
4 billion!

The entire auction room is collectively boiling!

This 4 billion is not your net worth, but 4 billion in cash flow.

Not to mention that throughout the country, private enterprises, more than 40 billion yuan is considered a large company.

Those who can take out 40 billion cash at a time are afraid that only the Yanjing King’s family, the Li family of Xiangcheng Li family.

Who is this peaked cap?

There are so much money?

Although Bai Qinglan felt a bit impulsive, he did not regret it.

Even if he has more money, he can’t become a fairy road.

Besides, if he wants to cultivate immortals, he must go to another world. That is not what money can be measured!

After shouting the price, a light and cloudy look, glance at Li Zhengdao lightly.

Li Zhengdao frowned and sighed for a long time, without talking.

Then he turned his head quickly, and the corner of his mouth passed a cunning smile.

In my heart, the price lift is very successful. Should I buy ‘Yannian Yishou Dan’?


I hope the nobleman can give up one or two.

“Congratulations to this gentleman, take a picture of Tianlu Shi at a price of 40 billion!”

The auctioner’s expression was excited, and he announced loudly.

He has been a auctioner for almost two decades, and he has participated a lot at the top, but today he continuously refreshed his highest transaction price.

After the auction, you can go to blow waves!

After a warm discussion, everyone was quickly attracted by new auction products!

Lu Yi ran quietly to Bai Qinglan’s seat:


“Sit, just discuss something with you!”

Bai Qinglan pointed at her side.

“Master, to open Tianmen, a woman who needs five pure five -element constitution, others may not know!”

Lu Yi’s voice was extremely low, and some did not understand why the master had to shoot.

“Don’t be afraid of 10,000, just in case!”

Bai Qinglan also lowered his voice, attached to Lu Yi’s ears, and whispered a few words.


Lu Yi stared at Bai Qinglan, and his eyes were golden.

If the master really found five girls with pure five elements, Xu Ruoxi would not do it.

Bai Qinglan nodded his head heavy, and lowered his voice:

“We must be fast, we must get those five girls before Wang Chao!”

“Well, fortunately Wang Chao does not know the existence of Tianmen, otherwise, I’m afraid of him …”

Lu Yiren, he didn’t know why he suddenly mentioned Wang Chao’s name.

What is even more terrible is that he has a ridiculous idea.

This auction was held by Wang Chao.

But soon denied this idea.


Bai Qinglan looked at Lu Yi strangely.

“Nothing, let’s go now or wait?”

Lu Yi now has no money in his pocket, and he really doesn’t want to stay here.

“Take a look, see what else else, if so, we can win it!”

Bai Qinglan moved his eyes to the stage again.

Lu Yi opened his mouth, and the master was really rich!

In the box on the second floor.

“Master, everything is done according to your plan! But …”

Han Bing suddenly hesitated and didn’t know if he should continue to say.

“Say something!”

Wang Chao leaned on the sofa and drank coffee comfortably.

In the later preparations, the wealthy people also liked them very much. They can’t let people take a trip.

“Bai Qinglan is the top master in China. In case he finds that the stone is you …”

Although Han Bing knew that Wang Chao was very powerful, the white blue and blue were not weak, not to mention, Lu Yi was the king of killer.

If these two people know that they were played by Wang Chao, God knew what they would do, crazy move!

“Say, in case Bai Qinglan knows that that thing is fake, what should I do if I want to retaliate?”

Wang Chao put down the coffee, his face was dignified, and he paused a little bit, and smiled, “Then kill him, anyway, he is also a damn person!”

Han Bing:.

I can’t beat it …

But now that the young master explained, he still stabbed his scalp and said, “Yes, I will work hard to complete the task given to the young master!”

Wang Chao raised his eyes:

“You go to death! Find a reliable person to stare at him, I will do it myself!”

“Yes, Master!”

Han Bing lowered his head respectfully.


There were a few knocks outside the door.

Han Bing walked over, opened the door, nodded his head to the coming person, and turned:

“Master, Lao Li!”

“Wang Shao!”

Li Zhengdao was sitting on the seat. Anyway, he was not interested in the rest of the thing, but he might as well see Wang Shao.

Earlier, let’s get ‘Yin Nian Yishou Dan’!

“sit down!”

Wang Chao pointed his finger at the sofa next to him!

“Thank you Wang Shao!”

After Li Zhengdao sat down, he said directly, “Wang Shao, you see, the task you handed over to me has been completed, is it possible to …”

Speaking, rubbing his hands with excitement, it was ten years of life.


Wang Chao took out a prolonged Yishou Dan and directly threw it to Li Zhengdao, “You can eat it now, see the effect!”

Li Zhengdao didn’t know what Wang Chao meant. Don’t this start the price first?

What should he do if he takes the price?

Hesitated, and laughed with a face:

“That Wang Shao, how much is this elixir?”

“Just leave your money!”

Wang Chao reappeared the coffee cup expressionlessly. He didn’t want to miss the opportunity to make money. Of course, this elixir was worth the price!

Li Zhengdao’s mouth trembled. He came here and naturally brought enough money, but he took 50 billion yuan in his hand.

Wang Chao was pitting him. I knew it a long time ago, so I won the one at the auction 200 billion!

His face was a little ugly, but he had no way.

The bank card brought by me was delivered to Han Bing next to it: “This is all the money I brought, there are 5 billion!”

Speaking, I swallowed ‘Yin Nian Yishou Dan’!

As soon as I swallowed it, I felt that a warmth was spread all over the body, and then he felt that the whole body was changing significantly!

Originally, the organs had been exhausted. At this time, it seemed to be injected with fresh blood, which became extremely energetic!

And his skin is beginning to change at the speed of visible to the naked eye.

Within a few minutes, the folds on the face disappeared.

If you have never seen him, he will never think that he is in his ninety -year -old age, but he is like a 50 or 60 -year -old!

Feeling all the changes, he suddenly felt the 50 billion yuan.

Even if Han Bing heard such a magical elixir, he still opened his mouth in surprise.

“Li Lao, don’t feel that you are not worth the 50 billion spent, as long as you don’t get a car accident or be assassinated, you can live for 50 years!”

Watching his amazing changes, Wang Chao suddenly said.

“But this extension of Shou Dan can only extend the life expectancy of ten years?”

Listening to him said so, Li Zhengdao couldn’t help but be surprised.

“The one sold at the auction can indeed only extend the life expectancy of ten years, but the one I give you is the real extended Yishou Dan!”

Wang Chao’s cold face suddenly smiled, making people elusive!

“Thank you Wang Shao, I thank Wang Shao!”

In the case of the auction, Li Zhengdao all understood all in an instant.

Now he thinks that 50 billion spends are too valuable!

“Go, let Lu Yi take a good look!”

Wang Chao waved his hand, and a smirk appeared at the corner of his mouth, adding, “I will go to the auction in person for a while!”

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