Is My Life Ordinary?

Chapter 104 - Capture

"Also, if it makes you feel any better I told you about the owner's name. Isn't that enough to clear your doubt about me…!" she yelled. 

"Alright, alright. I won't doubt you," I said, "Calm down now." 

What happened to her? My image of her isn't someone who would cause a tantrum. 

"Really…?" she asked me with a sorry face. 

What's happening here? I really can't understand what she is doing. I mean who would yell, exclaim at something like this? I mean shouldn't she also understand that my position of trusting someone isn't an easy task? 

Almost half of the school is hostile to me. Why would they get involved with me after knowing this? 

Anna is only doing what I am telling her to do because she doesn't have any other chance. She is afraid of getting caught for spreading a rumor so she has to make sure I don't get the gist of her spreading the rumor. 

Also, Iris is still a bit suspicious although she is still getting something out of this. It's possible she might be deceiving me and also at the same she isn't. But the amount of information she has told me till now is making me partially trust her a bit. 

But this isn't the case for Lily. She isn't taking anything in return and above all she is just helping me because she wants to. Who would let themselves get into trouble in the process of helping the other? Isn't that a little bit too much? 

"Allen…?" Lily was waiting for my response. 

"Yeah, I will not suspect any further. But if I ever think something fishy is going on then I will cut off all my ties with you," I said sternly, "I won't think twice nor I will be going to talk about that with you." 

"... Fine," she replied back. 

"Alright then let's leave then," I said as I stood from my seat. 

"You go ahead," she said, "I have some work in school." 

"O-Oh! Before I forget…! Make sure that you won't be late tomorrow. I will be waiting outside your house," she said. 

"Yeah I will…" I replied, "Also you don't need to shout. No one is here so I can hear you clearly even if you don't shout." 

"..." she didn't reply as she hid her face in embarrassment. 

I left the room and walked out of the school. I noticed a couple of black cars just near the school gate. I guess it's for Lily since the last time I saw her she was in one of these cars. 


I heard the engine start from one of the cars. 

I turned around and noticed one of them started moving. Why is that? Aren't they supposed to wait for Lily and I am pretty sure she hasn't come outside yet. 

Then the only question remains, why is it following me? 

Thinking it might just be a coincidence that I ignored it and continued on my path but it increased its speed and overtook me, stopping in my path. 

They literally pulled up the car over the sidewalk. Isn't that too dangerous? 

It's fortunate that no one is nearby at the moment. 


No one? 

Wait, wait. 

Isn't this pretty dangerous? Not long before someone was following me? Are they now trying to kidnap me? 

What should I do now? 

If they are in a car, I can never outrun them. Also, if they came in a car then there is a high possibility that a few more others are also there to capture me then I am really in trouble. Some serious trouble. 

Not wasting another moment I ran off in the other direction. 


The car didn't wait and reversed in a blink of an eye. Whoever is driving that car is not an amature. 

"Oh, Allen you haven't lef-" Lily was just exiting the school. 

I didn't stop and still continued running. I knew for sure that I can't waste even a second. Every single second counts. 

"W-Wait!" she yelled at me but I still didn't stop for her. 


The car just passed Lily at high speed. 

"OU!" I didn't take a single glance back because judging by her reaction I already knew that she was also surprised. 

Watching a high-speed vehicle can surprise anyone. It was the same for Lily. But fortunately, she had her bodyguards to protect her. 



It was already given that I couldn't ever outrun the car on a road so I took an alley that came up first. 

Even though I don't know where I am going, I just ran and ran without thinking about the pursuers. 

After taking dozens of turns I halted for a moment to think about my actual standing against them. 

If they're serious about capturing me then it's going to happen. There is literally no way I can outsmart them.

The reasons being- They caught me off guard. Secondly, I can't outrun them. If they want to kidnap me then they might have already set up a few people near my house. So, running to home is a no. Thirdly, I don't even know how many are there or how they look. 

There could be someone wearing casual clothes, he might just knock me out of nowhere. I can't do anything about it, now can I? 

Oh, boy I am really in serious trouble. 




I heard a few steps from nearby. It wasn't the same rhythmic sound when someone walks. It felt like there were more than one. 

Also, they are getting close. 

I am at a total disadvantage on this plane. I don't even know the area's outline. Where am I supposed to run? 




The sound felt a bit louder. Let's just run. 

Not knowing which alley led, I ran in those unknown alleys without any prior knowledge. It was like a maze that would only end if I were to get captured or get away safely. And the one with me getting out safely is almost just next to zero.

With no known definite answer I ran and ran but only to lead where? 

I don't know. Let's just find it out. 


Out of nowhere, I was pulled behind. 



I don't how but I was already on the ground, with my face facing the ground. With the face almost in contact with the dust on the ground. I tried moving but both my arms were blocked from making any movement and both of my legs were both immobilized. 


I knew that I can't escape from this. The person's body weight didn't let me make any slightest bit of movements. 

"B012 here at Street 6. I have Captured the Subject-002." the man said as she removed one of his hands from me to enable his speaker. 

I knew for sure that if I don't take this opportunity I might not get another chance then. 

So, I took it and released all of my energy near my abdomen, because that was the region he was using his body weight the most. 



"Don't try to make any unnecessary movements, kid. It won't end well for you," the man said as he slammed my head on the ground. 

It hurts. 

It felt like my brain would just crack open any moment. 

But I didn't let out a single cry. 

[Team Leader we have a girl following her. What should we do?] 

A girl? 

Is it Lily? Why would she come here? 

Is she an idiot? 

"Kill her," the person said those words so easily. 

[Sir, she isn't alone. A couple of bodyguards are near her. Also, her Car has the symbol of Hendricksons.]

"Hendricksons, huh? Scare her away then. Don't interfere with her too much, you understand?" the man said in a stern voice. 

Hendricksons? Are they related to them? 

What the hell is this mess? More and more confusion keeps on increasing. 

[We understand Sir.] 

"Alright, then. 002 how have you been this whole time?" He asked me as if he had known me for a long time. 

"What the hell are you talking about? I don't know you…?" I said as I lifted up my head a little. 

"Oh, is that so? I guess they fussed up your brain too much. I told them, it would affect your brain cells if- Oops. I was just about to spill the beans."He was having fun? 

Does it seem amusing to him? Above all, he knows me, and what about my brain? Have they done something to me? 




All sorts of questions came to me but I couldn't find the answer to any. 

"Why? What happened? Too scared to tell me?" I tried provoking him. 

"Don't try playing games with me. You pity tricks won't be able to fool me," he said. 

"Really? Then when are you going to find out about this…?" I threw a rock at his head with the help of my legs. 

While he was talking on the phone I tried moving my legs as I distracted him with something else. Fortunately, I felt something hard against my leg. Slowly I tried moving in the right direction and waited for the right moment to throw it. 

And it was this moment. 


I heard some cracking sound. I am sure it hit his head pretty hard. 

He let go of my hands and I was able to shrug him off. 

"Whoa…!" he lost balance and fell to the ground. 

Without looking back I ran but- 


"I t-told you… it won't end for you," he said as I turned around and saw him standing with a smirk on his face while I was beginning to feel numb. 

Before my vision darkened up completely I saw a dart right at the center of my back. 



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