“It turned out to be a elixir !!”

As a maiden of the heavenly family, Miao Fengfei naturally knows the precious elixir!

The elixir can only be refined only by alchemist.

As far as she knows, there are so many alchemists on the earth, and a casual medicine will cost hundreds of millions!

Even if they are injured, they can only use ordinary herbal medicine, and even go to the pharmacy to take some medicine.

Wang Chao gave her a elixir.

“Come, arrange her to my room next door!”

Wang Chao saw her taking the elixir and instructed.

Immediately came in a maid and helped Miao Feng to fly upstairs.

Early the next morning.

Wang Chao came out of the room and saw a white woman standing at the door at a glance.

The exquisite facial features, combining on a delicate small face, is enough to make anyone feel excited.

Coupled with the white clothes and long hair hanging behind.

I only feel that this woman should only have it in the sky.

Under her mask, there are such amazing appearances.

“Feng Fei see the young master!”

Miao Fengfei was a little embarrassed by Wang Chao, and quickly greeted him.

Wang Chao sighed in his heart, why such a beautiful girl was killed by her compatriots, it was a pity!

Nodded slightly and came downstairs.

Miao Fengfei followed him.

“Master, I have already done it. In your name, I acquired Jiang’s jewelry in all the shares, and still maintains the current situation of Jiang’s jewelry, that is, spending a little more!”

Wu Bo, who was waiting to be downstairs, handed over the acquisition contract to Wang Chao. “It took a billion, you can not get angry!”

Speaking is an apology, but the words are a little proud.

During his speech, he saw the woman behind the young master, but he was slightly froze, but he didn’t ask much about who the master liked, who he wanted to use, not what he could ask.

However, this woman is really beautiful, it is worthy of serving Master!

Wang Chao thought it was 100 billion yuan. After all, Jiang’s jewelry was very famous, and the market value was exceeding 100 billion yuan.

I woke up and nodded:

“I did a good job, I will give you 10 % of the shares of the Jiang Group as a reward!”

“Thank you Master!”

Wu Bo quickly thanked him that his previous salary was not low, but the Jiang Group was 10 %, which was 100 billion.

Not overwhelming, just accept it.

“By the way, is Jiang’s jewelry going to hold a gambling conference today?”

Wang Chao lazily asked Wu Bo how to buy Jiang’s group with one billion yuan. Now he is most concerned about the acquisition, and the gambling conference is still absent.

“Yes, it has been arranged, but because of the transfer of equity, it can’t be opened. Now you can say it!”

Wu Bo was standing aside, with a bit of worship.

“Notify Jiang Delong, the gambling stone conference continues, I will pass!”

Wang Chao Dao.

“Yes, I will arrange it!”

For breakfast, Wang Chao came out of the villa and turned his head and asked Miao Fengfei beside him:

“Will you drive?”

“Of course, I can get full of driving licenses!”

Miao Fengfei said proudly.


Wang Chao glanced at Miao Fengfei lightly and sat directly on Rolls -Royce’s co -pilot!

“Ah? I’m a bodyguard, not a driver … I, I just got the driver’s license, I haven’t driven the car yet …”

Miao Fengfei was a little dumbfounded, and it was on the road directly, and it still looked so luxurious.

Seeing that Wang Chao ignored her, he had to sit on the driving position with his scalp.

Take a deep breath and bumped out the villa.

As soon as I got on the road, I found that the car around was far away from her.

Even if it was the peak of work, there were still no cars dare to approach!

“Master, are they afraid that I would hit them, so dare not approach?”

Miao Fengfei asked puzzledly.

“No, they are afraid that they can’t afford to lose this car!”

Wang Chao said slowly.


Miao Fengfei vomited her tongue and stopped talking.

It was smooth all the way, but when I came to the Gambling Stone Conference venue, all places were full of cars.

Miao Fengfei looked at the left and right, and finally found a position, and quickly drove the car.

A man walked through, almost hit her, scared her to step on the brakes quickly.

At this time, a Ferrari sports car suddenly drifted directly into the last parking space.

Then, a man and a woman came down on the car. The man was tall and thin, wearing a famous brand!

The woman is a strong makeup, wearing a top to the navel eyes, a short skirt that can be ignored, a mink coat on the outside, and a pair of black high heels on the feet.

Miao Fengfeng did not do it when she was flying. This was the parking space she saw first.

Push the door, jump down from the car, stop the two people’s way:

“I saw this parking space first, hurry up and drive your car!”

The thin tall man frowned, and was just scolding. You can see Miao Fengfei’s beauty instantly feel that the woman around her is weak, her eyes look straight!

The woman around him was not easy to mess with, and a tall gesture laughed:

“Driving a imitation Rolls -Royce, I really treat myself as a big model! I also dare to say that our Jiang Shao’s car breaks the car, huh!”

“Shut up!”

Jiang Zirui scolded angrily, and looked at Miao Fengfei with a smile, and Yan Yue color, “This lady, hello, I am Jiang Zirui, Jiang Zirui …”

Wang Chao sat in the car and didn’t go out.

He wanted to see how Miao Fengfei would do, knowing that the man was Jiang Zirui, but for a while, he was interested.

If the root of Jiang’s jewelry is Jiang Zirui.

He took the lead in betting with the male to bet on Yuchen. After losing, his father Jiang Delong played again.

Then almost lost the bottom of Jiang’s home!

As a writer, Miao Fengfei naturally knows who Jiang Zirui is. It is not said that Jiang’s jewelry is now the asset of Wang Chao.

Even if it wasn’t, she could not see him with a godlobed maiden!

He turned a blind eye to him, and still looked coldly:

“Hurry up and move your broken car!”

“Oh, I said beauty, you want to come for our Jiang’s gambling stone, as long as you promise to be my woman, the gambling stone inside, you can pick it up, how about it?”

Jiang Zirui watched Miao Fengfei not put him in his eyes, and directly made a big move. If the other party agreed, wouldn’t he lose a few gambling stones? If she did not agree, she offended Jiang’s big son, the whole Miao capital, the whole Miao capital, No one dare not give him face.

Miao Fengfei narrowed her eyes and fists. Since you are so rampant, you can call your dad!

I just wanted to take a shot and saw Wang Chao walking slowly.

“Master!” Miao Fengfei yelled respectfully.

“For such people, what do you waste so much water!”

Wang Chao scolded for a while, and did not look at Jiang Zirui, but just refers to Ferrari, “driving away!”

“Who are you special!”

Jiang Zirui came up all of a sudden. It turned out that the woman had the Lord, and she was still ink, and her tone became bad.

Wang Chao stretched out his hand and patted the ground out of thin air!

An invisible power turned into a big hand and patted Ferrari!

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