Is My Life Ordinary?

Chapter 151 - He Remembers But Does She?

"You heard me. If you got a crush on her then in order to have a conversation with her you will try finding ways to get in touch or stay a little longer to her side, right? Just ask her about the direction or tell her you have seen her somewhere before. Although it's more like a pick-up line for guys, and then you can tell you know her from elementary school and something like that. Go with the flow." Lily said. 

It's not wrong but it's not an ideal way either.

"So I like her?" Alex seemed disputed. 

"No dummy. You are faking it to like it here. Acting! You are acting. Why can't you understand simple things?" Lily said. 

"Don't yell at me. You are making me even more anxious." Alex retaliated. 

"Alex, she is about to reach the end. You should get going," I said. 


"Also before you forget. Remember this, if you were to fail I will have to go in there." I gave him a firm warning and a push forward to go. 

"This idiot…" she cursed at me and left willingly or unwillingly. 

"What was he mad about? Shouldn't it be the other way around?" I mumbled to myself. 

"Alright, it looks like we will catch her today. I will have a talk with her for sure." Lily's eyes were full of flames. Were they the flames that are going to have a talk with her friend or are they the flames to change the path her friend chose? 

Either of them is it, I don't care. I just want my misery to end. They can do anything after that. 

{Alex's Pov} 

So do I act as if I like her? Or do I show my real emotions? It's killing me. 

"So I like her?" I asked Lily again. 

"No dummy…." 

So in the end I am just faking, huh. But do I really have to? I mean our objective is to talk with her and not let her go to that place again. 

"Alright Alex, you just gotta do what you always do." 

With that mindset, I stepped out of the car and made my vision directed towards Ari. No, her name is Ariana, I haven't talked to her since that time so I don't think it's good for me to talk with her like this. 

I slowly walked towards her, looked a few times back, Lily was glaring at me and sending the devilish signals that if I failed I would be killed on site. On the other hand, Allen was soo calm and collected as always. He even tried to support me when Lily was about to pulverize me. 

Although this is for his sake I didn't force or pressure me. I wonder how he handles such things so easily. Never have I ever seen him get his expression changed. 

I turned around and made a decision to let him down. 

She was a few steps ahead of me. I changed my pace. She was just a couple of steps ahead when she yelled. 

"If you take one step ahead anymore I will call the police!" She held her phone with the number dialed but and fingers right at the call button. 

I panicked and lunged at her, which made her phone fall over and she became disbalanced. 

"W-Wait, Wait!" 

"Ekk!!!!??" She screeched in a cute voice but it wasn't the right moment to notice such things. 

I helped her stand up properly and took a few steps back. 

"I am sorry! I di-didn't mean to startle you!" 

"Then what were you doing following me?!" She exclaimed. 

"I—I wanted to know some directions… I am new to this area and when I saw I thought of asking for your help… and now I regret it…" my voice kept on getting lower and lower. 

"What? Direction? It's 9 in the night, where the hell are you planning to go this late?" She quickly bent down and grabbed her phone as she placed her hand right in front of the call button again. 

She was really scared of me, huh. 

"D-Don't call the police! I am just asking for help, that's all…! If you don't believe me then I can take a couple of steps back and talk to you…" I said. 

"Gove 100 steps back." She said, 

"Alrig- Wait, what? A 100? Are you crazy? How will I talk to you then?!" I said. 

"... Then 10 steps back." She said as she realized it was unreasonable. 

"Okay…" I was quite far from her but still close enough to talk with her. 

"So where do you want to go?" her voice seemed a bit shaky but maybe I was imagining things. 

"It—-------" huh? 

I didn't realize what I should do after this… f**k!!!

"Tell me…?" She started to step back. 

Think! Think you stupid brain!! 

"W-Wait Is your name, Ari?!" I said. 

What the hell? Why did I say something like this all of a sudden?! Now she will surely get suspicious of me?! 

"?! H-How do you know my name…" she was trembling and was ever farther than before. 

If it's the last resort then I think it's better to go for it!

"It's me Alex! Alex, you went to elementary school together with me?" I said. 

But she doesn't seem to remember her. 

"I d-don't know you or anyone named Al-" 

"Remember me? You used to call me, Al. Remember now…?" I took only a single step ahead. 

If she had run away or clicked on the call button or had taken one more step back I would go back. I wouldn't be able to have a talk with her. 


Ah, she took a step back. Sorry Allen I let you down, I hope you won't resent me for not meeting your expectations. Sorry I couldn't help you this time also… 

"Sorry… I will go back." I said as I turned around. 

"Wait! You are Al? What happened to your glasses?! What happened to your gloomy self? You weren't like this…" she was surprised but if that's all you want to say then I am sorry to you also for not stopping. 

"I am happy you remember me but if that's all you remember then…" I didn't look back again. 


{Allen's Pov} 

"Did I say something wrong?" I mumbled to myself. 

"Probably he is getting cold feet," Lily remarked. 

"Why? He is supposed to be a good talker and with those looks, I don't doubt he will be declined so easily." I have seen girls getting affectionate around him at times. 

"Ah… you won't know the reason I suppose." She said. 

"What reason?" I asked. 

"You remember he mentioned he called Ariana as Ari only?" 

"Yeah so?" 

"That's actually the partial truth that he told us," Lily said. 

"Partial? Don't just pause in between and tell me at once," What's with these pauses? Just let the cat out. 

"Ari was a pet name of hers that only her close ones used to say. The part where he mentioned everyone also used to call her that is false." 


"He was close to her and I wasn't wrong either." She felt triumphant and confident in saying that. I guess she is more concerned to say her victory rather than looking at the reason why he said that. 

If anything I learned from experience with Peter, is that people tend to hide their past for a reason. 

While I was wondering about it I saw Alex's back. What is he doing? It seems like he was talking with the girl but she was nowhere to be seen. 

What's he up to? He moved back and forth a bit and soon turned completely around. I took Lily's binoculars to see the details of the situation. 


Lily hissed at me but it was entirely ignored. 

He looked kind of irritated and seemed to be grieving about something, what the hell? How come that person is making that kind of face? 

'Let me see also!' 

He turned around for a bit but soon started to walk to us. What's with this saddened face? How come he has that face? Wait, if something has happened then this confirms it. Something definitely has happened to both of them. 

"Why is he coming back so soon?!" Lily exclaimed by the fact he was coming so early. 

"Let's wait for him to tell us the entire story," I suggested. 

"... Fine." 

Alex took a step inside, only one step inside and Lily attacked him with questions. 

"Why are you here so early? Did she say okay to have a talk with her? Will she stop going to that place? What did you say when you first met her? Did my advice work? Why aren't you saying something? Answer me. Why are you so silent? Answer me, will you?" 

"Lily let me get a breather at least. He can't answer in the same wavelength you are on. Even I can't do that," I said. 


"For the time being I am sorry to break this to you but she was too cautious of me. He was even about to call the police. So I don't think it's a success but I won't say it's a failure also," Alex said. 

"Meaning?" Lily asked as she tried her best not to burst out again. 


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