Is My Life Ordinary?

Chapter 119 - I Won't Let It Happen Again

[… Alright. But you need to be quick, I can't talk for long.] He said.

"I understand. I'll be brief. You must have heard from Peter already that he needs to stay at school. Is there any particular reason you aren't letting him stay here or are you concerned about him?"

[Reason? Whenever he went on a school trip before he could come home his complaints would come. I don't want that to happen so I am not letting him stay. That's my reason.]

"What if I will take full responsibility for it?"

[This is the first time I have talked to you. How can I believe me?] That's true. Who would believe a kid and moreover it's their first time talking.

"Sir, what kind of job do you have? Corporate or Government?"


"Okay sir, you must be remembering the incident that happened right?"

[… Yes.]

"Sir, what will you do? I told you that your son might die today?" I didn't take the longer route, rather went from the front.

[What kind of nonsense are you telling me?!] He seemed raged.

"Okay sir, I won't try to pursue further but please reconsider your decision. It's just not him but everyone from the incident including me. You must know my name. My name is Allen."

[… Is that your real name?] He asked.

"Yes sir, that's my name. It's just for the night let him stay."

[… Let me think. I'll call later.]

"Sir, I need to ask you something," I said before he could end the call.


"Since you have a government job, can I assume you have a considerable high post in the department?"

[… Maybe. What do you want?]

"Sir, this is something that shouldn't be spread around since it could put me in danger so never tell this to anyone. Do you happen to know about the secret criminal organization HYDRAs?" I asked.

He fell silent and I could only hear the sound of heavy breathing through the speaker, [… How do you know that name?] He already knows about this.

"I need you to find out if the person is involved with HYDRAs," I said.

[What? Why do I have to do that?] he asked me. 

"It's not necessary but you know your son and I are quite close so what do you think will happen if I get involved in this mess? Do you think your precious son will be safe?" Of course, it was a fake threat but if he doesn't comply with it then it might change into a real one. 

[Are you threatening me?] his voice felt angrier. 

"Sir, I am trying to avoid that but I will do whatever it takes to keep myself safe," I said, "I don't want you to sympathize with me but just to try cooperating with me, that's all." 

[What's the name of the person?] he asked. 

I guess the threat worked. 

"Sir, the name is Harry Hendricksons, and especially try digging further into the Hendricksons," I said.



All of a sudden he fell silent. 

[... How much do you actually know?] he asked me. 

"Does it matter now…?" I asked him. 

[I will do but if you already know all this, better be careful. The more you keep getting sucked in the scarier it's going to become.] 

He warned me and ended the call. 

"I am already at risk…" 

(Present, Allen Sitting in his room)

"I almost spent most of the day at the Hendricksons and I was kidnapped in between so before I knew it was already late," I could see the street lights turned on. 



My phone rang twice, so normally I don't get any notification so this time it's weirder since I got two at the same time.

[Unknown Number- XXXX-XXX-XX24]

{I got what you wanted.}

{I checked up as you asked for and it seems like there is something fishy going on for sure. 

The Hendricksons Family was once involved with the HYDRAs but their last descendant, HARRY seems to have nullified their connection yet he has still made contact with unknown sources and I believe it's related to the HYDRAs.} 

"Took longer than expected," I mumbled to myself. 

So, it's true that Harry is related to the HYDRAs. 

But why? 

After the Principal's history with the HYDRAs, it's pretty clear that she won't tolerate any kind of betrayal and if it's related to the HYDRAs then it's going to get pretty messy soon. 

Also, after observing the Principal for this long I believe that she would be able to find out if her subordinate is getting in contact with the HYDRAs… unless she knows of it. 

It's getting complicated. 

What if, what if all this time the Principal is with the HYDRAs? 

The reason she told me the story might have been a trap and Harry calling me to tell all that story about the Principal's parents getting killed was to make certain that I won't doubt them. 

Is that how it is? 

But there is also a possibility that the Principal was telling the truth but about Harry, I am still in doubt. 

Why did he have to tell all this…? It's not like I asked him and I believe it was not the Principal and… how did he know that I had this talk with the Principal in the first place? 

Did the Principal know this…? 

What's going on with them? 

I have my hands filled with those Student Councils so even if I wish to I can't dig deeper into Harry's matter so for the time being I set that aside. 

Also, before I forget let's set a timer for tomorrow afternoon since by that time Lily must have found out about our video owner. 

"Let's just tell her not to come to my house, otherwise I have to tell another lie to my mother," I mumbled, "It's just too much of a hassle." 

I usually stay a bit late but after what I have gone through for the last couple of days, I need as much rest as possible.

So, with so many things to worry about, I still went to sleep.

Having a false, all the problems will just fly away. 

The alley was partially hidden by the small building on the right while the other half was slightly lightened up from the street lights.

It was a usual day for everyone except a few. 

Normally a person might choose to wander around the city with their friends but what would a person like me possibly do? 

But I still had a reason to go out.

"W-what do you want from me…?" She seemed scared but she still had her defense up. 

"Who are you…? What were you doing at our school?" I asked her as I pinned her down against the wall. 

"..." she tried not to say anything. 

"Really… is that you going to play? Just tell us why you were at our school that day. I will let you go otherwise I might need to use some other means," I tried threatening her, "You won't be liking them."

"H-Help… Help!" she yelled. 

"You know this is an alley that anyone usually doesn't take. Although it's a shortcut, it's still scary at night… so no one will be coming for your aid," I said as I moved a little closer, "So yell as much you can."

"N-No… Help… Help… please let me go…" she agonized, screamed but nothing came out of this. 

"Just tell me why… we could skip all this you know if you just tell me why you came to our school that specific day," I pressed her. 

I won't be going home until I get an answer. I already wasted too much time on this so I don't want to let it all go to waste. 

"... W-Why… are you doing… this to me… I was just…" she was about to say something that shouldn't have been disclosed but stopped right at the entrance of that. 

"Just, finish it." I raised my voice a bit. 

"Ek!" she was terrorized by it. Maybe it seemed scarier because she was all alone in an alley with an unknown entity like me. But what she is actually scared of is that no one will be coming for her no matter how much she cries, screams, or agonizes. 

She was shown a ray of hope but it was an illusion made by me. She doesn't have any possible way to get out of this. 

Not this. 

"Why… why can't you say it?" I asked her. 

"..." she shivered in fear. 

"Just tell me and all this will be over," I told her. 

"Tell me why you came that day," I didn't stop and continued to pester again and again. 


"Yes… just like that tell me why," I lowered my voice. 

"I… w-was…" she was walking on a thin line that could snap any second. 

"Yes, just like that, tell me." I slowly whispered in her ears. 

"... H-H…" 

"H? Just say it and all this will end," instead of pressing her I was intentionally spraying the words in her, "Just say it and you won't ever have to bear all this risk." 


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