A piece of dust raised, Lu Yi fell heavily on the ground and ate a bite.

Some embarrassedly got up from the ground, glared at Wang Chao, and dumped his hair:

“You wait for me!”

Then, running like running away.

Wang Chao was blame, just sneered.

In the original book, the protagonist is the setting of the running, but the protagonist’s aura is too strong, and he has never eaten a defeat.

Looking at the remaining Hui Chundan in his hand, he suddenly thought of another kind of elixir, mixed with Yuan Dan.

Mixed Yuandan can change the constitution of mortals.

“That’s it, then find the most powerful harem in Lu Yi!”

Wang Chao thought of here, and walked out of the factory slowly.

“Master, go back to the villa, or go to the company?”

The new driver who had just transferred from the company, some cramped standing in front of Rolls -Royce, asking Wang Chao’s door while asking Wang Chao, asking.

“Go to the airport!”

Wang Chao took into the car.

He is now going to take a private jet to go to the North City.


The driver responded, the car galloped, and went straight to the airport!

After Lu Yi escaped, the more he wanted to get angry, but fortunately he ran fast, otherwise he was shot by Wang Chao!

Fortunately, I reported to Grandpa, and my mood eased a lot.

I plan to leave more than a dozen top killers and protect Xu Ruoxi closely.

Driving to Xu Ruoxi’s company, he was told that Xu Ruoxi went to the Oasis Branch to sign the contract.

Sitting on the sofa with Erlang’s leg, holding a toothpick, ready to wait for Xu Ruoxi to come back!

I had thought about a set of rhetoric for a long time, and it can be said that Xu Ruoxi was moved.

This sitting is one morning.

When I saw lunch, Xu Ruoxi returned.

A little anxious, stood up, walked to the door, and saw Yang Lian, the deputy manager of Xiangxiang Group.

Leaning at the door frame, smiling:

“Beauty please stay!”

Yang Lian just received a notice that the company’s shares changed, and Xu Ruoxi, who had the most shares, now became the second largest shareholder.

This is not a trivial matter, so that she has a lot of work to do.

It was really busy.

Seeing Lu Yi laughed, he was annoyed without any heart.

The president told her that the company’s reaching the point of today was caused by Lu Yi.

Stop the steps and look at Lu Yi coldly:

“What’s up?”

Lu Yi changed the toothpick on his mouth, and his face was still smiling, but he was a little confused.

In the past, she often greeted Yang Lian with a hippie smile, and she had never been so indifferent.

However, in the face of her is a woman, there are always a few days of special, and forgive her.

“Beauty, haven’t your president back yet?”

“Behind you is the president’s office, the president is not back, you won’t see it yourself!”

Yang Lian said angrily and leaving his feet.

“I’m not just watching it, people don’t ask you!”

Lu Yi blinked, his tone was particularly light

“Lu Yi, I don’t welcome you here!”

The cold voice came, and Lu Yi and Yang Lian turned their heads and looked at it. Seeing that Xu Ruoxi came out of the elevator.

Xu Ruoxi had heard the conversation between Lu Yi and Yang Lian, and became more disgusted with Lu Yi.

“Wife, you finally come back!”

Seeing Xu Ruoxi, Lu Yi took the toothpick in his hand, and the hippie face greeted!

“Lu Yi, please don’t shout, our marriage contract has been canceled! You have been fired by me. From now on, you are no longer my bodyguard. Go to financial settlement for your salary. Don’t come here in the future! ”

Xu Ruoxi is cold and frost, and she is now going to clear the relationship with Lu Yi.

What’s more, the company has actually belonged to Wang Chao, and all this is harmful to Lu Yi!

Lu Yi thought that Xu Ruoxi was joking, and the wedding period was set. He had to do anything, so he had to dismiss the marriage contract?

Put up the smile on his face and ask seriously:

“Wife, this joke is not fun at all!”

“No one is kidding you!”

Xu Ruoxi looked at the anger of Lu Yi’s face, a little irritable.

After hearing the words, Lu Yi had no reason to feel excited, and instantly felt that Wang Chao must say something badly behind him.

But he has never done something to be sorry for Xu Ruoxi.

Rarely rising, a serious manner:

“Give me a reason!”

“Reason? Because of you, I lost the company’s control, is this not enough?”

Xu Ruoxi did not want to tear her face. As long as Lu Yizhi left, she didn’t want to investigate the rest.

“Company’s control?”

Lu Yi froze for a moment, and soon guessed what was going on.

Isn’t it just a small company!

After killing Wang Chao, use some means, and the company is back!

Take a deep breath:

“Don’t worry, your company and oasis, I will buy it to you!”

Xu Ruoxi’s trust in Lu Yi is almost gone, and wherever he believes in his words.

Pointing at the door, cold voice:

“No need, you’d better leave quickly, otherwise, my name is a security guard!”

Lu Yi remained calm, and was indeed extremely angry. It must be Wang Chao, must be!

If Xu Ruoxi is not a pure water constitution, Xiao Ye will not wait for you.

But for the sake of blood, you still have to endure.

Thinking for a moment, I can only use what she has rescued before saying things:

“Wife, have you forgotten, I have saved your life, even if you don’t like me, don’t you have to be so decisive?”

When Xu Ruoxi heard Lu Yi raising her to save her, she had a cold face, and she was instantly irony. The anger in her eyes was substantial:

“Lu Yi, I was originally thinking about my father who has known each other with your grandpa for many years. I don’t want to hold your responsibility. You have tied someone and rescued me again. Do you think I am a fool?”

Lu Yi stared at Xu Ruoxi inexplicably, what are you talking about?

What I kidnapped you and rescued you again. What do I kidnap you?

When Xu Ruoxi saw Lu Yi slightly stunned, he thought he was said to himself, and asked again:

“I know you won’t admit it, but you explain to me, where are the robbers at the beginning?”


Lu Yi’s mouth twitched madly that he was afraid of scaring Xu Ruoxi at the time, so he secretly killed those people, but how can this explain?

Now tell Xu Ruoxi that she won’t believe it.

It looks like Wang Chao is doing it!

“Why, is there nothing to say?”

When Xu Ruoxi saw Lu Yi spoke, he held his fist tightly, “You go away, don’t force me to call the police!”

“Okay, I’m gone, but Xu Ruoxi, when you know the truth, you will regret it!”

Lu Yi inserted his pocket with both hands and turned helplessly to leave.

He has to vomit blood in anger, and he is really injustice than Dou E.

But there is no evidence now, and the company’s current situation does have something to do with him.

He can only place this side temporarily, wait for the baby in Zhang Renfeng’s cemetery, kill Wang Chao, and then explain it!

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