Is My Life Ordinary?

Chapter 102 - Let's Find The Rightful Owner

"So, you are saying that all this conversation is recorded here?" Iris asked me. 

"That's right," I said. 

"But when did you? How did you know…?" she asked me. 

"I had a suspicion that sooner or later someone was going to come at me. It was just a precaution in case someone threatens me," I said, "But the President didn't know that and he just spilled all the beans."

"So, why are you going through all this trouble then? Just show him this and all this would be gone for good," Olivia said. 

"Never reveal your best hand in the beginning," I said.

"But here it clearly shows that the President isn't just protecting the school from shame, instead he is protecting himself," Iris said. 

"Well, it might look like that from your perspective. But it also looks like the President has put in a lot of effort in helping the school's reputation rise. So, he has at least this much right to defend himself. Either way, it cannot be used blindly. Based on the situation I am going to use it," I said.

"But he clearly said he didn't care when the school's reputation was crumbling," Iris said, "So if we release it to everyone, won't most lose their trust in him…?" 

"My statement stands," I said, "It won't matter much. We need to use it carefully and slowly lead further. I can't say for sure but it's possible that he is already aware of this recording."

"How?" Olivia asked. 

"The person was already thinking steps ahead. He baited me to speak those things on the stage and he recorded it in the way that most of the blame will be in my direction," I said, "So, it's highly possible that he knows about the recording." 

"... Maybe you are right," Iris said in a low tone.

"So, we won't be using it as of now," I added. 

It's the truth or at least I didn't tell the half-truth. 

If Iris was convinced that this recording is an easy way out she wouldn't do the work much efficiently. Even if she tries her best, it wouldn't be her true potential since in her mindset there always is an escape route. 

Also, I talked about the recording to establish a trustworthy relationship. Not to Iris but the girl beside her, Olivia. 

She doesn't trust me at all. So, this can at least play a small part that I am trusting them full-heartedly and they should also trust me back. 

That's how trustworthy relationships move further. 

"That's too bad… but now that I think of it, it has a bright side to it," Iris said. 

"How so…?" I asked. 

"If you were to use this recording wouldn't our deal be nullified?" Iris said with a smug on her face. 

"Ah… I should have used this in the beginning then, right? Isn't that what you are suggesting?" I said teasingly. 

"No…! I meant the opposite," she exclaimed.

"Really? Wouldn't that be better for me," I said, "Or did you want something to happen to me?" 

"Argh! Don't twist it more as it is already," she said. 

I think maybe I teased her a bit too much.

"Miss, I think you should return to class. It has been quite some time already," Olivia said.

Now that I think of it, I might as well return. I am sure the teacher would ask me something again. Let's think of it on the way. 

"Yes, I should be going now," Iris said to me. 

"I will also be going," I replied. 

"Don't leave with us," Olivia said, "Leave after us or before us." 

Her voice seemed harsh but made sense. We can't be seen together. 

"Fine," I said. 


"I will leave first, you come out later on," I said. 

"Ha…" Olivia was looking with her mouth wide open. 

"What happened?" I asked. 

"Olivia, don't expect him to act that way. He isn't like that at all," Iris said to Olivia, "In fact he doesn't even consider acting like that."

"Like what…?" I asked. 

"Ah, don't worry about it. Get going already," Iris said.


"Allen, Bye-Bye." Iris waved at me. 

"Okay," I awkwardly waved back. 

"Pft… that's dull," Iris said. 

Was it really that dull? 

Anyway, I didn't respond to it and left the room behind. 

I walked down the hallway silently. 

Fortunately, the period was already over when I reached the classroom so I didn't encounter any teacher on the way. So I entered the classroom and I felt the same feeling for quite some time. 

The feeling of being stared at. No matter how much time passes by I can't completely handle it. Some kind of tingly feeling is always there. 

I can't figure it but it was like among all that glaring, there is only a single gaze that pinches, or tickles me. It's probably from someone specific but the moment I turn around to see who it is all their gazes turn to everything else other than me. 

I couldn't catch that person, never once. There were a few times when I thought why they did that but no reason came up. 

So, I have been ignoring it till now, but recently it has increased. It wasn't just the same tickling or small punches but now it's kind of different. 

Should I call that bloodlust? No, it's not that but it was like someone is eager for something to happen and is hastily watching over me. 

Soon the school ended. All were exciting while I was waiting for someone. That, someone, was Lily. 

She didn't tell me when she is going to start or when I should be asking her for the information. 

It might have been decided to meet at the entrance gate but it's probably pretty crowded so we can't meet there. It's too conspicuous. 

So, I just stayed back in the class. It's possible that she might come to class if she can't find me there. Seeing her expression and reaction back then it's clear that she wouldn't leave this easily. 

So, I sat there all alone. 

The only sound in the room was the room of the window being pushed back and forth but the wind. 

With so much sunlight outside and heat it's probably bad wind. By bad wind I mean the wind that can depreciate someone's health if exposed for excessive time. 



I heard someone running in the corridor. Is she here…? 


At the entrance of the classroom, I saw a girl in half breath, panting for air. 

"Lily," I said. 

"You could have at least told me you are here…!" she exclaimed and ran at me. 

"Oh, sorry about that," I immediately apologized. 

"A little heads would have been great!" she said. 

"Why are you out of breath? I don't think just running to the entrance gate of the school and coming back is a long-distance," I said. 

"I ran not just to the gate but for almost half a meter outside and then came here…!" she said. 

"Huh? Why would you do something like that…?" I asked her. 

"'Why' you ask?! I was looking for you. I thought I missed you so I went outside and looked around for you. You know our school is located just near a big park and it was completely filled up. I mean why are there so many at the same time…! Even if they are, why is the outside area also packed up?! Do you know how difficult it was for me? Also, there was an old lady that kept on, blocking my way. What was her problem? Can't she stay still? It's not like she had a lot of time left in this world anyway…!" she said in anger and frustration. 

I think she isn't in a good mood right now.

"Here you go," I offered her my water bottle. 

"..." she snatched it from me and drank it all in one gulp. 

It was half empty, still, it was more than enough that should have at least taken more than one gulp. 

"Done…?" I asked. 

"... Thanks," she said, "No. No, you should face some consequences after what happened to me because of you."

"I will do everything you will ask me to do, but right now help me find that video's owner," I suggested. 

"Yeah about that," she said, "TO be honest I wasn't able to do anything till now. This school's computer isn't compatible with the software I use so I couldn't do it but,"


"One of my servants brought my laptop from my house," she said, "Pretty smart, right?" 

"Yeah, pretty smart for a person who ran more than 50 meters instead of looking inside the place nearest to her," I said. 

"Hey, don't bring that up or I will be going to ask you to do something ridiculous. I am not kidding," she warned me. 

"Alright," I said, "So, you will be starting right now?" 

"Yup," she said, "I have already made arrangements that will allow us to stay here till around six in the evening. That should be enough for me to find that person." 

"'Made Arrangement'? Aren't you pretty much able to control the school itself if you wanted?" I asked. 

I wasn't expecting any sincere answers anyway. 

"Yeah, I could." She said, "It's not a big deal anyway." 



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