In the backyard of the villa, five women were called over and stood in a row.

They looked at Lu Yi with some puzzles, and didn’t know what it was going to do.

Yan Ruyu had the most ideas, and asked the first to ask:

“President Lu, are you going to make a show now?”

“Well, just pick up a fantasy drama, you sit in the five directions of this stone! The staff will take pictures of the peripherals, and you can’t move after sitting well, at least five minutes!”

Lu Yi is a serious nonsense.

Draw a good position in the order of Jinmu, water, fire, and soil, so that they can sit in order!

Everyone had no objection, and obediently cooperated with Lu Yi.

After arranging, Lu Yi sat opposite the stone and said, “Close your eyes and pretend to be meditation, I let you move, you can move! Do you know!”

“Know, Mr. Lu!”

Five women are in the same way.

Their task is to match Lu Yi.

Wang Chao said that everything might meet Lu Yi’s requirements.

Seeing that the five women had closed their eyes, Lu Yi was very satisfied.

Looking up at the next heaven, I started to silently open the spell of Tianmen.

At the same time, the aura of its own aura is constantly injected into the stone.

After a moment, Lu Yi couldn’t help frowning, and the stone did not respond at all!

Stabilizing the mind, the secret path may take time.

Injecting the aura on the stone more hard.

Five minutes passed quickly, and Lu Yi’s brows frowned deeper, and there was a hint of anxiety in his eyes.

Even though he has never seen how to open the Tianmen, all the operation steps are according to the master, and there is no possibility of misalignment.

Why did Tianmen still not respond?

Lu Yi opened his eyes slowly and looked around silently, and the five women closed his eyes obediently.

Quickly sort out your own steps, you can find it, there is no wrong place!

At this moment, I suddenly saw a figure flashed in from the outside.

Looking at it, it turned out to be Su Yin.

Didn’t Su Yin be caught by Wang Chao? How could it appear here?

Su Yin came out of the mountain villa and ran over all the way!

Just to inform Lu Yi and escape quickly!

When I saw Lu Yi, I couldn’t care about anything, and shouted in a hurry:

“Brother Xiaoyi, you will run away, Wang Chao will come to kill you!”

Hearing that Lu Yi had no mood on his face.

Not long ago, Su Yin was arrested by Lu Yi and called for help. He did not answer.

At this time, Su Yin should resent him. Why did he let him escape at once?

This is not right.

Looking at Su Yin with alert, he asked:

“Didn’t you be caught by Wang Chao, why did you escape?”

Su Yin naturally heard Lu Yi’s doubt about her, and the corner of her mouth trembled.

She never expected that she had always trusted Xiaoyi’s elder brother, but did not believe her.

Originally, I still had a little urgent expression. At this moment, my face was cold, and my voice was cold:

“Brother Xiaoyi, it turns out that I know that I was caught by Wang Chao!”

Seeing that Lu Yi didn’t speak, his heart became more and more disappointed, and he asked in unwillingly, “I call you for help, why don’t you answer the phone and turn off the phone?”

Facing Su Yin’s questioning, Lu Yi did not feel guilty, but he even doubted what Su Yin and Wang Chao reached an agreement, and glanced at it carefully.

Without the atmosphere of strangers, a little peace of mind.

He is going to complete the opening ceremony of the Tianmen now, so he has to soothe Su Yin for the time being:

“My phone is out of power, did you come here by yourself?”

“No electricity? Do you still be a three -year -old child?”

As soon as Su Yin was even more annoyed, her eyes were red, and her voice improved unconsciously.

Brother Xiaoyi was gone!

The rest is just lies and deception.

“Xiaoqi, don’t be excited first, I never thought about throwing off you!”

Lu Yi knew that he had said something wrong and hurried back, his tone was particularly sincere.

I don’t know why, after seeing Su Yin, I was inexplicably irritable.

He is now afraid that Wang Chao will suddenly appear in front of him. Who knows what perverted the man will do, he is not his opponent at all!

Seeing Su Yin’s face eased, he continued to ask:

“Are you back alone?”

Su Yin still believed in Lu Yi, adjusted his emotions, nodded:


Lu Yi finally let go of his heart and smiled at her:

“That’s good, you can help me, I open Tianmen, take you to another world, and then I will explain it slowly with you!”

“Mr. Lu, what is the world? What is another world?”

Yan Ruyu heard that Lu Yi quarreled and had been eating melon to watch the show, but she was really curious and asked, “Aren’t we taking pictures?”

Lu Yi was extremely irritable at this time, and there was no good temper before:

“You don’t need to know now, keep sitting in place, don’t move, otherwise, don’t blame me to be polite to you!”

Seeing this, several other women closed their eyes quickly.




Someone behind him patted his hands, accompanied by footsteps.

Lu Yi and others turned their heads at the same time.

The person who came was Wang Chao.

Lu Yiden’s face was shocked, how could Wang Chao know his position.

When Yu Guang saw Su Yin, he suddenly woke up and cursed the damn!

It seems to give up Tianmen to escape!

Su Yin also looked at Wang Chao in horror. As a killer king, she was extremely sensitive to the surrounding things. She took a taxi all the way and found no one to follow.

“You did very well!”

Wang Chao looked at Su Yin with a smile, and said, “Your task is completed, congratulations, and get freedom. In addition, the one billion yuan agreed to hit your account later inside!”

Su Yin woke up like a dream square. Wang Chao did not know the location of Lu Yi at first, and she was used by Wang Chao.

His face became iron, turned his head to look at Lu Yi, and stunned his lips:

“Brother Xiaoyi, I didn’t betray you, I, I …”

“You don’t need to explain!”

Lu Yi held his fist angrily, his eyes rolled in his eyes, and people were already here. How do you explain?

Su Yin not only betrayed him, but also quoted Wang Chao here.

In his life, the most hate is betrayal.

The person who betrayed him turned out to be Su Yin, who had always been his sister!


The protagonist was messy.

Fire value -100, remaining gas transport value 0

The host villain value +100, can be worth 3200 with villain 3200

When Wang Chao heard the system’s prompts, he smiled through the corner of his mouth.

Finally you can kill pigs!

But he didn’t want Lu Yi to die so easily, and said with a smile:

“Lu Yi, in fact, Su Yin didn’t betray you, but we just regarded you as a bet!”

“you shut up!”

Lu Yizhen’s lungs were about to burst, roaring at Wang Chao.

Wang Chao shrugged and glanced at the five women on the ground.

The five people jumped up immediately and came to Wang Chao’s side, respectfully:

“See the master!”


Lu Yi murmured repeatedly, a bloody qi poured in his stomach.

No wonder they signed them so smoothly!

No wonder!

It turned out that these were arranged by Wang Chao in advance!

Think here!


A large mouthful of blood spit it out!

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