Is My Life Ordinary?

Chapter 118 - Recall

"Weird," I said as I touched the lock. 

It was the pin lock. 

So, although I was lazy, this file got me curious and that's how I began trying various pins. After a while father called out to me again. 

"Allen… Did you find it or do you want me to come…?" Father still didn't seem to be in a hurry so I continued my lock break. 

"Let's try this," it was their anniversary date. 


Oh, so it was right. 

I started flipping a few pages. 

Since I couldn't read in detail I read only the heading and some of the underline things. 

[New Drug. 

Effectiveness is 2 times more than N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist drug.

Pain receptors are much more sensitive.] 

That's all I could read since my father came into the room. 

So, I hurriedly locked it again but the thing that I noticed, at last, was that something related to the test subject. 

I wonder what that was about.

(Back to the Present)

"Really? Then why are you being targeted by them? If you haven't done anything wrong or don't have any relation to them then why are they after you? I think it's very suspicious," the person said as the voice felt closer.

"I don't know why they are after me…" I said as I tried to suppress my scream. 

Those punches are really starting to take effect now. 

"Really? Are you really telling the truth?" that person said. 


I heard something click. What was that? 


I clenched my teeth and tried my hardest not to scream. 

"Oh so you can endure this much?" he continued, "But it wasn't even a real bullet so of course, it shouldn't have hurt that much but then again we did drug you so that could have hurt pretty seriously." 

So they did use the drug. If what I read on my father's paper it's a possibility that it's either one of those drugs. 

"... You know this won't end well for either of us," I said as I gritted my teeth.

"Huh? What do you mean…?" 

I was having difficulty breathing so it wasn't easy for me to talk yet I still did, "... I couldn't care less… if you had just… kidnapped me but the moment you touched my… mother was the moment that you made an enemy of me," it might seem too far fetched but I am not kidding, "... I won't let you go easily." 

"Are you threatening me…?" 


Another punch but this one felt more harder so for a moment I was feeling like I was losing consciousness but I still tried not to. 

"... You know… what?" I tried talking, "... You can… just… piss off… since I am going to come for you… I will find you no matter… what…" 




I don't remember how much time has passed? 

How many hours has it been? 

No, that isn't true… It has only been a few minutes. 

But the pain, constant pain felt like an eternity. 

"Are you sure you aren't connected with the HYDRAs in any way…? If you just tell us I can ease up things for you." 

So there are multiple people and not just one. 

"Really…? I am getting tired of this again… and… again… I have already told you I don't have any clue why they… are after me… or why all this is happening… to me," I said as I was on the verge of losing consciousness. 

"Aren't you just being stubborn here…? Just tell us and who knows maybe you will get to go home soon," that person also seemed a bit desperate. 

"Just… Just wait… I am going to… find out who you are… then I will… make you… you pay for this…" 

With those words, I was left with no ounce of energy. 

The light that was more or less visible till now seemed to blacken. 

I guess that's how it is. 

I just hope mother isn't hurt…

"... Maybe he really isn't related to the HYDRAs…" 

I heard a voice that wasn't familiar at all. But does it matter now…?



I instantly opened my eyes. 

"That voice," I tried to move and to my surprise, they were working just fine but I was still feeling a bit of numbness around the abdomen region. 

"Where am I…?" 

The light was half-lit, so it took quite some time for me to make out my surroundings. 

Huh? It's my room. 

How am I here…? 

"Allen, dinner's ready." 


The door opened and a sudden burst of bright light reflected on me. 

"What…?" I was still confused. 

Am I dreaming? No, that can't be possible since it is just surreal for it to be a dream. 

"Come on get out," mother said, "You have been sleeping for more than 3 hours now." 

What 3 hours…? 

If I am not wrong the total distance between Lily's house and mine is almost like about an hour or maybe even less so how come I am sleeping for three hours? 

"Mom, can you tell me what happened after we left Hendrickson's house…" I asked her as I rubbed the back of my head. 

"You don't remember," she said, "We both fell asleep so we passed out till we reached our house. The driver had to wake us up and what's more, he had to carry you inside since you." 

Wait, something isn't fitting here. 

What happened to the time when I was tortured? 

I could feel those punches, they have made an impression that might need a few days to get back to normal. 

"So, you don't remember when we reached our home…?" I asked. 

"Yes," she said, "What's the matter with you?" 

She left as she mentioned about dinner once again. 

So, all that time they took me somewhere else and took me back. 

Why bother taking me home then? The last time that MR. X just threw me around the parking area around Central Park, the Principal had to find me but this time they made sure I reached home. 

Why would they do that? 

Unless they wanted me to reach home so no suspicion could be caused. 

If I am right, then they were someone that Harry or the Principal or even me, knew about. 

So, the culprit is someone close by and it's most likely they are one of those guards. 

I don't care who but that person, I will track down no matter what. 

It didn't matter if I was the only one but it's all the other thing if you try to involve my family. 

"Allen are you coming down or do I come up again…?" mother yelled. 

"Coming…" I hurriedly got out of bed. 

Nothing much happened at dinner. 

Mother told my father about that fake accomplishment. So I was congratulated about it. Although it was fake, the compliments felt pleasing. 

I was resting as I tried touching my abdomen region to check where exactly I was hurt. 

Also, it hurts. I am not kidding but they didn't go easy on me at all. All the pain, I could still feel it but not as much as compared to that time. 

What did they want from me? 

Isn't that pretty obvious that I am the victim here? 

If I was just on the HYDRAs side, would I still be getting in all this trouble? Why would I? 


All of a sudden my phone rang up. 

I got a notification from an unknown number. Who is it? 

I unlocked the phone to see what the message was. 

{I checked up as you asked for and it seems like there is something fishy going on for sure. 

The Hendricksons Family was once involved with the HYDRAs but their last descendant, HARRY seems to have nullified their connection yet he has still made contact with unknown sources and I believe it's related to the HYDRAs.} 

"Took longer than expected," I mumbled to myself. 

With just the context written, I instantly knew who it was. 

It was Peter's Father. 

(When Allen Talked with Peter's Father)


[What do you want now?]

"Hello, good afternoon. I am Peter's Classmate. I need to talk to you for a minute, are you free right now?" I stood up from my seat and I stepped out of the room.

[… Alright. But you need to be quick, I can't talk for long.] He said.

"I understand. I'll be brief. You must have heard from Peter already that he needs to stay at school. Is there any particular reason you aren't letting him stay here or are you concerned about him?"

[Reason? Whenever he went on a school trip before he could come home his complaints would come. I don't want that to happen so I am not letting him stay. That's my reason.]

"What if I will take full responsibility for it?"

[This is the first time I have talked to you. How can I believe me?] That's true. Who would believe a kid and moreover it's their first time talking.

"Sir, what kind of job do you have? Corporate or Government?"


"Okay sir, you must be remembering the incident that happened right?"

[… Yes.]

"Sir, what would you do if I told you that your son might die today?" I didn't take the longer route, rather went from the front.


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