
The earth trembled suddenly.

The fierce red Ferrari on the ground disappeared instantly.

After the shock, Jiang Zirui took the lead in returning to God.

The corner of the mouth trembled slightly, and the face became difficult to look.

His tens of millions of luxury cars were smashed into the ground intact.

I dare not make such a science fiction film!

But the car is indeed underground, and he can see the red of the car cover.

When the woman around Jiang Zirui saw this scene, she squatted directly to the ground.

Too scary, too scary!

“What do you do, don’t quickly drive the car!”

Wang Chao watched Miao Fengfei, who was looking at him!

“Master, my technology …”

Miao Fengfei was also shocked. What kind of fairy means?

It is easy to flatter a car, and it is intact to be inlaid into the ground.

“Don’t drive, don’t you move?”

Wang Chao glanced at her dissatisfied.


Miao Feng’s mouth trembled, do you ask me a girl to move the car?


A sigh in my heart.

It is really enough to wear a book.

“It’s Master!”

Miao Fengfei hurriedly responded, walked to the car, and reached out to grab the bond of the car.

As soon as he used it, he grabbed the car hard, and then placed it steadily above Ferrari!

Jiang Zirui originally doubted his life. At this moment, when he saw Miao Fengfei, he could raise a car, and the shocking eyes were going out.

Is this still a person? One can smash the car to the ground and move the car with both hands, just like playing!

At this time, it finally reacted. The two people in front of them were definitely the legendary practitioners.

He heard that the practitioner’s killing is the most common thing.

I was so scared that my legs were soft and knelt directly on the ground:

“Big brother forgiveness, big brother forgiveness!”

“Mind in the son of Jiang Delong, this time I spared you, hurry up and go home, don’t let me see you, otherwise I will let you be the same as your car!”

Wang Chao was lazy to ignore Jiang Zirui, and walked to the venue.

“Yes, yes, I go home, I will go home!”

Jiang Zirui nodded quickly, and his legs were scared at this time.

Miao Fengfei walked beside the woman and squeezed her chin fiercely:

“Don’t let me see you, see you next time, I pinch you!”

Then, let go of his hand, wiped it disliked, and followed Wang Chao into the venue.

I thought in my heart that my aunt couldn’t beat Wang Chao, and it would make you bully!

When Wang Chao left, Jiang Zirui had a vumber and paralyzed on the ground.

“Jiang Shao, Jiang Shao, they are too rampant, can you tolerate?”

The woman next to Jiang Zirui has slowed down, and stepped forward to help Jiang Zirui, and he was aggrieved. “Otherwise, you call someone and smash this car, just give me a breath!”


Jiang Zirui was scaring the courage at this time. The woman dared to dare to cling to him.


“Jiang Shao, can you not find the immortal to cure them with your status? This is your company’s company. One of them dare to sprinkle the wild in front of the door, and did not put you in your eyes at all?”

The woman covered her face and was still desperately.

Mainly, she couldn’t swallow it. She wanted to rely on Jiang Shao’s identity to get angry for herself.

Jiang Zirui had a headache and kicked directly, and scolded:

“Are you blind? This is the silver charm of 1.5 billion Rolls -Royce. Several people can afford it. You are stinky, hurry up!”

Jiang Zirui really said that Rolls -Royce was fake, just because he did not believe that this luxury car would appear in North Province.

I did not expect that the other party was a cultivator, how could the cultivator drive a fake car!

I glanced at the top of Ferrari at the top of my tens of millions of other levels of Ferrari, biting their teeth, no.

I walked to the side of the road and took a car and left quickly.


Trimming the protagonist’s pretending route!

The protagonist gas transport value -1000, the remaining gas transport value 25500

Host villain value +1000, can be worth 7700 with villain 7700

As soon as Wang Chao stepped into the venue, he heard the system’s prompts, and he was quite satisfied.

After sweeping, take a list from the bag and hand it to Miao Fengfei:

“I bought these stones!”

“Master? This was originally yours …”

Miao Fengfei looked at Wang Chao puzzled.

“Go to Jiang Delong, I bought all these, but still placed in place!”

Wang Chao’s lazily explained, but the corners of his mouth rose unconsciously, and the next step was to watch the drama!

Miao Fengfei took the list and turned to leave.

Soon, Zhang Yuchen, wearing a casual suit, walked in outside the venue.

Zhang Yuchen was one meter tall and seven, and she was thin and thin. She looked like a knife, and her angles were clear.

It looks pretty handsome.

He was following a woman with red hair.

The woman was in a professional suit, and her proud posture set off her more convex.

The face is even more beautiful, especially the eyebrows, the water waves are full of moving.


After Zhang Yuchen entered the venue, he glanced at his eyes!

This venue is divided into four areas of ABCD. The stones in Area A are the most expensive, the easiest to drive out of the baby. The cheapest area D is the most difficult area for emerald.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Zone D, and he fancy a flat stone at a glance.

In this stone, there are best glass species.

“Hey, I’m going to make a fortune today!”

Zhang Yuchen rubbed his hands excitedly and hit it at a glance. The audience was close to 1,000 yuan of stones, and nearly half of them were in stock.

There are a lot of boutiques. The best glass species can see no less than three pieces.

He has a perspective, and behind the Song family as a consortium.

Of course, he didn’t want to buy the original price. He had to find Jiang Delong’s son Jiang Zirui and pit them well!

“Yuchen, have you seen a good thing?”

Song Zixuan was excited to see Zhang Yuchen’s face, followed.

A few times a few times, Zhang Yuchen didn’t let her down, this time, never!

Zhang Yuchen nodded, pointing to the stones that looked extremely ordinary at the end!

“This piece?”

Song Zixuan has participated in many gambling stones. Although it is not very well understood, generally this texture of stones cannot appear superb. This is generally the lower scooter in the rough stone, which can be seen from the incision!

Of course, you also know that the merchants are not optimistic, only 10,000 yuan!

Zhang Yuchen nodded affirmatively!

He has perspective, and it is clearly visible to the best glass species.

At this time, an old man snorted with disdain:

“Lady, are you the first time you come to bet the stone? This kind of stone, you see, there is no sand, and there is this shell, there are eight or nine are waste, you look at the price, only 10,000 yuan, Just coax a fool! ”

“Really? What if there is emerald in this stone?”

Zhang Yuchen was unwilling to hear it. This old man is leaning on the old age!

Relying on your experience, you can get rid of others, and you can’t get me.

“Oh, what if this piece is a waste?”

The old man is also a bad temper. He reminded him carefully that he did not want to be young to spend money, but he was kind as a donkey liver and lungs.

No one is angry with anyone.

“If there is no jadeite in it, the stones in this place, you can pick one casually, and I will pay it. If there is it, how about you need to buy this stone for me?”

Zhang Yuchen smiled slightly and was very confident.


The old man agreed!

“Staff, I want this stone, cut it!”

Zhang Yuchen!

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