After Lu Yi swallowed ‘Yin Nian Yishou Dan’, his body felt a little bit lost.

It was a little stronger, but this point can almost ignore it.

In the elixir, there was no trace of aura.

In addition, his stomach is uncomfortable now, and he wants to go to the toilet!

I am!

be cheated!

Lu Yi changed his face and jumped from the chair.

10 billion!

Buy such a junk thing in 10 billion?

He is now in the early days of Yu Ling, and this ‘extended Yishou Dan’ is useless to him!

“Sir, what’s the matter with you?”

Before the staff went far, saw Lu Yi jumped suddenly, and hurried forward to ask.

Lu Yi’s face was irony, angry, his stomach was even more uncomfortable, his hands were covered with his stomach, and his eyes seemed to spray fire:

“Your Dan Yao”

The staff thought that Lu Yi felt that there was a problem with the elixir, and hurriedly said:

“Sir, if you feel that there is a problem with the elixir of the elixir, you can go to the most authoritative hospital, or find the most authoritative Qigong master to verify that the elixir is definitely the real product, pay a hundred fakes!”

Lu Yi bite his teeth, and the later words swallowed.

This elixir is the kind of elixir for strong body and fitness. For ordinary people, if you are in good health, it is not just a long life!

But in this elixir, there is definitely a laxative.

What is depressed is that now it is said, no one can believe it!

“Hey, you said that this ‘extended Yishou Dan’ can take it for the elderly. How can this young young take it? Is it life?”

“Hush, at the beginning, I thought the young man bought him for his elders, and looked away! Look at it!”

Everyone also discussed at this time.

Puff ~

A turbid gas came from behind Lu Yi with a sound of the sky. There was a hint of embarrassment on the original Tieqing’s face.

Swing your hand:

“It’s okay!”

Turning around with a gloomy face, he ran to the toilet, running, rang behind him, as if setting off firecrackers!

The people around him quickly covered his nose!

Because Lu Yi’s posture was too funny, some people couldn’t help laughing, and then everyone laughed immediately, and the entire venue was full of joy. Essence

At this moment, Lu Yi really wanted to find a ground sewing into.

When I ran to the toilet, I squatted for half an hour, so I felt a little better!

Return to the seat again, and I heard the auctioneer uploaded on the stage:

“The auction below is a thousand -year -old ginseng!”

The auctioneer said that it opened a beautiful box and viewed everyone.

“Wow, the quality of ginseng this millennium is great. This plant is afraid that it will not be able to buy it!”

“10 million? You dreamed of it. I am afraid that I ca n’t take it in five hundred years. This product is so good, I am afraid that it will start 30 million!”

“My grandpa is married, this millennium ginseng just bought it to send my grandpa!”


Everyone made her head and wanted to win this ginseng.

Without waiting for their discussion, the auctioneer opened the second thousand -year -old ginseng box, and then opened the third one.

Looking at it, each plant is the best.

“What does this mean, how do you suddenly three plants?”

Everyone was puzzled at the beginning. People auctions were auctioned one by one. Why are you still three plants together?

The same is the same as selling radishes in the vegetable market!

“Everyone, the three thousand -year -old ginseng was shot by the same seller. He asked the three plants to be sold together.

Facing the doubts of everyone, the auctioner explained with a smile.

“Ten million!”

Most people think that the thousand -year -old ginseng of this kind of product is afraid of at least 100 million, and the starting price of these five million starting price is similar to Bai Da.

“Fifty million!”

“5 million million!”

“52 million …”

The price of three thousand years of ginseng began to rise.

The rich did not grab the extension of Yishou Dan, grabbing thousands of years of ginseng, should also make up for it, and can extend some life expectancy!

At this time, Lu Yi looked at the three thousand -year ginseng with his face.

Heart said that since the elixir is useless, you should take three ginseng, and you should have a lot of aura.

What he needs is aura.

After seeing a person put down the sign, immediately lift the card and say it slowly:

“100 million!”

His words just fell, and all his eyes looked at him.

Start discussing again in an instant:

“This boy seems to be sick, and you can’t let him live to the old man?”

“It looks like you look at his sister -in -law, always holding a toothpick, your brain must be difficult!”

“Well, I don’t know where the crazy boy came from, he was also qualified to participate in the auction with us!”


Li Zhengdao also participated in the auction of ginseng. He heard Lu Yi shouting 100 million, turned his head a little annoyed and glanced at him, slowly:

“150 million!”

“Two billion!”

Lu Yi is bound to get the three ginseng.

Compared to Naiden, the three real thousand -year -old ginseng is more valuable.

“Lady, you are not old, you have already eaten a prolonged Yishou Dan, or you will give me ginseng to me who will die!”

Li Zhengdao couldn’t help opening.

“Sorry, I am useful for this ginseng!”

Lu Yi shrugged, who you are, this thing, I want to make it!

“300 million!”

Li Shidao is also a person with temper. If you do n’t listen to it, it depends on who!

“300 million!”

Lu Yi was a little bit bottomed out. After all, there were less than 500 million in his hands. If you really fight, he may not be able to fight Li Zhengdao.

“400 million!”

Li Zhengdao shouted again.

“450 million!”

Lu Yi gritted his teeth. If the other party went to 500 million, he was afraid he couldn’t stand it!

Although the thousand -year -old ginseng is very valuable, one o’clock is 1.5 billion, which is indeed a bit extravagant for them. You take out 100 million and buy five 500 years, which is not much different.

With the sign of the lower brand, Lu Yi smiled on his face, but his heart was a little nervous.

Seeing that Li Zhengdao opened slowly, his heart had to jump to his throat.

With the urine just now, Li Zhengdao opened his mouth, and it must be 500 million. He doesn’t have so much money now!

“46 million …”

Li Zhengdao’s voice came slowly!

kindness? what happened?

Lu Yi froze a bit, a little puzzled.

The people around melon are also a little disappointed. Why suddenly increased only 10 million, this is unscientific!

“470 million!”

Lu Yi held his fist. This was all his home, and the last fight!

After shouting the price, I looked at Li Zhengdao provocatively, as if to say, come, I have money.

Li Zhengdao opened his eyes and looked at Lu Yi, and suddenly he smiled through the corner of his mouth.

The little smile disappeared and disappeared without a trace, as if it had never happened at all, and a faint sentence:

“It seems that the little brother is worse than me. That’s the case, I will let you …”

“Let me?”

As the king of the killer, Lu Yi is also a master of Yu Ling’s realm. He naturally captures the bad smile on Li Zhengdao’s face.

Hearing this again, there is always a feeling of being deceived.

“Yes, I guess the old man can live for four or five years. You are so anxious, I’m afraid this year! I wish you good luck!”

Li Zhengdao said, turning his head, no longer watching Lu Yi!

“Congratulations to this gentleman, get three thousand -year ginseng with 4.7 billion!”

The auctioneer made a noise.

Then the staff sent the three ginseng to Lu Yi’s table.

Lu Yi took the ginseng very excitedly.

I opened the first box and glanced, dumbfounded!

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