With the instinct of the killer, Lu Yi felt a strong sense of crisis.

Looking up subconsciously, looking at the tall buildings not far away.

A high -rise platform, a man wearing a black sportswear and a black hood, holding a sniper rifle in his hand and aiming at this side.

The goal of sniper is Cheng Jun!

Before he came, there was a feeling of Cheng Shuai who was going to happen.

I thought it would be Wang Chao directly. I never thought that the other party had used sniper!

The cold bullets fired on the face.

At the moment, Lu Yi drank:

“Fat brother lying down!”

Cheng Shuai was about to drive the door, and he couldn’t help but hear Lu Yi’s words.

It was this one time that the bullet came from a distance.


In the middle of the mind.

After half a second, there was a doubt in his eyes and died on the ground!

“Fat Brother! Fat brother!”

Lu Yi was trembling. When he saw the tall building again, the man in black beckoned him and said two words in his mouth type, as if saying: Thank you!

Then, turned around and disappeared on the top of the building.

The screams were around, everyone fled wildly, and some people hid in the dark and started calling the police.


Lu Yi hurriedly jumped out of the car and came to Chen Shuai in a few steps. At this moment, he had no breath.

The fist giggle.

There was an old man beside him, and he said to him:

“Little guy, you call ambulances!”

Lu Yi suddenly looked up, sweeping sharp eyes, scaring the old man again and again, and no longer ignored him.

After gritting his teeth, throwing Cheng Junjun’s body onto the back seat, getting on the car quickly, and stepping on the accelerator, he rushed out.

He knew who killed the fat brother, but now he doesn’t want to let the police know about it.

After all, he also had the bottom of the case, and he was really discovered, I’m afraid it would be more troublesome!

He will definitely report.

The most important thing now is to gather five women together and open the door!

He wants to leave the earth quickly.

After another world, Xiuwei is successful, and he will come back to Wang Chao to revenge!


Congratulations to the host to cut off the main line of the protagonist.

The protagonist gas transport value -500, the remaining gas transport value is 1100.


The protagonist’s resentment value of the host +99999999999

The protagonist gas transport value -500, the remaining gas transport value 600

The host villain value +1000, the villain can be worth 2500

Wang Chao was sitting in KEC, listening to the prompt of the system interface, and the corner of his mouth rose unconsciously.

At this time, Han Bing has found Zhang Miao’s house.

As long as Zhang Miao’s physique is changed, Lu Yi’s luck value is basically gone!

Just thinking that the phone rang, Wan Haishou came.

Click the listening key.

“Brother, I have already done that woman in accordance with your instructions!”

As soon as I connected the phone, Wan Haishou reported excitedly!

“Do it well, do the people you stare have movement?”

“Yes, just got the news, Su Yin took a large box and drove away!”

Wan Haishou responded quickly!

“Okay! Staring at her car and report to me at any time!”

Wang Chao squinted and hung up the phone!

It seems that Su Yin has received the order of Lu Yi and went out with the fake Tianmen stone!

This is to be ready to open the Tianmen in advance!

Which is this!

From KEC, return to your own car!

“Go to high -speed entrance!”

“Yes, Master!”

The driver launched the car and gone!

Su Yin opened a Land Rover and took the Land of Land to her, ready to go to Nanhuan.

I just drove the car to the high -speed intersection, and suddenly I heard a bang.

The body was shaking, and it seemed to be pressed.

Hurry up the car on the side of the road and take a look at the tire.

I saw a small mouth on the tire at a glance!

“Damn, why is it so unlucky!”

Su Yin twisted his eyebrows and muttered.

She was in a hurry to go to Nanhuan City and Lu Yi for me. Now the car burst into the tire, she can’t walk!

Sighing a sigh, took out the phone, and prepared to call Lu Yi to explain the situation.

At this time, it was too late to notice that a force came, and wanted to dodge.

In the back of her power, her back hit her directly on the ground, and her mobile phone flew out.

Su Yin was shocked, and when he turned around, he jumped from the ground and turned to look at the direction of the power:

“who is it?”

“it’s me!”

Wang Chao walked slowly and walked slowly, glanced at Su Yin’s mobile phone on the ground, showing that it had been connected.

“Wang Chao?”

When Su Yin saw Wang Chao, he was frightened.

She listened to Lu Yi and said that Wang Chao killed Bai Qinglan, and his strength was extremely horrible.

But why did he appear here?

“Oh, yes, I know me!”

Wang Chao stopped and glanced at the mobile phone under his feet before he continued, “Is your car burst? It is the highway intersection in front, do you need to send you a journey?”

Su Yin looked at Wang Chao, who was gentle with a smile, and was a little scared in his heart.

However, she was even more worried at this moment that the stones on the car were snatched.

Put your teeth:

“What do you want?”

“Your brother Xiaoyi sent so many killers to kill me, what would you think of me?”

Wang Chao had a little smile on his face, but his tone was piercing.

Hearing the words, Su Yin couldn’t help but he knew it!

Then, she saw Wang Chao suddenly raised her hand and controlled her intangible.

Seeing that the other party withdrew his hands, his pupils suddenly increased, and his body flew to Wang Chao uncontrollably.

“Don’t be afraid, I don’t want to kill you now!”

Wang Chao looked like a chicken, and put Su Yin in his hand, and said in a sentence to his mobile phone.

“I will let your brother Xiaoyi rescue you, but I don’t know if your brother Xiaoyi dares to come!”

Suddenly, continue to say, “You can rest assured, you do n’t want me, you do n’t want me!”

At the end of the phone, there was no word from the beginning to the end.

Wang Chao smiled slightly, carried Su Yin back to the Rolls -Royce car, stuffed her in, turned his head and glanced at the mobile phone on the ground, and sat on the back seat!

“Master, where to go?”

The driver asked.

“Back to the villa!”

Wang Chao sat on the back seat, ordered a sentence, turned his head and looked at Su Yin, “How about we gamble?”

“What to bet?”

When Su Yin saw that Wang Chao did not go to check the vehicle, his heart was relieved.

“Gambling your brother Xiaoyi will come to save you!”

Wang Chao leaned back to the back of the chair and said with a smile.

Su Yin was stunned, and she knew that Wang Chao kidnapped her, in order to lead Lu Yi to save her.

I hope Lu Yi is here to prove that she still has a weight in Lu Yi’s heart!

I don’t want Lu Yilai, because Wang Chao is too powerful!

“I gamble he won’t come!”

Wang Chao looked at Su Yin’s complex look and said.

In the original book, the author shaped Lu Yi a very affectionate person.

But after opening the Tianmen, he only took away his nine women.

But he did not take away the white blue and blue who wanted to cultivate the immortal!

In the later period, Lu Yi also gave up many people for revenge, including Su Yin, who once liked him!

Therefore, Wang Chao can be sure that Lu Yi will still choose to give up Su Yin.

Even if you don’t give up, it doesn’t matter, his purpose has been achieved!


Su Yin hummed coldly and didn’t speak.

“If Lu Yi comes to save you, I will let you go, and I won’t kill Lu Yi. If Lu Yi does not come to save you, you have to promise me unconditionally, how about it?”

Wang Chao asked with a smile!

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