Wang Chao threw the gun aside, raised his mouth, and looked at Wang Yue!

Want to kill him?

Oh, think too much!

Just waved, the rope tied to Wang Yue was broken.

The moment the rope broke, Wang Yueli lost his balance and planted it aside involuntarily.

He was panicked and raised his hand subconsciously to master the balance!

But the arms were interrupted and could not be powerless at all.

I stunned a few steps forward, and finally failed to stand firm and fell to the ground.

Wang Yue’s cold sweat, DC, had a thought in his mind.

Escape, escape from here.

But at this moment, I don’t use my hands with both hands. I was almost exhausted just now, and it was very difficult to get up!

Tightly bite the teeth, endured the pain, and finally stood up difficult.

But before he took a step, he found that Wang Chao stopped him, scared back, and almost fell to the ground again.

“Brother, don’t run around if you are injured, be good!”

Wang Chao said fluttering, kicking on Wang Yue’s body, kicking Wang Yue down.

Wang Yue was lying on the ground, panting, watching Wang Chao in horror, shaking his throat and said:

“Brother, brother, you won’t you really kill me, I am your brother!”

“There are so many nonsense!”

Wang Chao raised his hand, hit a breath, and pressed Wang Yue directly on the ground.

Then, the corpse was dispersed.

In the original book, the corpse can melt the body, and it is only effective for the corpse!

But Wang Chao knows that this thing is an extremely powerful acid, which is also effective for living people, but no one has tried it.

Wang Chao opened the bottle cap and dispersed the corpse on Wang Yue’s leg.

Soon, the legs that were scattered into the corpse began to bubble, but in a moment, it melted into a pool of blood.

At this time, Wang Yue was unable to move by a huge pressure.

He could feel that his legs disappeared slowly, and the painfulness of his heart was overwhelming, making him wished to commit suicide on the spot.

The painful pain is more uncomfortable than death.

He regrets it now, why is he right with Wang Chao and be a leisurely rich second generation. Isn’t he fragrant?

In the future, even if the brother inherits his family business, with his brother’s attitude towards him before, money can be spent casually, and the misfortune can be made casually.

And don’t care about anything!

Why do you want to compete for the position of the heirs?


With this roar, the tears were quietly down.

I don’t know if it’s because it hurts or because I regret too much!

Not far away, Tan Shuliang, who was hanging in one breath, saw this scene, and pulled straight at the corner of his mouth.

He never expected that Wang Chao would be so vicious, but his brother.

Then I thought of a more terrifying question. How would Wang Chao clean himself in a while?

Thinking of this, I was so frightened!

“In the next life, don’t be so stupid!”

Wang Chao was expressionless and poured the corpse on Wang Yue’s other leg.

Wang Yue was suffered from the legs that he disappeared, with a gray face on his face, and the light in his eyes was gone.

After opening his mouth, he didn’t say anything after all.

It was just a crazy convulsion of the whole body, and his lips were bitten by him.

Wang Chao fell all the corpses on Wang Yue without mercy.

A burst of cold winds came from the outside, where Wang Yue lay down, leaving only a pool of blood, and the bloody qi drifted around.

Wang Chao looked at Wang Yue expressionlessly, took out a cigarette, gently dot, and turned to Tan Shuliang as if he was in a tribute!

Tan Shuliang looked at Wang Chao’s approaching, as if he had seen a ghost, his face was bloody, and he couldn’t help shaking.

He felt more and more, Wang Chao was a devil, with the absolute strength of killing him, but he did not kill him directly.

Save a person who will die, and finally use the corpse to scatter it, letting himself look at himself!

Now there are only two words in his mind:


Too terrifying his mother.

Wang Chao took out a back to Chun Dan and shook it in front of Tan Shuliang:

“Old man, do you want one?”

“No, no, no, just please give me a happy!”

Tan Shuliang did his best to squeeze out these words and eat back Chun Dan. It is better to die directly!


Wang Chao put back to Chun Dan and did not get a hurry, but turned his head with interest to look at the door.

At this point, a man with a toothpick hurried in from the outside.

He originally wanted to go directly to Xu Ruoxi, but he inexplicably had an uneasy emotion, and he returned back. He wanted to watch Wang Yue die with his own eyes.

But as soon as he came in, what he saw was Tan Shuliang, who was all full of blood.

And Wang Chao stood in front of Tan Shuliang and smoked leisurely.

Suddenly a little annoyed, spit the toothpick on the ground, and rushed over a few steps:

“Wang Chao!”

Wang Chao played the gray ash and looked at Lu Yi slightly, without opening.

“Why do you hit my person seriously?”

Lu Yi asked coldly.


Wang Chao sneered, smoked a cigarette, and threw the cigarette butt on the ground.

As soon as he raised his hand, he caught the pistol not far away, and then threw it beside Lu Yi.

Lu Yi was a smart person. When he saw a pistol, he guessed that Tan Shuliang wanted to kill Wang Chao, so he anger Wang Chao.

He is not Wang Chao’s opponent, so he dare not act lightly, but he will never watch his death!

Take out a toothpick and hold it in your mouth:

“He is my men, see me to help you get rid of Wang Yue’s portrayal, let him go!”

“Do you think that’s possible?”

Wang Chao asked with a smile, stepping on Tan Shuliang’s body.

Tan Shuliang spit out a bite of blood, his eyelids turned straight, as if he was about to die.


Lu Yi stunned in his heart, Tan Shuliang was his most powerful men.

We must do my best to keep it, and look up at the full -fleda face, “You can open a condition, how can you change his life!”


Wang Chao smiled at the corner of his mouth, but he was extremely ironic.

“you dare!”

After all, Lu Yi is the king of the killer. Even if it is not Wang Chao’s opponent, he is by no means a counseling.

The air pressure in the early days of the Royal Lingjing was completely released, all of which were pressed to Wang Chao.

“Not self -raising!”

Wang Chao sneered with disdain and stepped on hard!


Tan Shuliang’s whole body was stepped on a meat cake, and the dead could no longer die!

“you wanna die!”

Lu Yi was shocked and annoyed, and he lost his mind for a while.

Leaping into Wang Chao.

Wang Chao did not look at Lu Yi at all, and waved with a magnificent force.

With a bang, Lu Yi flew out.


The protagonist was extremely angry.

The protagonist gas transport value -500, the remaining gas transport value 7700

The host villain value +500, the villain can be worth 3800


The host shocked the protagonist.

Solding value +5

The host shocked Tan Shuliang.

Solding value +1

The host shocked Wang Yue.

Solding value +3

Total energy value 30

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