“Sorry, Mr., this stone has been ordered, please choose another stone!”

The staff of the gambling gambling field came over with a smile, and said very friendly!

She just received a notice saying that a rich man bought nearly half of the rough stones in one breath. The money was paid and the number had been sent to her!

“I bought it?”

Zhang Yuchen feels incredible!

This stone, selling only 10,000 yuan, is basically white.

But there is a best glass species with a value of hundreds of millions.

Such a humble stone, someone bought it? I really underestimated people who came to bet on the stone!

“Yes, sir, I’m really sorry!”

The waiter politely apologized.

Zhang Yuchen didn’t want to give up. The smart small brain shell quickly rotated, and said:

“You go and ask me, I can pay ten times the price, buy it from the buyer, I have a gambler!”

“Sorry, I can’t ask you this, if you want to ask, you can ask yourself!”

The waiter had seen Wang Chao’s here, nodded towards him, and introduced, “This is the gentleman who bought the stone!”

“Hello, I am……”

When Zhang Yuchen saw Wang Chao, he quickly stepped forward and wanted to explain that Wang Chao sold the stone to him.

Before he finished speaking, he heard Song Zixuan next to him and exclaimed:

“Wang Chao, it’s you!”

Wang Chao glanced at Song Zixuan coldly. It was almost described in the book. It was very beautiful, but compared with the maiden, it was a lot worse.

As if I didn’t know the appearance of Song Zixuan, looked at Zhang Yuchen a slight movement:

“What’s up?”

“Yes, I bet with this old man, and the gambling is this stone! So I want to spend 100,000 to buy this rough from your hands!”

Zhang Yuchen’s expression was proud, and his tone was not humble.

With a price of 100,000, the other party can earn 90,000 as soon as possible, and it has already made a lot of money!


Wang Chao raised his eyebrows and looked at Zhang Yuchen like a idiot, “What are you gamble?”

Zhang Yuchen opened his mouth. If he said that he was a jadeite in his gambling, the other party would never sell it to him.

At this time, the old man couldn’t help but speak out:

“I can’t get the jadeite in this stone!”

Wang Chao smiled slightly and turned to Zhang Yuchen:

“You are so determined that there are emerald inside. Even if the texture is not good, it will not be less than one million?”

Zhang Yuchen couldn’t wait to sew the mouth of the old man, but he really didn’t want to give up the stone of this value.

Laughing barely:

“We just bet, do you have any, no one knows, I just take a breath, so, you opened a price, I bought this stone!”

Wang Chao sneered in his heart. You really do you in this world. Whoever meets you will automatically reduce wisdom.

I thought about it, and said slowly:

“Okay, since you want to buy it, you will be at a market price, two billion! Isn’t it expensive?”

“Two billion?”

Zhang Yuchen almost scolded people. Although this jadeite is the best, it is not worth two billion yuan. According to the size, it is difficult to find a buyer at a size of 100 million!

But then again, he is making jewelry, making it into a finished product, almost two billion!

“Why, it is expensive?”

Wang Chao looked at Zhang Yuchen coldly, and he could guess what he was thinking!

At this time, some people of eating melon gathered around.

When they heard Wang Chao’s opening, they were about two billion, and they began to talk about it:

“This person is too crazy, open your mouth to 200 million!”

“That is, I want to see, even if there is emerald in this stone, it is the kind of garbage!”

“Well, I don’t buy 10,000!”


Wang Chao listened to the words of the people around him, and he was not angry at all.

Don’t wait for Zhang Yuchen to speak, continue:

“If you are too expensive, you will open a price! You know the value of this stone! If you want to continue to bet!”

The old man also began to say on the side:

“He didn’t dare to turn on the price at all, I said nothing just now, there was nothing in it!”

Zhang Yuchen thought about it. He must not buy 200 million, and 50 million was already his bottom line.

Looking at each other, it seemed to see through the things inside. He hesitated, ready to start from 5 million, up to 50 million.

But who has thought, always thinking about 50 million, as soon as he opens:

“Fifty million, no more!”

“make a deal!”

Wang Chao did not give the other party a chance to regret, and agreed happily!

He naturally knew the value of the glass inside, but he was not short of money. What he wanted was villain.

This gambling covenant must let Zhang Yuchen go down before it is valuable!

“Success … transaction?”

Zhang Yuchen even stammered, obviously a little unexpected.

The other party agreed to be so refreshing, so I realized that it was wrong just now, and there was always a feeling of being deceived.

If it weren’t for his perspective, he could be sure that there must be glass jadeite inside, and he would have regretted running away!

When the people around he heard Zhang Yuchen opened the price of 50 million, they all exclaimed.

It was a waste, and the young man really had guts.

After hearing Wang Chao’s promise, someone scolded::

“Little man to be ambitious!”

There are also humanity: “You can definitely open green!”

“There is a hammer for seeing the green, so such a little rough must be planted at least to return it …”

Wang Chao turned into a discussion, staring at Zhang Yuchen, and said with a faint tone:

“Pay it first! I’m afraid you will rely on your account for a while!”

“Yuchen, 50 million, is it too expensive?”

Song Zixuan always felt inappropriate and asked whispered.

This price is a sky -high price in buying rough stones.

Even if it is very likely to open the emerald rough, this price is too high.

She thinks Zhang Yucao has a good rate!

“Rest assured, make a stable money!”

Zhang Yuchen attached to her ear, whispered and comforted.

Take out the check, write 50 million directly, and hand it to Wang Chao!

Wang Chao took the check, and the corner of his mouth passed through a sloppy smile.

I reached out and patted the stones a few times, as if I was reluctant, and then left without returning.

At this time, a waiter drove a car over, put the rough on the car, and drove slowly to the place of the stone.

When the old man who bet with Zhang Yuchen saw this scene, he was a little panicked.

Although he was determined to have no emerald inside, people walked by the river. How can there be no wet shoes. What should I do if I look at it?

Is it to help the boy pay 50 million?

He hesitated for a long time and caught up with Zhang Yuchen:

“I can tell you, when we bet, the stone is 10,000 yuan. Even if I lose, I will only accompany you 10,000 yuan!”

Zhang Yuchen sneered:

“That’s natural! If you lose, just pay me 10,000, I will lose, the rough here, you can pick one, I pay!”

During the speaking, everyone came to the place where the stone was cut.

The master responsible for cutting the stone said:

“How about cutting?”

“I will do it myself!”

Zhang Yuchen did not dare to let the master here, even if they are very old, they can’t believe themselves.

After all, this rough stone, removed half a centimeter of stones, is all glass species.

It’s too precious!

Go straight to the cutting stone platform, carefully measure the thickness, cut it down!

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