Is My Life Ordinary?

Chapter 109 - The Night

"Eat your food that is placed just outside the door and further instruction will be told later on," she announced and left the room again with a pile of graded sheets.

At last, the nightmare is over for the time being…

Since all we had to do was to wait for her to come here again and pick a student for a reward. 

It was a good opportunity to reveal each other's marks but only if all of them were a group of friends and not a group of students. 

Not being close to each other they seemed a little bit hesitant revealing their score. 

Questions arose, 'what if they judge my score and me?', 'what if I have the lowest score?' 

Not knowing how good the other person is in academics their thoughts about revealing their scores didn't come up. 

Peter stood up and brought in the food the Principal placed just outside the door for us. 

My ever and initial plans are always the same. Keeping a low profile and not gathering too much attention. Or is what I had in mind. 

"Do we really need to give these to Allen?" Roy said arrogantly. 

"What are you talking about?" Peter asked him as he was the one distributing. 

"He wasn't even studying. We were hours earlier than him," Roy said haughty, "He shouldn't be given the same treatment as us." 

"Oh, I am sorry but do you happen to buy the food?" I said. 

"W-Well… I didn't buy it b-but you still don't deserve to get the same treatment as us!" he exclaimed. 

I guess he must have hit his head when he was small. I mean then how one could be this stupid? 

"Roy, you are now being unreasonable," Emma said as she took one box from Peter. 

She seemed to be ignoring the conversation but I could see her irritation on her face. 

"Oh, so you are on his side…!?" Roy continued his unreasonable thing. 

"Shut up will you?!" the girl sitting beside Emma yelled at Roy. 

I guess I didn't even have to interfere anymore. 

After giving the quiz everyone's mood dropped down a little and Roy's annoying voice and his unreasonable yelling must have triggered the order to show up on the surface. 

"W-What? Am I the only one who thinks like that…?" he questioned himself. 

I am sure now that he likes to make a fool of himself in front of others. 

Let's shut him or else he might still persistently continue his blabbering. 

"Roy, how about shut up now? Or is that you are one of those who are called what…? Right, attention seekers. Are you one of those people?" I asked him. 

If he were to get mad at this then his reputation will surely plummet and if he stayed silent results might change. It's up to him which way to go. 

"Huh!?" he yelled. 


I guess it's time. 



The constant yelling of Roy was loud enough to reach the Principal. Since it's night time even the slightest of sound is considered loud. 

His stupidity didn't take into account the consequences of his actions. If he were to be in someone else's house he might have been excused but unfortunately, it was the Principal's house. 

"Roy I happen to hear your yelling, just to confirm it was you, right?" the Principal came with a long, shiny knife holding on her left palm and if that wasn't enough something red was also pouring down from it. 



It wasn't just Roy who got scared but the rest of them were pretty scared. 


The Principal couldn't understand what happened so he glanced at me for an explanation. 


I moved my lips saying the words 'HANDS' to her. To which she instantly knew the reason why everyone else was scared. 

"I was making some sandwiches for myself. The ketchup must have stuck on it while I was cutting it," she said, "What are you so scared of?" 


Gradually they slowly took a slight glance at her hand and realized it was just the tomato ketchup. 


A chain-like reaction spread across the room with relief. 

"Don't yell or talk loudly. It can disturb the neighbors," she said and left the room. 


An awkward silence spread across the room. Everyone was looking at each other's faces except me. I took the sealed box lying on the table and began opening it. 

While the others seemed to be in shock, I was having my dinner. I liked the silence of the room. That's what I was hoping for since the beginning. All those chattering and all really irritated me. 

"Allen… how come you aren't fazed a bit…?" Lily asked me as she shifted towards me. 

While she shifted everyone's gaze locked on me. 

Why? Why Lily did have to raise a question like that? At least be a little more discrete.

"All of us were terrified for a moment there but you didn't even bat an eye," she poured even more salt on an open wound. 

"I knew it wasn't blood and when I knew it wasn't blood I didn't care," I said as I began eating. 

For a moment no one said a thing and I felt that it was the sign that they were satisfied with the reasoning but apparently it was the opposite. 

Hearing me give that answer made them more interested in me. 

The reason was, even if I knew it wasn't blooded it was one that could get a bit surprised if not scared. And to them, it seems more than a bit odd and weird. 

"Have you seen blood?" This time it was Emma who questioned me. 

"Well, I have. Like when I scrape my knee or something like that," I replied.

"No, no. Not like this but blood pouring down. Like blood flowing from inside or something like that…?" 

Technically I have seen more than just one dead body. So, I know what the book looks like and it has been imprinted in my head so I can never mistake tomato ketchup as blood. 

"Maybe," I said vaguely. 


"Shh~~" Roy was again about to flip out but everyone else shunned him up as soon as he opened up. 

"Roy, just shut up okay? You are making our situation worsen. I can't handle your stupidity any longer," Emma said clearly stating that Roy is being a nuisance and nothing else. 

"So you are taking his side?" he wasn't yelling as before but his voice was still considerably loud as compared to others. 

"No one is taking either side," Lily intervened, "It's just that you are trying to provoke him for reasons I don't know. And if you continue to act like this the Principal might come here again and it might not go as easy as this time."

"..." it seems like he wanted to spill out something but swallowed it inside. 

Even if he is dumb he is still scared of the Principal. 

The atmosphere became gloomy and the chattering was almost negligible. 

While eating Lily tried asking me about the incident. 

She must have seen my pursuers this afternoon. But I dodged the question saying it was nothing serious and made it look like that the pursuers mistook me for someone else. 

Observing her expression, she was still not convinced but she got the hint that she shouldn't pursue this matter any further. Nothing would come out if I am not willing to say it. 



While I was just about to finish dinner I heard steps coming closer. 

I shouldn't be alarmed but for reasons unknown, I have been on edge ever since I came back. 

Is it because I was kidnapped? Or is it because of that person's voice? 

For a moment there I felt disgusted and above all, it was all oddly familiar. 

"Is everyone done?" the Principal asked as she stepped in. 

And she came empty-handed this time. The rest still seems a bit scared. 

"Y-Yes…" Peter said. 

"Alright then," she said, "Who will be using a bed? Any guesses?" 


A dead silence spread across the room. 

"I guess no one wants it," she said, "Why don't you all just use the sleeping bags? It might be a new experience for everyone." 

"B-But-" Roy seemed to want to speak something but before that happened the Principal stated something. 

"Whoever thinks this isn't fair," she continued, "They better be sure about how they scored. Because I will only accept questions from those who score in the top 3. It would have been great if you had discussed but since you didn't no one knows who scored how much. So, in any case, a person who placed 4th has to clean the house alone in the morning." 

"Huh? That's just plain absurd," Roy exclaimed.

"As I trial I am going to use that. So, is anyone going to ask me something?" the Principal said, "You should have at least talked about this."

I see, so she had already planned it out all. 


Since everyone was in the dark no one could dare to come up. 

The thought of cleaning was stopping all of them from raising a question because I may still have not seen her apartment completely but it's for sure that it's quite spacious and if we are including the upper floor it's too big for a single person to shoulder themself with all the cleaning. 

"That's how real life works. You might encounter unknown people but you should at least try to gather the information that could be related to your work at the moment," the Principal said. 


So, her plan was just to let the students know about one of the many real-life situations? 

That's not what I was expecting but who cares. 

Either way, I was still going to sleep in those sleeping bags so no matter what happens I would still be on the safer side of the line. 


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