Is My Life Ordinary?

Chapter 103 - Tantrum

Yeah, I could." She said, "It's not a big deal anyway."

Isn't it a big deal? 

"You know it might be a big deal for someone…" I said.

"I know," she said. 

"Alright then, it's booted. Now, I need to just begin it," she said as her laptop screen loaded.


"Umm… Allen mind if I do my work?" she said as glanced at me.

"Yeah sure," I replied back, "Go ahead."

"No, no I meant like I won't be able to do it if you keep staring at my side. Just sit over there and let me finish it." 

"Oh, alright then." I said, "I will sit over there then."

I took the seat parallel to hers and sat there silently. 

As I was sitting there, I thought about something. 

What will I do if I find that person? If it really is the work of the President or the Student Council I highly doubt they are going to speak up this easily. 

Now then? Should I threaten them about telling the school about their deeds? Even if I told them that it still is partially my fault. 

I can't just rush things blindly. 

It's quite a pinch I have got myself into. 




Wait, if she is able to find the location of that person can't she hack his/her phone? 

I don't know how exactly these things work but it's not impossible to hack into someone else's phone, right? 

"Hey Lily, can you hack into someone else's phone?" I asked.

"Well, it's not entirely impossible but I can't do it, " she said as she continuously looked at the screen.

"What? Why can't you do it? If you can pinpoint the location of the phone so you should be able to do that as well or am I wrong?" 

"Allen, let me tell you the truth. Hacking isn't something that you see in movies. All of that is false. If that were this simple all the money in the bank would have been just Whoosh or many businessmen crushed on grounds but nothing like that has happened, why?" she asked me.


"Because it's not as easy as it looks. Months, maybe years take to master it. So, at my level the highest is to track something," she said.

"…" I fell silent.

My only plan reached a dead end even before it took its flight.

"But… I can arrange someone to do that," she said.

"Why waste time explaining all those things then? Should have just started with this," I said. 

"… You don't spare words do you? Anyway, if I ask my brother he might be able to help you with this prospectus." She said, "I am pretty sure he has someone like this."

"Which brother are we talking about?" I asked. 

"The elder one," she said, "Why would you even think of the other one? He is even dumber than me." 

"Right. Elder one. Make sure to ask him about this," I said. 

"And… it's done." She said enthusiastically.

Seeing her, I am expecting some great results. 

"So, who is it?" I asked.

"Well it's not someone from our school," she said.

"Huh? What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well, the last location of that phone from which the video was taken and uploaded has been disposed of." 

"Disposed of?" 

"Yes, disposed of. The last location is near the river, located near the main market. That person is good but I was able to find the owner's name." she said.

"Who's that...? I asked.

"Someone named… Silvia," she said doubtfully, "for what I know it could be a fake. People use fake Identities sometimes." 

"But yeah I really don't think a student would do that. At most he/she could only think of disposing of the device. Above that, it's not like the student will think of it," she said. 

"The isn't there a single student named Silvia? Or teacher or even the parents?" I asked. 

I can't do anything if I can't find the person and remove that video.

"also can't you remove the video on the forum?" 

"No, its firewall is too tough to break. The moment I write a code it throws me off. I can't do anything about it." She said, "Whoever put up the firewall is no joke."

If she can't do it then should I ask someone else? But I don't know anyone else who can do something like this.

"So… let's focus on finding the person named Silvia then," I said, "It's only better if we were to find that person."

"Yeah that's the only thing we can do at the moment," she said, "I will try to look up in school records. But this is going to take much more time. Maybe a whole day," she said. 

"A whole day, huh. Fine, then," I replied. 

"But," she stood up, "Let's discuss where we are meeting today. I don't want to end up like this again." 

"I don't know… do you know any place that is empty? I certainly don't want to be the center of attention right now." It's only better not to reveal my hand. 

If the opposition gets the gist of me talking with Lily they might try to narrow my options soon. 

But seeing Lily's authority I doubt they will be able to restrain her but the thing they can do is decrease the viable options. Above all, if they get to know that Lily can find the owner of that video then it's highly possible that they will stop her. 

"Empty place…? Why don't we just go to my house then?" she proposed. 

"Alright then, let me tell you something first," I said. 

"What is it…?" she asked as her laptop screen went blank. 

Maybe she turned it off. 

"Your house… it's not a house," I said, 

"Huh?" She was confused. 

"It's a villa," I said, "Also, how do you propose I go there? Do we leave school at the same time? If someone were to see us together leaving school it's for sure that a huge fuss will occur." 

I certainly don't want that. Unnecessary rumors might begin circulating again.

"No… you just go with the same route," she said, "I will ask one of my servants to pick you up. It's much better and that you can also inform your parents about you getting home a little late."

Late? Why? It's not like I would be spending the dinner there? Also- 

"You believe my parents would let me go with a complete stranger?" I asked. 

There is literally no way they will agree to it. 

"What if… I came to pick you up?" she said. 

"Huh? What?" 

"Look, even if I get out late from school I certainly will be able to reach your house much faster. I have a car, duh," she said. 

"All this… just to help me?" I asked, "Why? It's not like we have known each other for a long time. Why the sudden interest to help me? This isn't the first time I have been in trouble, why this particular time?"

I have been thinking about this for some time now. Why is she going out her way to do this? I haven't even helped or even talked to her so much that she comes and helps and also invites me to her house. 

No matter how you look at it I don't think it's a normal thing to do for someone like me. It's just too suspicious.

"Helping you? Why? Is it wrong to help someone?" she asked. 

"Well… it's certainly good to help someone in need but the way you are doing things isn't just helping me. It's like you want something from me," I said, "Do you want something from me…?" 

"No… I don't need something from me… maybe," she said vaguely. 

Now it's sure that she isn't just doing this to help me. Some altear motive is there and I want to know it. It's better to know the other person's intent rather than just believing them blindly and then get stabbed in the back.

"Really? Even though I know you aren't being honest here," I pressured her, "I want a definitive answer, or I might have to decline your help." 

Well, it's certainly not good for me. There is no way I am going to get the information she is going to get me on my own. But I still can't let that be the cause of my failure now, can I? 

"Wh-! Allen I am here helping you out but you still aren't believing me?" she snorted at me. 

"That's the problem. You are helping me out for no reason. How am I supposed to trust you? If anything I might be walking down a path that is laid out with traps made by… you," I said.

"Really Allen? 'That' is your statement? Even though I ran out there for more than 25 minutes and came back here holding a laptop. Do you know how many people there are? Zillions of people were roaming there," she exclaimed. 

"Look you are taking this the wrong way," I tried to explain to her but apparently her ship has already sailed out. 

"Also, if it makes you feel any better I told you about the owner's name. Isn't that enough to clear your doubt about me…!" she yelled. 

"Alright, alright. I won't doubt you," I said, "Calm down now." 


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