Is My Life Ordinary?

Chapter 137 - Grudge

"... Y-Yes… t-they did," he said, "N-Now… you w-will n-not force me to leav-" 

"Before that… record a video of telling something that would counter that recording," I said. 

"I will! I will! I will!" He said beggingly but in that despair, he now saw the hope of not getting expelled and most of all… not letting the video get spread across the internet. 

"Alright, then you should begin right… now," I said while opening my camera. 

He said something and I recorded it. 

The Principal watched in silence. Roy also didn't seem to mind that. Since he was too concerned to think about anything other than himself. 

"N-Now… you won't-" he tried to say but I understood the complete sentence. 

"Alright then Roy," I said as I stood up and walked up to him. 

Although he tried to stay standing, I put my dominant hand on his left shoulder and put some pressure on it and with not much effort, he was on his knee. 

"..." he was aghast. 

"You remember our first meeting?" I asked. 

"I-" but I didn't ask him. 

"It's a rhetorical question," I said, "Do you remember our second confrontation?"


"Do you remember our meeting when you pushed me in the room?" 


"After all this… after all this trouble you caused me I let it go since your 'family's' life was in someone else's hands. You can't do a thing against their demand. I understand it," I said in a low voice but now it felt even scarier to him. 

He doesn't know what I am going to do. I might bury him right now with just one click of the 'upload' button or I can just let this all slide since he provided me with the information about the Student Council and all. 

Thinking of either possibility I was burning him alive. 

He should be. 

"But what did you do…? Roy what did you do…?" I asked him. 

I know he was desperate, desperate to not get expelled but that was the only way to save his entire life. But something clicked him and he thought about the Principal. The same Principal, who has reigned over the school ever since she has stepped on the school grounds. 

"Roy… you disappoint me to the core," I whispered to his ear. 

Shivers went down his spine. 

"Allen isn't that enough…?" the Principal interrupted. 

"What is? I am not done yet so just stay quiet," I said. 

"So Roy did you really think… you really thought I would let you go this easily? Huh? No way… I am going to destroy you, not just the 'you' right now but the 'you' in future," I said the devil's word and pulled his collar and forced his face on my phone screen. 


"A-Allen no! P-Please no! I w-will do anything! A-Anything…" he joined both his hands. 

He cried. He begged me. He agonized. He was getting traumatized twice in a single day. 

"Allen! That's enough! You don't have to go this far…! This is enough!" The Principal got the gist of the situation and slammed her chair back. 

I don't know what happened to it but the sound was too loud, the chair must have been broken. 

The Principal rushed at me but it would be too late by the time she reached me. And the devastated person can't do a thing, him being too helpless he couldn't gather strength to move except to apologize. 

"And- 'UPLOAD'," I clicked the button in front of him. 

Right in front of his eyes. I clicked the button. 


In that instant, the Principal came and pushed me aside along with Roy and snatched away the phone and tried to delete it. 

I was able to balance myself from not getting hit by the corner of the table while Roy almost hit the edge of the corner but he didn't show any emotion. 


"... Uff…" the Principal let out a sigh of relief while Roy was in dismal. 

"Are you crazy, Allen! You almost ruined a child's entire future!" she yelled at me and was about to slap me. 



She slapped me. It hurts. 

"His future? At least he would have a future, I wouldn't even live to see the next day if I hadn't stopped him," I said as I tried to massage the slapped area. 

"..." the Principal was speechless. 

The room was filled with negative air. But did she think I would let this end just here? 

"Don't you think technology these days is crazy good…" I said in a low voice.

"Huh! What do you mean…?" the Principal asked. 

"I mean I can upload the same thing from multiple accounts in one single click," I said. 

That's right. I have linked my entire cellular data across different clouds and I just needed one thing, that is, to upload one thing from different accounts. 

YouTbe these days is filled with tutorials of such things. 

"W-WHAT!?" The Principal was in shock. 

She instantly opened her laptop and searched across the internet. 

"Why not just check the school's forum…?" I said. 

Before coming to the Principal's room I met with Lily and with her help, I was able to post the video on the forum as well as on other social media sites. Of course to get those videos viral instantly I needed a well-versed account. 

And Lily volunteered to help me with that. This way she thought she was trying to prove his trust and faithfulness towards me. 

"A-Allen… yo-you… what have you done…!" the Principal exclaimed as she saw the School's Forum. 

"Don't get me wrong but I also hold grudges," I said as I took the support of the table and stood up straight. 

I walked up to the Principal's table where she was continuously trying to remove the video and any kind of relation to it but it was already too late. 

Although the sound was faint… still I could hear my phone placed on her table vibrate continuously. I enabled notification to any kind of activity to the post and right now there was a storm going on in there. 

"N-No… Allen! How could you do this to him!" the Principal came upon me in rage. 

"Oh, so him trying to stab me was absolutely right? Him trying to fight me was also right? Him trying to frame me was also right?" I said. 

"W-What…? We are talking about his future here," she said. 

"I don't care about that. If you are that much worried then go ahead and help him," I said, "And maybe because of your this side, the naive side you couldn't ever get a hold on a single clue about the HYDRAs." 

"Huh!?" She curled his head up a little and a few curls were noticed on them. 

She is pissed. More than just pissed. 

Also, I did press against the wrong nerve at the moment. I might regret it later but she is the one who started this. 

As I was trying to give myself the justification of my words, I felt a gust of wind coming at me and an outstretched arm coming right at me from the left side. 

I could have evaded it, the earlier one was called for so I took it willingly but not this one. I just stated the truth, and if she doesn't like it, so be it. I won't stay silent again. 

As it was about to reach the same side of the face as earlier I took my left arm and placed it against her palm coming at me. 

It made a clapping sound, but I held onto it and didn't let go. 

"Don't. Don't ever do that. Also, if you can't accept the truth then it's better if you would just resign from your 'secret organization'," I said, "If that's all I shall take my leave. Also if this ever gets out that I did this to him you are going to take full responsibility. So whatever happens here is just between us and us only." 

I took my vibrating my phone and placed it in my pocket while it was still making sounds continuously. 

And left the room without another word. Nor did the Principal say a word or did Roy. 

I can't say fully about Roy but this must have been a hard hit for him. 

But this had to be done. 

Till now, every single one of them has been underestimating me. The President made a fool out of me, the Student Council made me look pathetic. 

But with this, this first step things have changed. 

I am coming for Harrison, I am coming for the President, I am coming for the entire Student Council. 

All the humiliating and all those gazes at me have to come to an end. 

That's all I want, that's all it will be. Nothing less is to be expected but much more to get. 

May it be Alone, I will take you all Alone!






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