Song Zixuan and Zhang Yuchen looked at the sofa, the young and beautiful woman.

I didn’t look big at my age, but she was so generous, and she couldn’t help guessing her identity.

Miao Fengfei naturally guessed their thoughts and let them look at them.

Zhang Yuchen thought about it. Since the other party is a little girl, it may be easier to deal with it.

Smile, a gentleman looks:

“Ms. Miao, I am Zhang Yuchen of Chen Xuan Jewelry, I want to cooperate with you!”


Miao Fengfei’s eyebrows raised slightly, and a smile appeared on her face: “It’s not impossible!”

Wang Chao arranged for her to wait for Zhang Yuchen here and then bet with him.

Although she also knew the plot of the original book, there was no such paragraph in the original book.

Sure enough, it was Wang Chao guessed!

Zhang Yuchen’s heart was happy, and the smile on his face was deeper:

“Ms. Miao is really a happy person!”

Miao Fengfei cannot be put, and converge the smile on her face, a serious way:

“Your big name, I am like Lei Guanye, I heard that you are a gambling expert!”

Then, she deliberately paused and continued, “Let’s bet it!”

As soon as Zhang Yuchen heard the word gambling, the first reaction was fraud.

But reason tells him, don’t panic, let’s listen to what the other person wants to bet first.

Asked for a while, asked:

“What to bet?”

“I heard that you bought a dozen -handed stones before, all of which are green! So, of course, we still bet with eye today!”

Miao Fengfei turned to Jiang Delong, “President Jiang, do you still have rough stones?”


Jiang Delong nodded, turned around in the bag in the office, took out a piece of rough and put it on the table.

This stone looks very moist, as if it is noble.

“This stone is a batch of goods outside! It was booked last night, so there was no exhibition!”

Jiang Delong introduced it at will, but he was a little worried in his heart!

These words were taught by Miao Fengfei, and this stone was just an unusual local stone.

It’s just that a special layer of liquid is poured on the surface to make the stones look particularly humid.

Although it has achieved the true level of falseness, the experts can still see the flaws.

However, the two people opposite are not experts, and they may be able to confuse.

“Let’s bet whether there is emerald in this stone or not, if so, what color jadeite is! You want to win, all the rough stones I buy will give you all! If you lose, the rest of the stones in the venue, you can buy all of you buy all the stones in the venue, you buy all all you buy all of them. How about it? ”

Miao Fengfei hugged her arms and looked at Zhang Yuchen with my time.

Zhang Yuchen had very few research on stones. He could guess the right before, because he had perspective eyes.

But just now to see Miao Fengfei’s body with perspective, his eyes were almost blinded. I was afraid that it would be impossible to use the perspective ability today!

But there is no way to give up, but it is not his style.

The eyes under the eyelashes turned, and I had an idea in my heart.

Since this is optimistic and the surface is so smooth, it is very similar to the rough stone that had been opened before.

This beautiful woman was really cruel, and she asked her to guess two.

There are many emerald colors, which is so easy to guess.

However, the other party is not without loopholes.


“Since Ms. Miao said to gamble, then I guess one to win one?”

Miao Fengfei frowned unexpectedly, her face seemed a little annoyed.

But the fleeting, the laughter is barely:

“That’s natural!”

“Okay, I’m gambling!”

Zhang Yuchen hurriedly agreed, for fear that Miao Fengfei regretted it.

He has no confidence in the color of jadeite, but guess that there must be emerald in this stone. ”

Turn to Jiang Delong Road, “Boss Jiang, please help us to witness!”


Jiang Delong agreed decisively. He didn’t speak too much, but he was still a little guilty, and his eyes looked unconsciously to Song Zixuan next to him!

Song Zixuan originally wanted to stop it, but he was very unwilling to have money without making money.

I thought, Zhang Yuchen’s ability can still be trusted.

But I always worry inexplicably.

Zhang Yuchen walked in front of the stone and checked it carefully.

It seems very professional, and the comment said:

“The leather shell is thick, the surface is smooth, moist, the sand is very small, the arrangement is neat, and there is a possibility of variants! Therefore, I bet this stone is emerald!”

“What about the color?”

Miao Fengfei nodded symbolically, but she murmured in her heart, what kind of stuff said, at first glance, it is a rookie, who does not pit you!

“Ms. Miao, sorry, you just said that you gamble, that is, two questions just now, I just need to answer one, even if you complete the gambling contract, so, your question, I can refuse to answer!”

Zhang Yuchen looked at Miao Fengfei at a fixed look, and said with a smile, “I would like to bet, you lose!”

Song Zixuan was relieved slightly.

Suddenly, Zhang Yuchen was erected with thumbs up.


Miao Fengfei was angry and stood up directly.

“What? Do Ms. Miao want to rely on their accounts?”

Zhang Yuchen thought it was guessing, so the other party became angry and said, looking at Jiang Delong on the side, “Boss Jiang is a witness!”

Miao Fengfei snorted:

“Okay, I recognize it!”

“That’s good, then I’m not polite, I want all the stones you bought!”

Zhang Yuchen has no ability to see through for the time being. Naturally, he will not pick them up one by one. Anyway, the dozen yuan he saw just now was bought by the woman in front of him. It doesn’t matter if you buy it wrong, even if you buy it wrong, it is a fold!

“Mr. Zhang, don’t be so anxious!”

Miao Fengfei looked at Zhang Yuchen with a smile, and said, “I recognize the gambling contract, but I never said I confess!”

Then, turned to Jiang Delong, “Boss Jiang, this stone, help cut it!”


Jiang Delong responded and shouted outside, “Xiao Guo, move this stone to Master Li and let him cut it!”

“Yes, boss!”

Come in a man wearing a suit outside and picked up the stones on the table.

Zhang Yuchen and Miao Fengfei followed behind the staff and came to the Stone Terrace.

The master responsible for cutting the stone glanced at the stone, reached out and touched it, and couldn’t help but frown!

But after all, it was professional, and he asked politely:

“How to cut this stone?”

“Cut it casually, as long as it is proved that there is jadeite inside!”

Zhang Yuchen didn’t care about it, just wanted to prove that he was right.

Master Li glanced at Zhang Yuchen deeply, and the boy’s head seemed to be a little bad.

But he was not a talk, cut it directly from the middle of the stone.

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