Zhang Yuchen cut it all over.

He has even begun to conceive, and next, it will be a picture of shocking everyone.

At the moment of cutting, he was dumbfounded.

Some transparent powder flows from the stones.

The powder is crystal clear, like a broken jade!

“This … this … how can it be a powder?”

Zhang Yuchen’s eyes widened incredible, her lips trembled slightly.

He has golden perspective, and he will never look at things.

It is indeed the best jadeite of the glass species.

However, it was incredible to become powder!

This is the first time he has gambling on the stone road, and it is a bit unacceptable for a while.

The rest were surprised when they saw the powder.

“I have been working for more than thirty years, this kind of thing is the first time!”

The master of the Shi Shi watched it for a long time, and then Xu Xu said.

“Although I have not played gambling stones for a long time, I have been seven or eight years. I have seen countless information about gambling stones. I have never seen this!”

As soon as the old master’s words came out, someone around him quickly attached to the road.

This scene is afraid that no one has seen the whole world.

Powdering from the stone, this may be the first time the gambling world!

The old man who bet with Zhang Yuchen opened his mouth, and soon a smile appeared on his face.

By what he is, as long as it is either emerald, he wins.

Coughing and smiling:

“Lady, according to my many years of experience, these powder should be valuable, but it is not emerald, so I won!”

Zhang Yuchen stood beside the stone cutter, his face was dark like the bottom of the pot.

This is really unsuccessful and laughed at.

Yu Guang glanced at Song Zixuan.

Seeing her gloomy face, thinking about it for a while to use her ability, and then comforting her.

However, men should have the responsibility of a man. The gambling contract cannot be abolished and turned to the old master:

“You choose casually, I pay!”

“Then thank you!”

The old man was not polite, walked directly to the A area, and began to choose.

In the end, he pointed to a stone with a price of two million.

This stone is almost one meter. The surface of the surface is extremely compact. The sand is not very well -proportioned. The appearance is warm!

A small part of the leather shell at the bottom has been bumped, and it can be seen vaguely green!

Although you are not sure if it is the best, it can be determined that there is absolutely jadeite inside and excellent quality!

Zhang Yuchen glanced at the stone and grinned his mouth.

It didn’t care about the two million. He made nearly 500 million gambling some time ago. This small money was not in his eyes.

But in this stone, there is a small piece of jade in the size of the nail.

The quality is pretty good, the ice species, the water head is sufficient.

It’s just too small, this is the sale of money!

The euphemistic sentence:

“Uncle, don’t you change it? This stone is not good!”

“Are you expensive?”

The old man coldly face his face unhappy.

“up to you!”

Zhang Yuchen snorted coldly and opened a check directly and handed it to the elder.

No longer ignore him, turn around and choose the stone again.


The protagonist can’t be forced, and the heart is annoyed!

The protagonist gas transport value-1500, the remaining gas transport value is 24000

Host villain value +1500, can be worth 9200 with villains

Wang Chao slowly strolled around the gambling gambling field, hearing the system’s prompts, his eyes moved, and he glanced at Zhang Yuchen.

He said, where is this, you choose slowly, you can buy a stone today, counting me!


Zhang Yuchen beckoned to the staff and pointed at a piece of rough with a value of 1100,000, “I want it!”

“Sorry, Mr., this piece has been sold!”

The staff showed eight teeth and a standard etiquette smile.

“Is this one sold out?”

Zhang Yuchen looked at the staff suspiciously and saw the other party nodded, and was a little annoyed.

This piece is also the best jadeite of the glass!


However, there is a more special blood -colored emerald in the venue.

Hurry up to area C and point to a stone that looks like a wood color:

“This piece, I want it!”

“Sorry, Mr.! This is also sold!”

The staff was a little embarrassed and expressed apologies again.

Zhang Yuchen gritted his teeth, and the three pieces of the three best were sold.

Suddenly, I noticed that I was looking at it.

Turning his head, he looked at Wang Chao.

Seeing that the other party smiled at him, he frowned, always feeling that these pieces were bought by Wang Chao.

Turn your head and ask the staff in a whisper:

“Are they all bought that person?”

“Yes, sir!”

The staff did not avoid taboos!


Zhang Yuchen feels that the whole person is not good. He can now determine that there may be functions such as perspective.

How can it be so accurate?

Pointing at a stones that look good next to it: “What about this?”

“I bought it!”


“I bought it …”

Zhang Yuchen pointed at a dozen pieces in a row. The stones were emerald and were all bought.

Suddenly a little panic.

“Can you tell me, how much did that person buy?”

Song Zixuan also noticed that something was wrong. Obviously, all the stones were bought by one person.

That person was not others, but Wang Chao.

“Sorry, Miss, this is not convenient to disclose, you will choose, I will serve you all the way!”

The staff attitude was slow, and always smiled.

He originally pointed at this gambling stone to make a lot of money, but now it seems that he is afraid that he will be ascended first!

I haven’t made money yet, and I lost 50 million first.

Seeing Bai Huahua’s silver, all of them fell into Wang Chao’s pocket, how could this be so reasonable!

After groaning slightly, his eyes suddenly lighted up.

Jiang Zirui didn’t see it. He could also find Jiang Delong and tried to pit him.

To the staff:

“I want to see your boss!”

“Okay, please follow me!”

There was no surprise at all. It seemed to have expected it for a long time. Without a word, he took Zhang Yuchen directly to the office.

As soon as she entered the door, Zhang Yuchen saw an unusually beautiful woman sitting on the sofa, and the appearance directly fascinated him.

This is too good, there are such beautiful women in this world.

I have to find a way to win this woman!

“Hey, niece, why are you here?”

Jiang Delong knew Song Zixuan and saw her in, and quickly greeted him with a smile.

“Uncle Jiang!”

Song Zixuan did not have a good impression on Jiang Delong’s competitors, but after all, at the site of others, he must give him face!

Jiang Delongke Set:

“Come to participate in the gambling stone today, make a lot of money?”

The smile on Song Zixuan’s face was stagnant for a moment, but soon, he recovered:

“It’s not smooth today. The stones I have seen were bought by others.”

Jiang Delong nodded his head clearly, and his tone seemed to be a little bit embarrassed:

“You say this, so, I am also communicating with each other! They buy this way, I’m afraid that this gambling stone meeting will be closed at noon!”

Yu Guang swept to Miao Fengfei aside, “Fortunately, the other party agreed that the gambling stone they bought continued to put it here. If others want to buy, just increase the price!”

Then, looking at Zhang Yuchen on the side, he stretched out his hand with a smile, “This is Zhang Yuchen, who is famous some time ago.

“Good Jiang Boss!”

Zhang Yuchen also stretched out his hand, but his eyes kept staring at Miao Fengfei’s body.

I wanted to use the perspective eyes, penetrate the clothes, and look at it, but I didn’t want a light to come back. He stabbed his eyes for a while, and quickly retracted his sight!

Listen to Jiang Delong Road again:

“Ms. Miao is the buyer, you can communicate with her!”

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