垚 垚 垚!

The plane landed at the airport, and Wang Chao came out of the airport alone.

As soon as I came out, I saw a middle -aged man with a national character face greeted.

His eyes were somewhat contempt, and his tone was even more polite:

“Are you Wang Chao?”

When the Han family heard that she was going to Laobei City, Han Qingyang, who was in charge of secular things in the tribe, came to welcome.

The Han family is one of the few domestic people who know how to cultivate.

So they look down on people who practice qigong, and they are even more than a worldly mortal.

If it wasn’t for the owner, it was said that their Han family was still inseparable from the world.

Be guilty of their visits!

Facing the arrogant attitude of the other party, Wang Chao frowned unhappy.

The Wang family and the Han family have financial exchanges, so he came here and greeted in advance.

“The way of your Han family’s hospitality is really surprising!”

Wang Chao stopped in place, with a sharp cold light in his eyes, and looked at the short middle -aged man in front of him.

As long as the other party dares to have a disrespect, he will teach him to be a person today!

“Oh, Wang Chao, you are just a mortal, I tell you, I am the stronger of the later period of refining.

Before the words were finished, Han Qingyang suddenly felt that an invisible force smashed from the sky.

The legs were suddenly soft, with a bang, kneeling on the ground!


And his kneeling seemed to be trembling as if the entire airport was!

Han Qingyang couldn’t help groaning, paralyzed on the ground, and the painful cold sweat flowing through the body immediately.

His legs were abolished!

Looking around, I don’t know who moved.

This is Laobei, who dares to be so bold!

Wang Chao stepped forward slowly, looking at Han Qingyang, holding his knees on the ground lightly:

“You are not in the late period of refining, you are now the peak of the wheelchair!”

After speaking, I raised one foot and flew out Han Qingyang directly.

Han Qingyang crossed a perfect arc in the air, and it fell into a trash can outside the airport.

The moment he flew in the air, he finally understood that it was Wang Chao who was abolished just now!

But how is this possible?

Wang Chao is a child who is less than 20 years old and can easily abolish him?

Wang Chao watched Han Qingyang planting into the trash can, so he took out his mobile phone and dialed the Han family owner Han Yingze.

Soon, there was an elderly but majestic voice from the phone:

“Xiao Chao, are you here?”

“Grandpa Han, the person you sent is not polite to me, was abolished by me, and sent someone to pick me up again!”

Without waiting for the opposite response, Wang Chao hung up the phone directly.

Click a cigarette, standing outside the airport and waiting.

Han Yingze looked at the hung call, and his eyes were a little angry, and he dared to abolish the Han family.

Really finding death!

Turning his head and shouting outside:

“Xiao Liu!”


Xiao Liu’s name is Han Liu, who was not from the Han family, but because of his talents, he was seen by the Han family owner and renamed Han Liu!

“Go to the airport to pick up someone and get it back after abolishing him!”

Han Yingze ordered a sound with full coldness.

He was very assured of Han Liu, Han Liu had reached the early stage of the Royal Linglian situation.

Throughout the Han family, only himself and granddaughter Han Bing who could hit him.


Han Liu responded, with a proud expression, and the corner of his mouth could not be checked slightly.

A smoke was exhausted, and Wang Chao glanced at the time.

Ten minutes have passed, Han Qingyang was rescued by the hospital, and no one in the Han family came to pick him up.

At this moment, he saw a roar of a supercar of Xun Shini, galloping from the distance, and went straight to Wang Chao.

Wang Chao smiled at the corner of his mouth, holding his arms quite freely, as if he could not see the car rushing towards him.


A drifting, a super run to wipe Wang Chao’s tip of the shoe, stopped!

Then, a handsome teenager who was about the same age as his age was dressed in a white robe!

He looked at Wang Chao deeply, but he admired a little bit.

In another way, it must be scared away just now, and Wang Chao didn’t even move.

However, maybe it was scared and did not respond.

I picked my eyebrows and my tone was very cold:

“Wang Chao, don’t scare you!”

Wang Chao narrowed his eyes, he knew who came.

In the original book, there is a man who likes sports cars in the Han family named Han Liu.

It was also a villain character. Later, due to offending the protagonist Lu Yi, he was abandoned and repaired.

Thinking is the one in front of me.

He wants to give himself a horse!


Hehe laughed:

“It’s really scared!”

After that, I raised my hand and hit a sports car with a punch!

A black air flow appeared in an instant above the sports car.


The handsome Xie Shini sports car was instantly smashed into fragments, deeply inlaid on the road!

Han Liu couldn’t help shaking.

Although this car is not his most expensive sports car, it is his favorite sports car.

It was smashed by a mortal.

He treated this car as a daughter -in -law, which is equivalent to killing his daughter -in -law!

The breath of the emperor’s realm burst out instantly, and the strong breath was like a flood beast, which was afraid.



Kill directly to Wang Chao!

Wang Chao stood in place and didn’t move. When Han Liu rushed up, he raised his hand gently.

Suppress Han Liu in front of him.

Han Liu was scheduled to be in place and couldn’t move in half.

Before I wanted to understand what was going on, I saw a strong breath that made him scared from Wang Chao’s fingers.

He opened his eyes in horror. At that moment, he had felt the advent of death!

But he didn’t understand why it was Wang Chao!

He was just a rich second generation of Yanjing, not to mention he was a mortal, how could he have such a strong breath!


The group of gases exploded in the willow.

Yang Liu was paralyzed, like mud, paralyzed on the ground.

The other positions are okay, but Dantian, abolished!

The biggest difference between practitioners and qigong practitioners is to have a real Dantian.

Once Dantian was abolished, even ordinary people were not as good.

He is one of the best disciples of the Han family, and is almost one person, above 10,000 people.

But Dantian was broken.

In this way, he will be expelled from the Han family!

“Don’t worry, you are dead!”

Wang Chaoyou said, since the Korean family dared to be so arrogant, let them know that he could not provoke!

Raising his hand to make a breath and turned into an invisible rope, tied to Han Liu’s feet, holding his head.

Slowly walking along the road to the Han family.

At the same time, Lu Yi brought five men to the entrance of Zhang Renfeng’s cemetery, holding a toothpick in his mouth, to everyone:

“Everyone follows me, this is the cemetery of the immortal!”

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