Is My Life Ordinary?

Chapter 150 - Catch Her

The car was almost silent. 

I don't know if it was awkwardness to know Lily's past or was it because of the mistake she made or above all was it because of her reaction when she got to know about Alex's relationship with Ariana. 

"When will we reach it? Didn't we get there much faster yesterday?" Alex asked. 

"There is construction on that road today so I took a detour." the Driver said. 


But not too long after we were in front of her house. Nothing much has changed except the guard outside the entrance appearance seemed to have been changed. 

"So when are we going to talk to her?" Lily looked at me and asked. 

And her eyes also said- 'If you don't have an answer you better be ready to face consequences!' 

"I think I have but it's too risky," I said. 

"What is it?" Alex turned around and asked. 

"We got with her." 


Okay, I know it's a wrong idea but I think it's good. 

"Allen, can you repeat what you said just now," Lily said. 

"As I said, we go in with her and try to normally contact her. And you mentioned you haven't seen her in a long time so it's possible she won't remember your face and for Alex, it's absolutely zero chances she remembers him," I said 

"Hey, it's still insulting if you say it like that you know?" Alex retaliated. 

"Oh, just shut up. If you hadn't caused just confusion and problems we wouldn't be having this talk in the first place!?" Lily said. 

"Okay, okay. You don't have to yell…" Alex said. 

"..." Lily glared at him. 

"So what's the plan, Allen?" Alex said as he sought out for a path to escape. 

"Alright, so when she comes outside we wait for her to go to that corner. Since we can't follow her from here because of the guard and the street lights with cameras. So in order to talk with her, we will need a topic." I said. 

"Wh- Cameras? Where?" Alex and Lily both simultaneously looked out. 

I pointed my fingers to our right, the car was parked on the blind side of it. The driver must have known that. If not, then someone would have filed a complaint about it since a car out of nowhere is parked right in front of such a high-class place, there could be the possibility of kidnapping. But that doesn't seem to be the case, even the guards weren't looking at us. 

"Allen you sure have good eyes," Alex said complimenting me. 

"If you were to look around carefully anyone could have noticed that," I said. 

"Any way to the topic at hand…" I said. 


"So Alex, you try approaching her before she enters that valley. Lily, you be on the look-out while I will enter in there in case Alex fails. Also, Lily, if I message you any kind of, or you don't get into contact with me after some time it's better to call the police or ask help from your servants or even the driver." I said. 

In response, they both agreed to it. 

The reason why I sent Alex first is that he might have a few tricks in order to open her up, I mean he used to know her unlike me. And Lily can't go because she feels a bit of guilt and in addition to it, she is more like our defense. She has power, so in case anything goes south we can count on her. She herself knows it better. 

And me going inside is the best option since I have already been through a shoot out so I am probably going to be okay in there. What could happen? 

"But Allen, are you sure you will be okay?" Alex asked. 

"What do you mean?" 

"That girl is involved with bad people so it's good to assume the worst at such places. I mean it's drugs, smoking, and maybe what else. Don't we ask the police or someone's help rather than doing some stunt?" Alex said with concern. 

His concern is legit. Going to that place means those people might be dangerous since drugs aren't anything normal people get involved with. At most they could be 'gangsters'. But does that make me cold feet? 

Probably not since I got shot, got kidnapped, and then saw a person killing and got killed so I think it's not on that level yet. 

So I am going to be just fine there. 

"Taking all things into account I still think it's going to be alright. If something bad happens I just have to move fast, that's all." I said. 


"What? Why are you staring at me so intently?" I asked. 

"Allen, are you sure you are a teenager?" Alex asked. 

"Is that supposed to be sarcasm?" 

"Yeah but mixed with serious concern," Alex said. 

"Anyway, Alex I wouldn't need to do something that scary so you got to do your objective and clear it. Otherwise, you will be responsible for me." I said.

"Wait-What!? I have to hold such high responsibility?" he exclaimed. 

"Don't be such a baby and just do it," Lily said. 

"Easy for you to say. What are you doing? Just sitting here in the car. Far from the danger." Alex said. 

"Oh, so it's my fault eh? If you had answered me clearly neither you nor I would be in such a pinch. If anything you should be thankful that I didn't kick you out of a moving car!" Lily glared at Alex. 

"Huh?! Are you crazy?" Alex screeched by a life-threatening warning. 

"Alright let's stop here for today," I said in a louder voice. 


"Alex just plays the usual character, You get along with everyone in the class quite easily so just try to be yourself in front of her as well," I said. 

"But still…" 

"You can do it. If not then don't worry no one will blame you." I said to reassure him. 

It's not my area of expertise but I think I was able to motivate him. If it still doesn't work then I would kick him out of the car myself. 

"Alright. I will try." Alex said. 

"You got to succeed and not try, idiot," Lily said. 

"Allen stop her or otherwise-" 

"Otherwise? Otherwise what?" Lily said as she was eager and angry to know Alex's next words. 

And apparently, Alex was more of a scardy cat than I had imagined. "Otherwise I will get out of the car and go home…" His voice along with him, shrunk to the size of a kitten. 

"You better succeed," Lily said. 

"I will." Alex complied with her demand. 

I guess Alex can't handle strong women. 

"Allen, how come she's so nice to you and not to me?" Alex whispered to me. 

"If you stop doing idiotic things then maybe she will treat you nicely," I said. 

"You are the same as her Allen-" 

"What are you two whispering about?" Lily said as she turned to me. 

"Don't ask me." 

While Alex and Lily had a small quarrel of their own, or more like it was a one-sided attack but it still seemed to be a funny situation, and yet the driver's face didn't twitch at all. I wonder if he has fallen asleep with his eyes open. 

"Here she comes," Lily said as she looked through her binoculars. 

It's not that far so why are you using it? I wanted to ask that but it wasn't important at the moment. 

"So should I go now?" Alex asked. 

"Wait till she reaches that corner up ahead," I said. 


All of our eyes were on her. 

She was wearing a skirt or I don't know if it was shorts. But it was black and the upper shirt type thing seemed to be pink colored. She was walking at a normal pace and was being cautious of its surroundings. Looking back and ahead frivolously. I highly doubt she realizes we are going to catch her today. 

"Okay so do I just go and talk with her or is there anything I should do?" Alex asked again anxiously rubbing his palm around. 

Just do what you usually do to talk with others," I said. 

Since he was in my class I know what kind of person he is. He is popular with others and not just in our class but almost in the entire second year. He is easy going and most of all, he isn't someone who bullies others. It's like his character. So I think he could easily talk with a stranger. 

"But how?" He asked. 

"Just think of her as a stranger who you feel in love with at first sight," Lily said. 


Yeah, it was the same reaction for both of us. What's happening to Lily today? She has been acting too weird, and wilder than Alex who is supposed to be the idiot one in the group.


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