When Lu Yi received the box, he only felt something wrong.

If the three thousand -year -old ginseng has aura, how could he feel that he could not feel it.

Hurry up and open one of them.

This is indeed a thousand -year -old ginseng, but there is no aura.

“how so?”

Lu Yi couldn’t figure out that Grandpa once told him that the normal herbal medicine could live for five hundred years, and it has become fine.

Most of them exist in aura. If there is no aura, it is high life.

But as long as the five hundred side, whether it is medicine, or human, or animals, except Wang Ba, there will be aura in the body.

But these three ginseng are all thousands of years. Why are there no aura?

This unscientific!

When I was dumbfounded, I suddenly saw a black stone moved to the table.

There is a golden rune engraved on the stone.

“This is……”

Lu Yi couldn’t help but open his mouth, his eyes stared out.


The master said that Tianmen is a stone with runes, and Grandpa Lu Xiuping placed Tianmen on Xiaolang Mountain.

And Tianmen, indestructible, unusual gunpowder, even the missiles bombarded it.

Therefore, he and the master concluded that Tianmen must be taken away.

The first to be Wang Yue was Wang Yue.

But after seeing it for so long, there was no clue of Tianmen. I thought it was a guessing error.

At this time, Tianmen appeared in the auction!

He clenched his fist with excitement, he had to win this stone.

I was about to grin, and suddenly I thought his money was finished!


Lu Yi came up with such a thought.

But he took this idea very much. Essence

Decide to watch the show temporarily, as long as you know where Tianmen is, when you use it, go to ‘borrow’ and you can.

No need to spend money!

“This stone is a meteorite, with pure natural runes on it. The seller said that this is the heaven stone, which can only be used once. After opening, the stone will be broken, and the user can go to the heavenly court. Become an immortal, it will be immortal! ”

Talking from the auctionist, there seemed to be a solemn look on his face.

If it is ordinary, no one will believe it.

Isn’t this a pulling calf, not to mention whether this is true. If there is such a good thing, can the seller use it yourself?

Is it really worth nostalgic in the world?

Be attractive than longevity?

But this situation, somehow, most people believe it.

“The starting price of Lu Shi on this day is 5 billion, and the price will not be less than 100 million!”


As soon as the price came out, the entire auction would take a breath.

The starting price of 5 billion?

There must be no less than 100 million yuan each time?

Are you robbery?

People over 90 %, although they believe that the stone is true, but powerless, the starting price is too high.

They sold them, and they couldn’t afford them.

Can only sigh.

At the same time, I am curious, who will eventually spend this day!

“5.1 billion!”

When everyone was curious, Li Zhengdao said again!

“M, it’s good to have money!”

“Is it possible to recognize Dad now?”

“It’s enough, it’s enough, this day, there is no one can compete!”

Everyone exclaimed first, and then discussed.

That’s right, just jealousy!

Lu Yiyang raised the corner of his mouth, and said that Li Zhengdao was a good person. Don’t grab him.

At that time, I went to his house and stole Lu Shi.

The next second, he shook the whole person, and he heard a familiar voice sounding:

“5.5 billion!”

Looking at the voice with a shock, seeing the corner, a man wearing a peaked hat gently raised the brand and shouted loudly.


Lu Yi recognized that this person was Bai Qinglan, and he did not expect that the master would come.

But when is the master so rich?

The voice was too abrupt, Li Zhengdao also turned his head to look at the peaked cap, snorted, and shouted without hesitation:

“6 billion!”

“Sixty -six billion!”

Bai Qinglan’s eyes shouted without blinking!

Li Zhengdao’s dry hand pressed on the chair, his eyes were ruthless:

“9 billion!”

“Ten billion!”

Bai Qinglan lifted the hat up, and it was still light and light!

Li Zhengdao looked at Bai Qinglan fiercely. He didn’t speak for a long time, and turned his head, as if he had given up.

The rest of the rich started to whisper:

“Hey, the richest man in Xiangcheng, the richest man in the past is not enough.”

“No way, now the financial power is all in his son, he can have more than 9 billion in his hands, it is already very powerful!”

“Who is the person wearing a peaked cap? Why haven’t I seen such a rich man?”

“I don’t know, I will have a good job for a while!”


“1 billion for the first time!”

The auctioner shouted loudly.

As soon as his voice came out, the entire auction venue was quiet.

Everyone still looks forward to who jumps out and lift the price again, after all, it is Tianlu Shi.

“One hundred billion second!”

The auctionist looked at the crowd under the stage.

“No, no accident!”

Someone was a little disappointed.

However, when the auctioner was about to sag, suddenly Li Zhengdao raised his hand again:

“11 billion!”

Bai Qinglan:? Intersection Intersection

Aren’t you having no money? Why suddenly increase the price?

Everyone: Good, worthy of being the richest man in the past!

“One hundred and twenty billion!”

Bai Qinglan knows the importance of Tianmen and must not have any accidents.

With the Tianmen, he can rise with his apprentices, and naturally, at all costs!

“200 billion!”

Suddenly Li Zhengdao seemed to have made a fortune and added to 200 billion yuan.

When everyone heard the price, the blood of the whole body felt that the blood was boiling.

200 billion cash, just these money alone, for fear of being in the country, it is considered a top batch.

Bai Qinglan is tight, with an extremely ominous premonition.

Where did Li Zhengdao come from so much money? Is his son here too?

I saw Li Zhengdao turn over with a smile:

“Little brother, I just mobilized 30 billion cash. Now we bid two bids. I have more than 39 billion cash. If you can surpass this number, you can add it, if you can’t, please ask the brother not to follow up. I grab! ”

Hearing the words, Bai Qinglan tightly frowned, 39 billion?

His assets are just 4 billion, the old man is not right!

But how can he bear it!

Tianmen is so important!

Since the other party said that, it is called to the highest price, and a ruthless heart:

“4 billion!”

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