Lu Yi stepped on the throttle to the end and went straight to the high -speed entrance.

He is going crazy now.

Starting to suspect that the decision at the beginning was wrong.

If Wang Yue was killed at the time, he had to pay with Wang Chao, and now he will not be like this.

However, if there is no, his men are already dead.

Grandpa is dead, the master is dead, and the best brother is dead!

Now Su Yin is also arrested, all of which have something to do with Wang Chao.

After the phone was turned on, his first reaction was to save Su Xuan anyway.

But rationally told him that life is kept tight now.

When I came outside the high -speed entrance, I found Land Rover parked on the side of the road.

Stop the car, come to the Land Rover car, open the door, see that the box is still there, and hurriedly opened the inspection. Tianmen was still there, and then he took a long breath.

Pick up the box and put it in the BMW car trunk.

Then, I didn’t dare to stay, and I returned to the city.

He originally wanted to bring Tianmen back to the village and ascended the sky in Xiaolang Mountain.

But now it seems that Xiao Langshan must not go, and Wang Chao will definitely send someone to keep him there.

Fortunately, five five -element women were hidden in a villa in the suburbs on the grounds of special training.

Anyway, there is the same as where the sky is ascending, just near!

Thinking so much, step on the throttle to the end fiercely.

He doesn’t want to delay now, the earth is terrible.

Soon, I came to the villa outside the suburbs.

“Mr. Lu, you are here!”

When the killer Wang Hou Xing saw Lu Yi, he hurried out to meet.

“How about those five people?”

Lu Yi got out of the car, opened the trunk, and took out the big box.

“All are training!”

Hou Xing said, he had to reach out to pick up the box in Lu Yi’s hand.

“Okay, do you go for a corpse!”

Lu Yi did not hand over the box to Hou Xing, but walked straight into the villa!

“Mr. Lu!”

Yan Ruyu and they saw Lu Yi coming, they all greeted them quickly.

“You train first, let’s rehearse a show in a while!”

Lu Yi squeezed a smile on his face and made a reason.

In everyone’s eyes, go straight through the first floor and walk from the back door to the backyard of the villa.

Open the box and take out Tianmen!

The master once said that if you want to open the Tianmen, you must know the spell of opening Tianmen and urged with aura.

Five five -element constitution sitting in five positions.

Just sit.

Lu Yi buried one end of the stone on the ground, watching the ancient and mysterious lines on the stone, and was inexplicably excited!

He can realize his wish soon.

At this moment, the ringtone of the mobile phone suddenly heard.

Take it out, it turned out to be Wang Chao.

Holding his brows, worried that he would be monitored by the other party, and he would hang up the phone decided!

He just wants to open Tianmen smoothly now, and everything else is not important.

Pass through mountain villas.

Wang Chao looked at the dark mobile phone screen, turned to Su Yin, and said slowly:

“You see, Lu Yi already knew you had an accident, but hung me up!”

Su Yin’s face was extremely ugly.

She didn’t know when Wang Chao put a remote camera on her car, almost live broadcast.

Soon after they left, she saw Lu Yi in the picture and took away the box with stones.

It shows that Lu Yi already knew that she was captured by Wang Chao, but at this time, she did not answer the phone.

This is enough to show that in Lu Yi’s heart, there is no weight at all!

“Try it with your own mobile phone!”

Wang Chao took Su Yin’s mobile phone out of it. When he left, he sucked into his hand!

Su Yin opened her mouth and didn’t know how her mobile phone was in Wang Chao’s hands.

Pouting his mouth, he reached out and picked it over.

After struggling for a while, he called Lu Yi’s phone.

She had already thought about it, first listen to the tone of Lu Yi to speak, and see what the weight she is in Lu Yi’s heart.

If Lu Yi said that he was coming to save her, then he finally told Lu Yi, don’t come!

After all, Wang Chao said, not credible!

the other side.

Lu Yi heard the phone rang again, and was a little impatient.

Thinking about it anyway, now it is about to rise, and the mobile phone is not used anymore.

You can see that it was Su Yin’s phone, and there was another ripple in his heart.

Su Yin obeyed with him very young and regarded him as a relative brother.

Now was caught by Wang Chao.

He also confirmed that Wang Chao must want to call himself.

His eyes were unknown, in just a few seconds, he decided!

A small leak will sink a great ship!

Can’t destroy his own plan because a woman.

Take a deep breath and crush the phone directly!

No one answered the phone for a long time, and Su Yin had a little expectation. At this moment, there was only despair.

She is not reconciled, it doesn’t matter to lose to Wang Chao, but she cares more about Lu Yi’s attitude!

I don’t want to admit it like this, and once again dial the phone.

But this time, the phone came from the phone to shut down the phone.

The bone joint squeezed the phone white, and a drop of tears slipped down.


Tears fell to the ground with their mobile phones.

She didn’t understand why Lu Yi was so cruel!

“I won!”

Wang Chao’s expression was faint, but there was no pity to the girl in front of him.

There are 800 people who died in the hands of this girl.

After a moment of silence, Su Yin wiped his eyes fiercely.

When looking at Wang Chao again, there was only numbness and hatred in his eyes.

However, the hatred is to Wang Chao.

She felt that without Wang Chao, Lu Yi would not ignore her.

“what do you want to do?”

“Kill Lu Yi!”

Wang Chao Yu tune, took out a pistol and put it on the table.

Su Yin’s corner trembled, even if Lu Yi didn’t come to save her, she would never kill Lu Yi.

But she knew that if she didn’t go, Wang Chao would kill Lu Yi.

It’s better to promise!

Grab the gun on the table and throw a word coldly:

“Okay, I promise you!” Turn around and go out.

Wang Chao smiled slightly and smiled.

If Su Yin is directly killed, he is afraid that Lu Yi’s luck will not fall.

After all, Su Yin is not an important character in the original book.

But what Lu Yi hates most is betrayal.

If Zhang Miao changes his physique, the protagonist’s luck value is not reduced enough, and Su Yin can make up!

Stand up, get up and walk out of the villa, come to the underground garage, and drive out in person!

Suddenly hear the sound of the system:


Congratulations to the host to cut off the main line of the protagonist.

The protagonist gas transport value -500, the remaining gas transport value is 100!

The host villain is worth +500, and the villain can be worth 3100!

Wang Chao looked at the system panel and couldn’t help but say:

“Depend on!”

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