really hard, so this cup of coffee appreciates you!”

Wang Chao suddenly laughed, and his smile was a little sincere.

Ma Quan’s mouth trembled unconsciously, and when he drank this cup of coffee, he would be poisoned immediately!

Cold sweaty, flowing unconsciously:

“I dare not, this is a cup dedicated to the young master. I’m just a subordinate, I’m afraid I am dirty Master’s cup!”

The idea is that I don’t deserve it! I don’t drink!

Wang Chao leaned forward and smiled:

“If you don’t drink, your whole family will follow you, you drink, I will forgive you!”

Ma Quan opened his mouth, his eyes were full of panic, and Wang Chao obviously knew, but how could this be?

He did so hidden, but he knew the methods of the Wang family, and in front of the heirs of the Wang family in front of him.

Take a deep breath, dare not hesitate again, with the determination to die:

“Since the young master asked me to drink, I’ll drink it!”

Get up the cup and drank it with a sip.

A few seconds later, the cup was broken on the ground.

With the crispy sound, Ma Quan fell to the ground, twitched a few times, and it was out of breath.

“It’s really poisonous!”

Wang Chao did not feel sympathetic, carrying his hand, and paced to the restaurant.

“Master, a total of ten dishes prepared for you today! Red wine is equipped with Lafite in 89 years!”

The chef Cai Jiankun said that he poured a glass of red wine for Wang Chao!

He murmured in his heart, Ma Quan was unreliable, and Wang Chao was still alive.

But why did Ma Quan go? Why can’t you come?

“Did I let you pour me wine?”

Wang Chao looked at Cai Jiankun coldly. He just heard it clearly, and all the wine and vegetables were placed with poison.

So this wine must be opened in advance.

Cai Jiankun was stiff, and he had also served Wang Chao before. He remembered that Wang Chao’s favorite was Lafite in 1989.

I also like to prepare everything in advance. How can I suddenly suspect today?

Hurry down and recognize the mistake:

“Master, I am good at my opinion, and I ask the young master to punish it!”

“Give me this wine, I’ll forgive you!”

Wang Chao was sitting on the seat and looked directly at Cai Jiankun.

He wants to treat his body with his own way. If these people want to poison him, let him drink poison wine.

When Cai Jiankun heard this, his head buzzed, and his head was blank.

Looking at Wang Chao’s cold eyes, I thought of a possibility instantly:

Wang Chao already knew the truth.

As soon as you grit your teeth, kneel directly to the ground:

“Master forgiveness, the young master’s life, this wine was made by Master Wang Yue for you …”

Wang Chao was a little speechless, Cai Jiankun was really useless, and this recruited a clean.

But okay, the province’s own interrogation:

“In addition to you and Ma Quan, do you also participate?”

“No, no, Ma Quan said that Wang Yue gave him 20 million, after the incident, he gave him 50 million, and then divided me with me!”

As Cai Jiankun said, he was looking for mercy, and his face was white.

He dare not ask for mercy.

Once Wang Chao was angry, his family would not be able to keep it.

At this moment, he regrets his intestines!

“Drink it, I let go of your family!”

Wang Chao hugged his arms, his tone was very stunned,

Cai Jiankun’s eyes were climbed with blood silk, full of fear.

He knew that the young master would not let him go, but for his family.

Looking up at Wang Chao, he bowed his head and took a head:

“I hope the young man can let my family go!”

Then, got up from the ground, picked up the wine glass, gritted his teeth, and poured all a glass of wine into your mouth.

Just then, a figure came out of the dark!

Holding a silver pistol in his hand, with irony words:

“Wang Chao, you are so cruel, you can force your lower people to drink poison wine!”

Cai Jiankun fell to the ground, spit out blood in his mouth, and looked at the man fiercely:

You came out early …

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