After listening to Bai Qinglan, Lu Yi opened his mouth shocked.

He, Lu Yi.

It turned out to be the son of Shangxian!

There was also a deep hatred of blood.

Come to the earth is just to avoid the enemy’s chase.

To return to his world again, five women must be found, Xu Ruoxi is one of them.

This is also one of the reasons why Grandpa arranged him to marry Xu Ruoxi!

Lu Yi looked at Bai Qinglan, solemnly nodded:

“Master, rest assured, I will definitely avenge Grandpa!”

Hearing the words, Bai Qinglan’s thick eyebrows wrinkled, and scolded:

“Lu Xiuping is your grandfather, but don’t forget, he is still your subordinates. If you delay more important things because of revenge, you may be difficult to increase the upper world in the future!”

Lu Yi naturally understood the meaning of the master, but revenge to Grandpa. He had been stable for ten, and he said:

“The master is relieved. It won’t be long after delaying. My people have grabbed the murderer who killed my grandfather. Besides, my grandfather was so graceful that I could not take revenge for him!”


Bai Qinglan saw that Lu Yi had been arranged properly, and was very satisfied. He took out a map and handed it to Lu Yi. “You are too low now. You are not a way to practice with me. Among this woman, three cultivation is extremely high. You have to improve the cultivation quickly. This is the legendary Zhang Renfeng’s cemetery. There is a great opportunity in it. You have time to see it! ”

Lu Yi took the map and browsed it simply, and knew the trick.

Bai Qinglan was done, got up and walked out, walked to the door, and did not forget to remind:

“Xu Ruoxi helps you greatly, don’t let her fall into the hands of others!”

This sentence made Lu Yi can’t help but kill.

Xu Ruoxi has not been cold or hot recently, and even extremely distrust, and always praises Wang Chao in words.

Groke, coldly: “Wang Chao has to die too!”

Early the next morning, Wang Chao was awakened by the phone.

Holding the anger and touching the mobile phone, it was a video phone called by Wan Haishou.

Wang Chao stretched his waist and opened the video. Wan Haishou’s big face appeared instantly in the video.

“Big Brother, we have arrived in Gonghai, there must be sharks here, you see!”

To put it, turn to the rear camera.

In the picture is Dong Jianzhou, which is tied to a large flower.

At this time, he was barely, and he was scratched with a lot of mouth, and Didi Lala was bloody.

“Brother, do you throw it down now?”

On the other side of the phone, the sound of Wan Haishou again came.

Wang Chao is a little speechless. Your special lady is really idle. After driving all night, just to throw Dong Jianzhou to a place with a shark?


The breath disappeared instantly, nodded with interest:

“Throw it!”

“Okay, brothers, come, send off for Dong Jianzhou!”

Wan Haishou’s voice was highly excited, and then two people appeared in the picture. One person raised his hand and lifted his feet to lift the desperate struggling Dong Jianzhou.

As soon as he used it, he threw it into the sea!


As soon as Wan Haishou entered the sea, countless sharks rushed over!

The blue seawater was dyed red with red blood, swimming along the sea level.

Wang Chao watched it with taste, not to mention, this is the first time he has seen the live broadcast of sharks to eat.

At this moment, one hand hurried in and bent down and whispered a few words.

Hearing that Wang Chao’s face bloomed with a big smile, it was a beautiful day.

Hang up the phone, get up and go out.

In a abandoned factory in the outskirts of Jixiang City.

Wang Yue was tied to an iron pillar that was tied to the factory in a large flower, and his eyes were blinded.

Wang Yue, who was still wearing school uniforms, was caught since yesterday and now.

He is the second son of the second largest family in China. He is noble, and his father is also equipped with two top bodyguards.

How could he be caught by a group of unknown people?

At this moment, he didn’t know where he was, let alone the purpose of catching him.

There is a cloth strip in his mouth, and you can’t ask.

At this time, he heard the sound of opening the door, and then the cloth strip on his eyes was taken down.

He saw a young man wearing a denim jacket and holding a toothpick outside the door.

And the young man always saw where he has seen it.

After thinking for a long time, my eyes widened.

The legendary killer king, Lu Yi!

But why did Lu Yi catch him?

Wang Yue’s head is full of children’s question marks.

They are cooperative relationships.

“Xiaoyi, you are here!”

Tan Shuliang, full of beard and slightly fatter, quickly got up and greeted.

“Tick off the cloth strip, I have something to ask him!”

Lu Yi raised his chin, and his face looked evil.

“Lu Yi, what do you mean? Why catch me?”

Wang Yue was gloomy and asked loudly.

“Why?” Lu Yi raised his eyebrows and said with a smile,

“I ask you, did you make a fake contract for my fiancee?”

Wang Yue was shocked in his heart. Lu Yi would definitely not check the contract. It was Wang Chao told him!

In his impression, Wang Chao was just a dog licking the dog that was fascinated by Xu Ruoxi.

It can be found that the contract is fake.

This can be temporarily put aside, and the trust is still important:

“Yes, I did it, but as soon as Wang Chao died, the fake contract would become a real contract!”

“Is the actual manager of Xinzhouzhou Real Estate in Nanhuan City?” Is it you? ”

Lu Yi continued to ask.

Wang Yue nodded, and he didn’t need to hide it at all.

To cooperate with Lu Yi, we must come up with sincerity.

The opposite was the killer king. If he let him know that he had cheated him in the future, there was no good life.

I don’t understand, he asked what these did.

“Master Wang Yue, I really dare to do it!”

Lu Yi smiled suddenly, but the smile looked creepy.

The little knife in his hand looked at Wang Yue, and his tone became cold. “Seeing my grandpa, remember to tell him, I will definitely fulfill his wish!”

The sharp and cold dagger inserted straight into the heart, fierce and accurate, and even a drop of blood did not flow out, as if it hadn’t responded.

Wang Yue opened his mouth in horror and looked at Lu Yi blankly, but he could not react at all.

The white knife pierced in, and the red knife pulled out.

Wang Yue looked down at the chest of straight blood, but only felt cold, raised his head hard, and asked weakly:

“Why? Why kill me?”

“You know it yourself!”

Lu Yi narrowed his eyes, watching the blood on the dagger, his heart was relieved.

I finally revenge for Grandpa!


Wang Yue had fully understood at this time. Originally, he wanted to use Lu Yi’s hand to kill Wang Chao, but he didn’t know what the means Wang Chao used to pass the death of Grandpa Lu Yi’s death!

With a bitter smile, I just felt that my eyelids were getting heavier and I couldn’t keep up.

Looking at Lu Yi, he opened his mouth and said two words:


Lu Yi frowned and cared for him lazily. Anyway, he would die today, and turned his head to look at Tan Shuliang:

“Uncle Liang, deal with it here!”

After speaking, the meteor walked out.

He is going to find Xu Ruoxi now to explain the matter clearly, and then go to Zhang Renfeng’s cemetery, and he must practice quickly.

Strive to leave the earth as soon as possible.

Tan Shuliang took out the corpse and was ready to wait for Wang Yue to breathe and fell on Wang Yue’s body.

At this time, the sound of the leather shoes on the cement floor suddenly heard that it was not Lu Yi.

He stunned in his heart, quickly pulled out a pistol from his waist, swept around vigilantly, and said coldly:


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