Is My Life Ordinary?

Chapter 108 - Math

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Selene was heeding at me. I looked back a little, just for a second. 

"Seriously, Allen are you okay?" Lily asked me again. 

"Yeah," I replied. 

With those stares centered at me, I walked forward and sat on the spot farthest from all of them, and took out the heaviest book from my bag.

And waited for the second most terrifying thing to happen. 

The Maths test.


With no further intervention, I sat there burying myself on that pile of chunks filled with formulas. 

I guess those times when I wasn't paying attention are coming back to stab me in the back. 



"Alright then. Is everyone ready?" The Principal entered the room holding a pile of white paper that wasn't graded yet, "Keep aside your books and notebook. The quiz will begin now." 

"E-Excuse m-me… c-can I ask something…?" one of the girls sitting beside Peter asked. 

"What is it, Emma?" 

So her name is Emma. 

"W-Why are we… the o-only one who has to do t-these things? W-We were... also asked to s-stay at school earlier," she said. 

"All of you are the only students who are behind. I am sure many of you must have caught up with the rest of the class but this is still a procedure we teachers came up with," she said, "So, you need to do these. Last time it was planned to do the same but another teacher had some urgent work so we skipped that day. This might go on for a few more days. So, comply with it."

It was easy to read the room's mood. 

All of them wanted to say something but couldn't. I guess the Principal has established her authority pretty high. 


"Here," she handed down white papers filled with things that might give me nightmares at night.

She had a total of 8 sheets. 

I know about the 7 but why is there plus one? Lily is the one who isn't supposed to be here but she is. Is it related to today's incident? 

I might as well ask her later if it bothers me much or ask the Principal.

"Allen here is yours," before I could notice she already handed the sheets to everyone except me, "Also, do you mind keeping that book in your lap someplace else?" 

Oh, I still haven't put away my book yet. 

"Idiot. Can't even understand simple instructions," Roy gave his sly comment. 


This time I didn't even look at him since the Principal was already doing that. And truthfully she should just glare at that stupid boy. He might change for good because the way he is now isn't any good.

"Mr. Roy, have you finished your paper already so that you have the luxury to talk about someone else?" The Principal said. 

"Eep! I-I am s-sorry," he instantly apologized. 

She handed me the sheet and moved away. 

"Also, before I forget about it I should inform you," she said, "The one who scores the highest will get a bed to sleep on. Of course, I won't let the others sleep on the floor. The rest will have to sleep in sleeping bags that will be provided by me." 

"What if everyone gets an equal score?" I asked. 

Since it's the best situation for me. I don't care what others think. 

"Equal score, huh?" 

Everyone's gaze was focused on me. 

'How can he ask her something like this…?' 

Is what others are thinking, based on their expression. 

'He must have a death wish.' 

Only Roy had this weird look that was stating this. 

"Well, you all can get a bed in that case." She said after giving it a thought. 

Isn't that easy then? We can all just get 0 on the quiz. Equal marks and all get a bed. It's clearly a win-win situation. If someone objects to it, that person must be an idiot or someone who would fool everyone so that they can get the benefits of a bed all alone. 

"Total marks is 50 so, 0-25 marks aren't acceptable. Score more than that," she said. 


For the love of God, why do such a horrible thing to me? Isn't this just too cruel? 

"I will come back in one hour, make sure all of it is done. If I catch any of you using any kind of unfair means then you have to face some serious consequences," is what she said as she left the room with the door open.

For the starting 20 minutes, I was able to solve the 1 marker, 2 marker,s and even the 3 markers. But the problem rose up when 5 marks came up. 

It's of proving. 

And the worst chapter of proving, trigonometry was there. There are almost infinite possible formulas. Any formula can be converted into anything. 

I would write the question again and the proving part and after that, my mind would go just blank. 

Also, if I leave it can affect the overall score. One 5 marker is equal to my two 2 markers and one 1 marker question. 

The weightage of those 5 markers is much more and those are the ones that I can't seem to do correctly.

With no other solution coming up, I raised my eyes around the room to analyze everyone's progress. 

Among the group of 8, Lily, Selene, Emma, and Alice were the only ones who were writing without any hesitation. The rest were like me, who got stuck somewhere along the way. 

The one that intrigued me the most was watching Roy. He would write something and after writing a couple of lines he would stop in between and look at it as if he found a mistake. But that mistake wasn't just any mistake, all of what he has written seems to be wrong so he would scratch the whole area. 

What is he really doing?

On the other hand, Peter would act like he is writing but soon his mind also would go blank. 

Liz would stop in between but she seems to be thinking sincerely, she would write a line then slightly on the corner she would write something, maybe do some calculation then proceed further. 

Soon the Principal entered the room with a red pen in her hand. Is she going to mark all of us right here? 

"Alright then. Time up, hand over the paper. I will call you one by one," she ordered. 

She collected all the papers and when she reached my place, she looked at me and gave me a slight smirk. 

What is that supposed to mean? Did she find it out? 

No way, I hide it pretty well I think.

She called everyone one by one. She would whisper the scores in their ear so that no one knows who scored how much. 

And at last, it was my turn. 

"Allen," she called out to me. 

"Coming," I replied. 



"So Allen, are you ready to face the consequences?" she whispered with a smirk. 

"Huh? What do you mean?" 

"What's inside that left pocket of yours…?" she asked me. 

"I… don't know," I replied. 

"Is that so…?" She extended her arm and placed her long and slender palm inside my pocket. 

While the others were busy thinking about their score, no one cared to look at me. 

"Huh?" The Principal seemed a bit surprised. 

"What happened Principal?" I asked while hiding my smirk behind that expressionless face. 

"Wait," she instantly checked all my pockets and even the insides of my palm but she couldn't find anything. 

"You shouldn't have shown that smirk of yours," I said as I glanced over my sheet, "Also, they are still there so you won't find them here."

"... Sly brat," she said as she tried to hide her frustration. 

I initially ripped a few pages of my notebook after writing all the formulas on it without anyone noticing.

But apparently, while I was copying them she came to me handing over the paper. At that moment I had already ripped the paper slightly from the top. 

She didn't say anything at that time, maybe she wanted me to face some punishment. 

But I followed her eyeball and knew that instant she saw that ripped paper. 

So, not to fall into her trap I didn't tear any paper. 

She can't even say anything now. The papers are there intact and she can't blame me for anything. 

Also, while she got her attention on that paper she forgot that Lily was sitting diagonally from my place. 

Making a clear path for me to see her sheet. 

Also, Lily didn't even realize but her sheet was pretty much facing in my direction so I was able to see it easily. 

I didn't completely copy it but still scored an average score. 

"Everyone at their seat," she said. 

I went back to my initial space. 

"Eat your food that is placed just outside the door and further instruction will be told later on," she announced and left the room again with a pile of graded sheets.

At last, the nightmare is over for the time being…


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