Is My Life Ordinary?

Chapter 149 - Her Past

We departed from there. 

The car was partially filled with embarrassment and awkwardness but half was filled with concern. The one with embarrassment and awkwardness were Lily along with Alex but the other one was the driver. And the concerned one was me. 

I was concerned about that girl. How should I let her reveal the names of the President and the Student Council? It's quite a difficult situation. 

Also that girl is involved in some shady thing, if I can utilize it to take out information from her all would get right. The only problem is she is involved with 'drugs'. 

"What are you thinking so hard for, Allen?" Alex asked as he turned around. 

"Everything," I said. 

"What's that? Fufufu… but seriously what are you thinking about?" He said with a slight chuckle. 

"About the girl." 

"Ah, Lily, what was her name again?" Alex asked Lily. 

"It's Ariana, remember it. You are her friend then how come you don't even know this?" Lily asked. 

And even I was confused about this, is Alex that bad with names or he genuinely doesn't know? 

"About that, we actually used to call Ari but ever since elementary school or maybe it was in middle school we lost contact. Plus…" 


"I never got to know her real name…" he said with an embarrassed face. 

"Huh? You don't know her name even though you were in the same school? That's… unbelievable," Lily said. 

"It's not my fault! Everyone used to call her Ari and even the teachers called her that so I assumed it was her real name," Alex said. 

"Alex, either you are a fool or you are just too ignorant to things," I said. 

"T-That I can't say… anything to it." 

"So Lily mind telling me her full name again?" Alex asked Lily. 

"You really are shameless, aren't you, Alex? Her name is Ariana. Try to remember your friend's name at least." Lily said. 

"Wait, I never said I knew her." Alex dropped the bomb at us. 






"Alex, what are you saying?" I asked him. 

"Like I said, I was not her friend but classmates." He casually said it. And was wondering why we were shocked. I turned to Lily for answers. 

"D—Don't look at me like that!" she exclaimed as I was staring at her with killing intent. 

What has she done? Even if it's a mistake, how come it's this big? 

We involved someone entirely unrelated to our plan. And she confidently told me it's going to be solved soon. 

"Don't avert your eyes now, Lily. Tell me what happened," I said. 

"A-Alex! Didn't you say you know her?!" Lily seemed confused and raged at the same time. I wonder if this is what happens when she panics? I mean she is all over the place. Her hands are both striking the back of the seat and her legs are shaking frantically while she looked confused from her face, her voice seemed angry. 

"Hey, don't yell at me… And I did say I know her-" 

"So, what are you saying now?" 

"I just know her since we used to go to the same school. I don't remember which grade but we sure did go. She was quite popular with girls so we boys never really got to talk with her." Alex said such important information so easily that I, myself got confused whether we are in the wrong to yell at him. 

"Hu—uu—uu—uu—uuuHHHHHH?!" Lily lost it. 

She went to hibernation and started to mumble to herself god knows what… 

"Excuse me, what happened to her?" I asked the driver since he was the one who didn't faze after watching this state of her's. Alex's jaw dropped while I was confused, the only person who seemed to be normal was the driver. 

"Ah, about this, don't worry about this. It's a habit of our Miss," He said with a chuckle. 

"What? Habit?" 

"You must have noticed how calm and collective our Miss is, although she does act like a kid sometimes she still tries her best to be a perfectionist. So, assuming by your conversation I think Miss made some grave mistake and is now presenting herself for that. Don't worry she will calm down soon enough if not then just let her be." He said. 

First of all I want to point out that this driver is someone amazing. I mean usually if their master/owner gets into something like 'this', then he would also get panicked and will try to calm them down but this person said to let her be. 

Also what's with this perfectionist thing? 

"I don't get it," Alex said as he went to the corner of the car keeping an eye on Lily. Is he scared or just taking precaution in case Lily kills him. 

The entire thing happened only because of him. 

"Hm… think of it like a force of habit. Since Miss was orphaned at a young age, the last thing her mother left was this." He said. 

It was vague yet it was complete, his answer. 

If I am guessing right then her mother wasn't a pleasant person as her or her brothers at all. Her mother must have forced her to be perfect at all things since she was the daughter of such a prestigious family and with such high status comes the feeling of superiority. Her mother forced her ideologies on her and forced her to become a perfectionist and if at times Lily were to fail, she would punish her and Lily would get into 'this' state. Her mother's lingering feeling made her like this I supposed 

All this is just my theory but it fits right in, in the context given by the driver. 

"Stop talking like that. Just tell me straight out! She is freaking me out!" Alex said. 

"You sure are a talker, eh? Her mother apparently was the most elegant, superior, and most of a perfectionist. No one was to hold a candle to her in every field. But with such high values comes the disappointment. She was diagnosed with cancer at the age of 40. Soon her health worsened, to the point she was hardly able to stand up on her own. A complete bed rest soon enough."


"The things she used to do are now all for naught since she can't display it again. Even she started to fall in despair. Since she herself doubted her worth, her morals, values, and all the things that had made her the perfectionist started to turn into ashes."

"...." only his voice was reverting in the car.

"Seeing that, her heartbroken child, Young Miss, started to work hard. Not for her sake but for her mother's sake. Although she was young she still knew it wasn't far when her mother would leave. So to change the depressed look on her mother's face she earned for perfection. But she was still a child." 

"..." not a word came out from us. 

"She couldn't even speak clearly at that time but she worked hard. And when the time came for her mother and for her, Young Miss gave her all but it was nothing compared to what her mother used to do. So as the last words her mother left was-"


"Become a Perfectionist…" 


"Isn't her mother a heartless person?" Alex said in a rough voice. Was he angry? 

"You don't know the entire story. That wasn't the end. Soon after her mother left, it was found that she wrote an entire book on her life. And the most emphasized part was her family. But that wasn't important to Young Miss." 

"Then what was?" 

"The book ended with- Become a Perfectionist… become the person you, yourself feel worthy of and not for others. Become a perfectionist for yourself. It might seem her mother didn't love her daughter, sons, or her entire family but she did care for them. The Perfectionist wasn't for herself but for Young Miss to become a better person. But the child wouldn't understand those deep meanings so the only thing she understood was the word 'PERFECTIONIST' and not the entire thing." 

I spectaculated the entire thing wrong. Her mother wasn't a bad person but more like a caring person but couldn't express it clearly. 

"... I think that's enough about my past, isn't it?" Lily said. 

"Lily?!" Alex seemed surprised, maybe he still hasn't calmed down. 

"Sorry Miss, should I have not mentioned it to your friends?" The Driver asked. 

"No it's okay. But you don't need to tell in so many details. But since it was the first time I am letting it pass but make sure you don't speak everything to someone I don't even know," Lily said in a stern voice. 

"Yes, Miss." 

Not long after, we reached a familiar building. Ariana's house. And of course we didn't talk in the car. The atmosphere was too weird to talk about. 

Although I did want to talk to Lily about her mistake but then realized it was too much of a pain to handle after she goes into that state again. 

"Alright, here she comes." 


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