Is My Life Ordinary?

Chapter 161 - Again, Who Is That Unknown Person?

"Nothing. You are just pursuing a thing of the past. And don't tell me that the reason you try to act friendly in front of everyone is that you want to fill up the void that Ariana created." I said. 

"T-That's…" He tried to counter my reasoning but he himself knows and has already admitted the fact but doesn't want to accept… not in front of me. Even I, myself, wouldn't want someone to figure out my problems, it's the worst thing that could happen to someone. 

Some might take it as a positive thing since they got to know about their shortcomings but this isn't applicable for everyone. Even if they agree with those critics, there is a part that takes a strong hit. There might be resentment towards the person, even a humble man doesn't want the other person to point out your shortcomings. 

"It's not like I am trying to make fun of you. But your reasoning is all messed up. Think about it yourself, it happened in the past and now she is hardly able to recognize you. Nevertheless, you can't even hold a normal conversation with her as of now." I said as I felt a small thing pushing me aside on the leg. 


"I still don't understand why are you so concerned about her? She didn't care to tell you her problems so why are you so into her, hm?" I asked. 

"~~~~" He mumbled something, so low, that a newborn kitten's meow would have been louder than his voice. 

"Huh? Say it louder." I picked up the small creature that seemed to have some kind of interest in me. It was the same kitten that I had placed down earlier, I wonder if kittens are this soft. Isn't he/she too soft, even for her own good. 

"I said, I liked her!" Alex exclaimed. 

It took him a minute to realize the situation. All eyes were on us, even the clerk was looking at us as if we were some five year older who is causing a ruckus in a public area. 

"..." I sighed. 

What the hell is going on with these people?! Why is everyone talking about love all of a sudden?! First Peter and now him…?! Are they going nuts, huh? And just because they like them they are worried about the girls? It's not like they are dating or are good friends, so why think of them and their well being? 

"You can't tell this to anyone, Allen." Alex said anxiously. 

"Even if I wanted to I wouldn't do something this stupid, so your 'SECRET' is good with me. But in exchange do something for me. Or as I would say- 'I scratch your back, you scratch mine.'" I proposed the idea. 

"Allen…" He called out my name. 


"I am not against the idea of helping you but are you sure you want to say those things while holding that?" Alex peered down. 

"What?" I also looked down, and noticed the cat looking at me. Is it just me or does this cat's eyes are sparkling? What's with that look? 

"I think that cat likes you. Why don't you play with it for a while? It wouldn't calm down otherwise." Chuckling Alex said. 

Yes, the cat's limbs were pushing against my leg as if she/he was asking for me to move. I wonder if she/he is so young that he/she wants to play or because she/he is bored of just sitting around. Whatever the reason being, it's too embarrassing to play with him/she. 

"Here you go and play with him/her." I said as I pulled over the kitten carefully and directed towards Alex.

"Why me? I have my share," He pulled on a similar pair of kittens but double the amount as mine. 

Based on how he is acting I guess he is trying to cover his anxiousness with the sudden change of subjects. And I think it's better to change the topic since he won't agree to my request at once. I would need him to calm down and do as I say. 

Spending almost half an hour playing with the kittens, I decided to talk with Alex. 

And about how I played with the kittens, don't ask about it. I only embarrassed myself when a gang of cats lunged at me and buried me under a pile of fur. Although it didn't hurt physically but it did mentally, it felt like I was getting buried alive. Even the customers laughed at that. 

"Allen, are you sure you are okay? I hope you don't feel burdened-fufufufu" Alex tried to stop his laughter but it was futile. 

"I think it's better if everyone knew about your crush, hm? Why not start with Ariana only?" I pulled out my strongest weapon, my smartphone and it is indeed smart. Since it's able to solve multiple problems. 

"N-No. I will stop laughing now. I will zip it at once." He acted to zip his lips. 

"Alright so I need you to do-" 

"U-ha. You don't order me but ask me nicely." Alex said with a sly look. 

"Oh, I am sorry but I think it would better for Ariana to know your true feeling-"

"Stooppp! I shall follow every order you say with no objection..!" I placed his arm around his chest as if making an oath. 

"Anyway, stop with this. I want you to do some digging on something." I said. 

"... On what exactly?" Alex asked. 

"It's related to the rumors. I need your help to stop them from spreading further." I said. 

"End, huh? But how will you do that? From what I know till now, your image is absolute mud at this point." 

"Mud?" I asked. 

"Yes. In the beginning your image was too black. No one tried to converse with you or more likely feared to get judged by the others. That's the main reason for that but after some serious revelation it changed. I can't say whether it was for good or bad but it did change. And with that video, it took a tip on the good side. So from my perspective, now is your ripe time to turn your image, i.e., the mud into a nice form and build your social hierarchical position." Alex said. 

That's some weird sense of reasoning but it does hold points. People are still trying to know if I am truly the bad guy they imagined I am or am I a victim of some bigger controversy. And the word 'MUD' he used suits me quite well. It's fully up to me, to either wiat for some other revelations to take effect or I do something about it now and back it up with some proof. 

"Hmm… it does make sense but the favor I need from you is not to raise my status but to suppress the opponent." I said. 

"Supress?" with a confused look in the face Alex asked. 

"Yeah, suppress. There is a person among the school crowd who started the rumors, I can't say for sure but I do have a proof on the person who spread those rumors but what I need to find the other person who encouraged the spreading of those rumors." I said. 

"Huh? I am lost… you aren't trying to stop the rumors but the one who is the founder of those rumors? Why would you do that now? Shouldn't your priority be the other way around?" Alex asked.

"Yes you are right. But as I said, My priorities isn't to remove the rumors but to find the source of it. Please don't ask questions and do as I say." I said. 

"Okay, okay. I can do something about it but who is it?" Alex asked, I could see the eagerness in his eyes. 

"Why don't you just see this video…?" I scrolled through my gallery and opened a video that I had recorded earlier. I can't say the tentative date but it has been quite some time since I recorded it. 

It was the recording of the day when I encountered Anna along with her friend and the unknown identity, a boy who is supposed to be connected with the HYDRAs. I can't say this to Alex but I did understand that this boy is the one who encouraged the spreading of the news. Since the information about the investigation wasn't supposed to spread my name around. Even in the news, they only named that a 'CERTAIN BOY' and not my name. 

Still with no specific names, my family got into a bit of trouble but was soon sorted out so nothing to worry about there. 

"I don't know but I have heard his voice from somewhere, it's familiar." ALex tried to think of it but couldn't come up with a specific name. 

I was a little bit irritated by it. Not because he couldn't recognise the person, but mainly because he has so many people to talk to that he finds it hard to pinpoint the person. And here, I have a handful of people. 

"So, your role is to find out who is close to Anna and who encouraged her to take that step." I said. 

"Sure do." With an upbeat atmosphere as always he replied. And that agitated feeling that I had been seeing till now seemed to have cleared from his face.


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