Is My Life Ordinary?

Chapter 138 - She Again

Even though it has been more than 15 minutes since I left the Principal's office the phone hasn't stopped vibrating. 

I could have changed it to silent but then I wouldn't be able to get the updates. And ever since the upload of the video the entire school was in havoc. 

I can't say what Lily actually did but apparently, she made the post that way, when uploaded it will instantly give a notification to a large number of people and especially those who are close to the School's forum. 

And if it's the School Forum, the entire school was already involved and among them, my aim was the Student Council.

I had already been a puppet for them for far too long, it's time to send a message- 

'I will come for you.' 

While I walked down my floor's hallway, the entire student body was in jeopardy. Students ran around, screaming at the sight of real knives getting swung around, and most of all, they started to gossip. 

Even though I used to be separated from the crowd no matter the situation, today, this specific time it was different. 

No one seemed interested in me, they didn't even feel my presence. Pushing me aside, dragging me aside, and many more similar things. The exact same thing that I used to get before I got infamous. 

It feels weird yet better. 

But that also didn't last long. 

"Pst… isn't that Allen." 

"Hey… it's Allen." 


Somehow I was again the hot topic of this school. But the question was, am I being seen as a victim or as a culprit? 

Well, it's already most unlikely they will think of me as a culprit but there is still a possibility. 

Their gazes felt similar yet had a different impact. It didn't feel harmful but rather of pity. 

And among that crowd full of unknown faces I noticed a similar hairstyle hiding behind the muscular body. 

But with the agitation among the crowd, her face was clearly visible. 

It was Selene. She had a worried expression yet only in her eyes, her lips were trembling. Was it fear of the sight of real knives used as a weapon against me or was it the anger? That could only be answered by her but I wouldn't ask her. 

Her legs trembled a bit but when our eyes met for a second it stopped. 

Time stopped. I couldn't hear anything. And that's when her lips moved a bit. 

'You… had… me… worried…' 

Although it was only a slight movement along her soft lips, I partially understood the words. 

'I… am sorry…' 

I couldn't say it out loud and unconsciously I replied to her in the similar way she did. 

She jerked a bit and tried to hide her face with her hair but it wasn't enough. Her face seemed flushed and her ears were getting all red all of sudden. With the sudden unknown movements throughout her face, I noticed once. 

The sight of relief in her eyes, and that was the last thing I saw. 

She instantly pushed behind and merged with the crowd, I could no longer see her. She left me hanging. 

"Selene?" I mumbled her name and somehow it felt even weirder than usual. 

"Hey did you see Allen talk to someone?" 

"Did Allen just say something?" 

The crowd seemed to have gotten a hint of me saying something and thankfully, I didn't say it out loud and no one could figure it out. 

Everyone's eyes were filled with something much more than just questions. They were more interested in how I was able to handle the situation, no, they were more interested in how the recording got on the School's Forum. 

There was absolutely no way they could know. 

The video wasn't uploaded from my account. It was deleted instantly. It wasn't uploaded from Lily's account or from the Principal's or even from the Student Council account. 

It was posted by the account made not too long ago- 

'The Devil' 

With the anonymous account, it was posted and of course, it tagged almost every teacher, student including the Student Council and especially in bold letters- 

'I am here for you @The President.' 

And that's how they got curious how the video got uploaded there and it was directly linked to me. 

Not too long ago, the President tried to expel me. And then the video, but this time I had a trump card. And the last line triggered it. 

The only person who thinks of the President as an Enemy or is what is believed across the school is ME. 

But no one came forward to directly say a thing to me. Instead, they made speculation within themselves and that made the reasoning exceed my expectations. 

One among the crowd stated- 

'Maybe Roy was in some deep s**t. That's why he did that. If not, then what's the explanation? I think he was troubled or may be forced by someone since getting a knife is another thing but using it is completely different." 

This specific line intrigued me and it turned out, the one who came up with this was someone I know. 

It was Noah who had come up with this ridiculously correct explanation. Was it a coincidence? Of course, it has to be, I mean it's Noah, even sheep might be more fierce than him. 

Turning a blind eye I walked past my classroom. Just before I was passing by it, I took a peek inside and noticed Anna sitting with Emiliya. I wonder what she is thinking right now, this wasn't just the warning for the President it was also a message to Anna. 

Although she doesn't have complete knowledge of what took place with Roy and me, she knows that Roy got entangled with me and took a hazardous step against me and now his life is ruined.

No real harm was done, the only word was enough to get him into some strong accusations- 

'He Held a Knife and used it on someone with a clear intent to harm the person.' 

No person can help him now. Maybe the Principal can help him getting into a new school but only if he wasn't imprisoned or taken to court or something. 

And even if he got into another school he would have already been turned into an outcast. 

The video wasn't just uploaded on the Forum by the entire social media of Lily who has more followers than the number of students in school. 

And considering the place called- Internet. It wouldn't take more than just half a day to get Roy famous across the area or maybe nearby districts. I really turned his life into a living hell. 

As I walked towards the Gym I noticed the same person that I met on the day I was supposed to get expelled. 

It was Aamber, that annoying girl that made the part of my life a living hell with her questions, forced favor, and forcing her onto me. 

"Allen, is that you?" she called out to me when our eyes met for a second. 

Bad choice Allen, real bad choice. 

I tried to ignore her and took a turn around but apparently, I was a second late in doing that. 



She instantly shortened the distance between us, it was almost the class length distance. She covered it in a matter of seconds and moreover, she had already grabbed me and also pulled me. 

"Are you sure you are a girl?" I asked her. 

"That's rude! You shouldn't speak like this to a woman and especially to 'this elegant woman'," she said as she flattered herself. 


"Don't see with those pitiful eyes…!" she exclaimed. 

Of course, I would watch her with those eyes, just look at how dumb she has become to call herself elegant. No elegant woman or even a woman has this much strength and forced personality. 

"What do you need, Aamber…?" I asked her as I pulled myself away from her. 

"Nothing much," she said with an innocent smile. 

I wish I could reply with that bright smile but the only expression I could show was that of a face with a nerve coming on the surface, hoping to burst open in a matter of seconds and of course, a forced smile. 

"So why did you call out to me?" I asked her. 

"Well… I thought maybe you could help me with basketball again, or is that what I was trying to ask you earlier but apparently you seemed to be in a weird mood so I changed my mind," she said, "Also what's with that smile? It's creeping me out." 

"The smile comes along with me so, no can do about it. And what mood?" I asked her. 

"You know it felt calm but there seemed to be some dark smile of sorts… umm… it's hard to describe…" she placed her palm up her chin and thought for a second. 

Has she not seen the video yet? And what's with that crazy amount of sweat? Don't tell me she has been practicing basketball and didn't even take a glance at her phone yet? 

"That's right! I have been practicing… is something the matter?" she asked me with a dumbfounded look. 

It's going to be a hard start… 


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