Is My Life Ordinary?

Chapter 107 - Mr. X

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"The tasks were written for the person and a video saying the exact same thing but he used a device to alter his voice so we can't even know his real voice." 

"You don't know his voice? When he talked to me he didn't use any such device," I said. 

"What did you talk about…?" she asked me as she pulled out a pad to write it on. 

"He is working on some kind of thing that will enhance the capabilities of the human brain. In doing so, he kidnapped those students. He also mentioned that he used those 50 students as an experiment to check the result when a human brain fails to work," I said. 

If I remember correctly, that's the most important thing he mentioned. 

"I see, then it means he isn't going to anyone as of the moment," she states. 

"Why is that? How did you come to that conclusion?" I asked.

"7 returned. It means only one thing: that your brains were the only one who didn't break and was the one with the most stability as compared to others. And you might be the one who was the most successful. That's why he kidnapped you. He personally wanted to know you," she said. 

Now that she mentions it, it makes some sense. 

Is that the reason? 

"But what about the others?" I asked. 

"Well, I can't say for sure but it's possible that he might as well try to contact them." She replied. 

Although we have questions that still need to be answered, the question still remains, who is he? What does he want with me?

"So, for the time being, spend the night in here and from tomorrow onwards I will add someone tailing you all the time. I can't risk having you get kidnapped again, it goes the same for all the rest of the students," she said.

"You really don't know what the HYDRAs are really planning to do?" I asked. 

"If I knew, would I be laying around in the school?" 

"Fair enough," I said. 

And throughout all that talking before I could realize my pain went away. 

It really was just a bruise then. 

"Also, by spending a night here, does that mean I have slept here?" I asked. 

"Did you hit your head also? Yes, of course, you have to sleep here," she said.

"But where? You can't possibly be asking me to sleep on this chair?" I asked, "Did my parents agree to this?" 

Technically they wouldn't allow it but I wonder if they did if the Principal herself went there. 

Staying at school is one thing and staying out is another.

"Ah, about that." She said, "They agreed to let you stay with me." 

"Wait, you told them I am staying with you…?" I asked because I think I misheard something.

"Not technically with me," she said and at that moment a door from behind opened up. 

I instinctively held onto the cup as a weapon to attack. 

"Allen," the Principal saw me and lunged forward and held onto my arm. 

Maybe I am just too hostile to my surroundings, well after today's incident and what I have been through I am a bit more cautious. 

"Oh, so you are also here, but when did you wake up?" Apparently, it wasn't what I had in mind. 

"What are you doing here Peter?" I asked. 

The figure standing in front of me was Peter. 

"I am here for a drink…" he said in a low voice. 

"What…?" I am confused, "Why are you here, that's what I am asking?"

"Why are we here? For a study group like the rest of them…? Why are you asking? Isn't that what we all are here for?" he said. 


"Peter, why did you come up here?" the Principal asked before I could say anything, "Didn't I already tell you specifically not to move out until further instructions?" 

"T-That's b-because… water was f-finished so I had to-" he was stuttering a lot. 

"Fine, just take this bottle and move out." The Principal said in a stern voice as always.





Without any further conversation, he picked up the bottle and left the room without making any unnecessary noise. 

"Care to tell me what that was…?" I asked her. 

"Apparently, I brought all the survivors here with the excuse of Study Group while I will supervise them. That's the exact same reason I told you parents so they also agreed instantly," she said in a low voice. 

"There are others?" I asked. 

"Yeah," she said, "I can' just invite-only one student now, can I?" 

"What did you tell them about me?" I asked. 

If I am correct there is a possibility that they have been here for more than two hours and by that time I have been unconscious. And if I were to suddenly come up wouldn't they ask me various kinds of questions? 

And I don't want to end up in that situation, it's just too much of a hassle. 

"Don't worry," she said confidently, "From their perspective, you lost consciousness and passed out just outside my entrance gate. The reason being you were stressed up and your health degraded. So, you needed a rest." 

"And they were convinced…?" I asked. 

"Not everyone can be like you Allen," she said. 

Is it sarcasm or was it genuine? I don't know and I don't need to know. 

"So, is there any need for me to go there?" I asked. 

"Well, Peter has seen you already, you have to go." She said, "Also, in about 30 minutes you have to take a quiz so get ready for that. I don't need any excuses." 

"What? Quiz? Aren't you being harsh on me? I just woke up after being kidnapped?" I said. 

"Did you get injured around your wrist?" she asked me. 

"No, I don't think so," I replied. 

"Are you injured around the brain region…?" she asked me. 

"Oh, I know where you are going with this," I stopped her, "I mean come on don't be like that. I don't even know what it is about. Give me a handicap." 

She was making it clear that I am not injured, not in arms and not in the brain, then I can do both, think and write. 

"Allen, at the end of the day you are still a student. Wearing a school uniform and going to school so you can't skip these things. You have to face them head-on," she said encouragingly. 

"You are just being mean," I said. 

"Alright then," she said, "I will take the test after 1 hour. Get ready before that" 

"Subject?" I asked. 

"Mathematics," she said. 

"No, not mathematics." I said dishearteningly, "At least take something else."

"See you in one hour. Go downstairs. Everyone is gathered there," she said as she waved at me with a big smug face.

I stood up and also I realized that my pain was completely gone. Maybe it was a minor numbness.

"Did you complete this one…?" 

"This one?" 

I heard some chattering. At first, I thought I shouldn't go but soon an image of the Principal appeared in front of me, with a maths question paper. 

Oh, god why do bad things happen to good people? 


I rolled down the doorknob and entered. 


Every single one of them fell silent at the sight of me. 

Well, it's not like I care about them.

So, as I rolled around my eyes I saw my bag just at the corner left all alone. 

Don't worry my 'bag' we both will be alone now. 

I don't know why I am thinking like this but it felt natural at the moment. 

"Here comes the star of the show," Roy broke the silence. 

Wait a minute. Isn't he the one who shed tears not too long ago? What is he doing? 

So, as a response to his sly comment, I just looked at him showing him that I don't care what he does. He poses no threat to me, not now, and not ever. 

"Ek!" he jerked back a little but didn't let the other notice it too much.

"Allen how are you now…?" It was Lily. 

Wasn't Lily also there? At the site nearby where I was kidnapped. Does she know about it? I hope not. 

"Normal, I guess," I replied back. 

"He says normal," Roy chuckled. 

Instead of trying to stop him, I chose to ignore him. Idiots will always be idiots. Let's just keep my distance from him for now. 


Selene was heeding at me. I looked back a little, just for a second. 

"Seriously, Allen are you okay?" Lily asked me again. 

"Yeah," I replied. 

With those stares centered at me, I walked forward and sat on the spot farthest from all of them, and took out the heaviest book from my bag.

And waited for the second most terrifying thing to happen. 

The Maths test.


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