Is My Life Ordinary?

Chapter 160 - The History

"We would like to have a seat beside a window," Alex said politely. I wonder if it comes from his genes but just some things picked up from here and there. 

If I had come here alone, I would have just asked for a table without any specifications unlike him. Maybe that's why he is sociable and I am not. 

"Yes, very well. Please follow me." 

As I instructed we followed the person obediently. 

I knew there would be cats but not this many. If we were to divide equal batches then everyone here would get at least three of them, including the clerk and the staff. Seriously, how come they have this many. 

"Here you go. The menu is on the table to take your time. If you need something just ring this buzzer right here and I will arrive shortly." With that, he left us. Although he seemed to be around my age, he still seemed to be quite accustomed to all this. He must have been working here for a considerable amount of time. 

"Here, Allen. You keep this." 

As soon as we sat down, Alex picked a couple of small kittens as if they were candy lying on the ground. He handed me one. 

"..." I extended my hand and grabbed the small and delicate body of hers/his. 

Well I can't just check the gender now, can I? 

It was black-furred, holding it I felt like if I were to put a little more strength on the grip he/she would get squashed. 

"Now this is amusing." Alex chuckled.

"What is?" I asked. 

"I never imagined, Allen could be more friendlier to a cat rather than to a human being." Alex a tad with a smirk. 

"That's not true. I just like the latter one that's all." I answered as I pressed the small paws of the kitten. 

"So, you prefer an animal over a human being? What are you?" Alex asked?


"Yes... With genuine concern." 


Ignoring the sly comments about me, I played with the kitten. And what's more interesting is that, no matter what I try with it, touch his/her tail, or play with her paws he/she never tries to escape. Mostly because she was too young to move around easily. 

"Alex, why don't you tell me about your story now, hm? It's better to tell now since Lily isn't around here." I said.

"What are you talking about?" He asked. 

Without any eye contact, I knew he was falling. "The one where you tell me about you and your encounter with Ariana. Your school 'BUDDY'." 

"I don't know what you are talking about."

"Oh, so you don't care if I directly ask Ariana about it? Now that I think of it, it is better to ask the source of it rather than beat around the bush with you, isn't that right?" 

"... Sure. Although I don't know what you are talking about." 

So he isn't going to break it to me yet. I suppose the sweet talk isn't good enough for me to break his shell. 

"Is that so? Then you won't mind if I call her now, right?" 

Slowly I put down the kitten and pulled out my phone from the lower pocket. 

"S-Sure. But when did you get her number?" 

Yes, it did the trick. He is getting nervous, till now he tried not to make it obvious to me that his gaze wasn't paying attention to me. Rather he tried not to put any won't of interest or fear on the topic. But now, he looked at me. 

"Ah, about that. I asked Lily. She seemed preferred if I asked from you but I don't know your contact and it was also not good sure that you had her number since you were just 'FRIENDS', right?" I glanced at his lips. 

All the truth lies on the lips, pupils, and the way of speech. Before saying another word, it's plausible that his lips would tremble a little bit, and his eyes wouldn't be able to make direct eye contact. And the last thing left is his way of speaking. If everything is stable, the last resort is to wait for his words. 

"..." He clenched his fist tightly. 

I guess either he will burst out or will swallow it. Whatever it be, it makes him more vulnerable to me since I would know his weakness. It's a matter of time before he tells me the story. 

"Alex? What happened? You don't look good..." With a fake concern, I asked him. 


"Hey, let go of the cat before you break her body." I slapped his hands. 

He had to release his pent of frustration or whatever it was and the thing he found was that small cat. What is he thinking? 

"Ye-Yeah sorry!" Ge immediately released his hands. 

The cat ran away at the speed of light. She must have been scared. Poor thing. Wait why am I-

Was it sure it was a she and not a he? 

"So willing to talk now?" I tapped through my phone, faking to make a call. 

"I will tell you so no need to call her...!" He exclaimed. 

"Should have started from the start." 

"It was the elementary school-

And his story began. 


[Alex's PoV]

It was a warm summer evening, even with the subtle noise of the outside world I was clearly able to hear the humming sounds of the creatures unknown to me. I wonder when they come out, at night? 

"What are you doing, Alex?" 

Here comes the class bully. His name is Will. What does he want now? Ever since the start of school groups started to form and because of social anxiety I was left behind and got stuck at rock bottom. But that didn't concern me since my father always told me to face difficulties headstrong. 

"Looking out," I answered. 

"All day? I heard that you couldn't even answer the question, Miss asked today. Are you stupid?" Will chuckled along with a bunch of followers of his. 

"Maybe I am." I also started to smile. 

Nothing good comes out of getting in trouble with him, it's better to just swallow up and don't think of my pride at all. 

But since my father taught me to face difficulties headstrong, I am doing quite a contradicting thing but he also mentioned something else also. That is to wait for the right opportunity to strike them back. 


Now that I just made fun of myself, he can't pursue any further. Quite pitiful, right? He came all triumphantly but now he can't say a word. 

And like that, I used to pass by the day. No trouble since Will had some other prayers to prey onto. But the only person even he feared or preferred not to disturb was Ari. 

The girl, sitting on the front row of the class, wearing small red classes with a hairpin keeping up one side of the hair. 

Anyway since she and I used to get paired up in P.E. so we would usually talk. But the other kids seemed to have begun making speculations of their own. 

But neither I nor Ari were concerned about it. But her parents did. Because of Ari, I was starting to take part in the class. But soon enough, because of the rumors her parents were concerned and worried about her 'well-being'. I still don't understand, just because of rumors of some kid they decided to change her school?

She even cried on her last day, even I cried. Just because of her I was able to socialize with people, talk normally with them. Although it might not seem some sort of high achievement to many, to me it's the treasure she left behind. 

But after getting into middle school I got to know the real reason for her transfer. Her father was killed one day and with only her mother left with her, she had to leave for another place. Maybe her grandparent's house. 


[Allen's P.O.V]

"So that's it?" I asked. 

"Don't sound like it was some foolish reason. It's hard for me to see her like this. She used to be a lovable kid but now it's hard to believe that she is." Alex stood his ground and tried to justify my exhaustion by the turn of events. 

"You can try to prove anything but it's still foolish. What's so difficult? She got transferred, she didn't tell you. If you were close enough as you described it, then in the first place the one who she would have gone to would have been you. But what happened?" 


"Nothing. You are just pursuing a thing of the past. And don't tell me that the reason you try to act friendly in front of everyone is that you want to fill up the void that Ariana created." I said. 

He thought Ari was a close friend of hers that would tell him she troubles him but that didn't happen. And now that he feels empty, and as a result, he now tries to pursue to become someone who everyone can rely on. 



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