Wang Chao turned his head and looked, seeing a man who was dressed in a servant and a thin face.

He was holding a pistol at him with a gloomy smile on his face.

Just now he found that a lower person took out the gun. Although he couldn’t feel who the man was, he knew that it was definitely Wang Yue’s men.

As a result, it turned out to be Zhou Dong.

Sitting indifferently in the chair, looking at Zhou Dong:

“It looks like you are arranged!”

Zhou Dong was frightened, and I was surprised, why wasn’t Wang Chao afraid at all?

He is not right!

Let’s observe a little.

He was ordered to kill, but he also wanted to keep his life.

Walk to the dining table, pull a chair and sit down:

“Yes, I arrange it, I am curious, how do you know that this wine is poisonous?”

Wang Chao’s lazily answered Zhou Dong’s mentally handicapped question, but he squinted and didn’t speak.

Zhou Dong frowned, and Wang Chao was calm. He felt more uneasy in his heart, and Yu Guang looked around carefully.

Wang Chao looked at all this.

In the original book, Zhou Dong is a very cautious person.

“Don’t watch it, there is no ambush here!”

Zhou Dong has confirmed before, and there will be no outsiders here.

At this moment, I also felt that I thought too much, and smiled coldly:

“Master Wang Yue asked me to bring you a sentence, saying that you are dead, he will burn you more money!”

Wang Chao leaned lazily back, and the whole person looked a little leisurely, and his tone said leisurely:

“Zhou Dong, I give you a chance to live, it depends on whether you want it!”

Zhou Dong seemed to hear a joke, and couldn’t help laughing a few times:

“Hahaha, Wang Chao, Wang Chao, although you are the future heir of the Wang family, but your head is not awake, I have a gun in my hand, you are threatening me, don’t you think it is funny?”

The reason why he dared to assassinate Wang Chao was because Wang Yue was ready.

The monitoring in the villa was cut off, and after killing Wang Chao, someone would come to the top bag.

Their plans can be described as lost.

“You can’t kill me!”

Wang Chao smiled slightly, with a sharp cold in his eyes.

The light, with a strong killing intention, made Zhou Dong opposite the opposite, and was a little afraid.

“Don’t try, how do you know!”

Zhou Dong gritted his teeth and aimed at Wang Chao, and suddenly pressed the trigger.


The bullet is shot at Wang Chao with a star fire, such as lightning!

Zhou Dong is very confident in his own marksmanship. Within ten meters, he reached 100 % of his life. Besides, he is now only a table with Wang Chao.

But next second, he was dumbfounded!

The bullet seemed to turn around, and he wiped Wang Chao’s ears, flew over, and shot into the wall not far away.

“How can this be?!”

Zhou Dong had huge fluctuations in his heart, and his pupils contracted violently.

He was sure that Wang Chao’s head was aimed at Wang Chao, and Wang Chao never moved.

How can the bullet be biased?

Mo said that he was a retired god gunner. Even a person who had never fired a gun, it was impossible to hit such a close distance!

At this moment, the opposite Wang Chao looked at him with a smile!


Zhou Dong scolded in his heart, and then pressed the motorcycles crazy, and hit all the remaining seven rounds of bullets in the gun.

But the next scene, he is about to collapse!

All bullets have just avoided Wang Chao.


Zhou Dong swallowed.

Evil, the evil of his mother is too evil!

Stand up, turn around and escape.

He has only one thought now, escaping here.


However, he just ran a few steps, suddenly hit an object, rebounded back, and fell to the ground.

“Your opportunity is used up!”

Wang Chao had a cigarette, and there was no change in his expression.

Someone who was hit was a bit embarrassed. At this time, he suddenly reacted, probably Wang Chao’s ghost.

He got up from the ground, and he didn’t believe that Wang Chao would let him go.

Now that you ca n’t go, you can fight.

Take out the dagger from the bag and stare at Wang Chao!

Wang Chao shook his head helplessly and raised his hand gently.

The two were silently hit.

Zhou Dong looked at his broken legs in horror, his body was crooked, and he fell to the ground.

A few times, he rolled a few laps on the ground.

The pain finally let him wake up, and turned to kneel on the ground:

“Master, I said, all I know tells you …”

Then, he quickly explained Wang Yue’s power and some arrangements.

“very good!”

Wang Chao nodded and waved!


A substantial gas wave smashed out!

Where the air waves pass, leave a deep pit.

It was only instantly, and Zhou Dong turned into a blood mist.

In the hotel.

Lu Yi sat in the suite and received the news that he had successfully captured Wang Yue. He didn’t have a little happiness on his face, but became even more angry.

There is another message he just found in his hand:

Wang Yue sent Zhou Dong to assassinate Wang Chao again!

This proves even more that Wang Chao said all.

Wang Yue was trying to kill Wang Chao, and he was just a chess piece under Wang Yue’s hand.

He has never been fooled by himself, and he vowed to make Wang Yue crushing the corpse.

At this time, a few knocks came from outside the door.

Lu Yi converged the murderousness in his eyes and opened the door.

Seeing a slightly fat -shaped bald head standing outside the door, his eyes could not help but a little rosy, dumbly:


“Well, I already know the old Lu!”

Bai Qinglan walked in from outside the door, sighed gently, sitting on the sofa aside!

“Master, I have always wanted to understand that Grandpa is already a master of Yuling’s mid -term. How can I be killed by explosives?”

This question has been lingering in Lu Yi’s heart, making him puzzled.

It is said that Grandpa can protect the body with aura at the moment when the explosion is exploded, and it will be seriously injured at most.

“I went to check it. Lao Lu should step on the mines, and he fell to protect the Tianmen, so he did not know the travele!”

Bai Qinglan sighed.

“Tianmen? What Tianmen?”

Lu Yi was puzzled. He only knew that there was something important in Xiaolang Mountain, but he had never heard of Tianmen.

“Xiaoyi, this is my purpose today!”

Bai Qinglan turned her head to look at Lu Yi, and began to talk about the matter of Tianmen!

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