Is My Life Ordinary?

Chapter 162 - Thoughts

"Still, Allen, it's kind of weird how you want to find the source of the problem first instead of solving the rumors. You know if it were me then I would have started to sort out the rumors."He said in confidence. And why wouldn't he? 

Unlike me, he has never been at a shortage of a 'FRIEND' so to him, my problem is that I am not talking with people but in reality it's more like I don't prefer to and the people ignoring are also just following the trend. 

All the hostile gazes seemed to have reduced. 

Additionally, I don't want him to know that I can't let him know that I don't really care about the rumors. The problem was the looks they used to give but now that there have been new controveyes all around, their focus has started to change. 

"You don't expect every apple to taste the same, do you? You have your own ideologies and I have mine so what's the point of trying to change my priorities?" I asked him. 


"Don't. Don't answer that. Just forget about it. And do the things I told you to." I stopped him from further continuing the topic. 

"Okay…" He replied. 

And now that our main topic of he day have been done, including taking care of Henry and taking a small towards the revelation of the person who tried to do the unknown deeds to me I can now play with these little paws freely. 


It was half past 6 in the evening. It was time for me to go home. Although I did mention going to a cafe to my mother I still doubt if she will get angry. After all the incidents that took place recently, my mother has been on edge along with me. She worried about me and I worried about her. Funny that I have other situations to worry about but I am more concerned for her. No, wait, it would be weird if I had been worrying about other situations rather than my mother. 

"Well, well. Aren't Mr. Allen coming home at a reasonable time?" Mother welcomed me at the entrance with a perfect angry glare. 

"I must have lost track of time…?" I answered. 



"Is that so? But I hope this doesn't become a habit of yours to come late." She said. 

"Aye-Aye Captain." 

I pulled off my shoes, set them aside carefully, if I were to place them wrongly, who knows what mother might do to me. Better be on foot before doing anything. 

I went to my room. 

As usual it was messy but only around the area of the bed, otherwise it's kind of decent if I could say. Anyway, now that I am home, why not look through the sheets that were distributed in the class. We all were asked to complete the sets of questions and submit them tomorrow. It would have been better if it was just from one subject but apparently it's not so in order to not get all of them right might be difficult. 

Nevertheless I should at least start. I brainstormed and tried to answer every single question. 

Mysteriously, with only vague explanations that I heard in class I was able to solve the questions. At least the beginning ones. As I was descending, I noticed the difficulties of the questions started to increase. I did get stuck on a few questions but after looking through the book and internet I got some idea about how to solve it. And by 8 or 8:30 I finished. I was assuming it would take more than two or three hours based on how many questions it held but it was all for naught. 

Anyway now that one hurdle has been passed, I have to focus on the consequences after today's event. I can't say for sure but Henry should be able to stop a couple of members in the Student Council. If not I might need to throw him out. No use of allowing an enemy to stay in the same ground as me if he can't help in any way. 

The only problem is the girl and the President. By today I might be able to have a talk with the girl and in order to completely shun the President, I either need to expose his truth to the school or wait for him to attack me. I don't know till what extent he can go to throw me out, he was able to convince a dunb head, Henry, to kidnap Iris and use violence in order to stop me so based on how he takes his moves I highly believe it's not the end of it. 

Also it's been bugging me for quite some time but why is he so obsessed with me? I can understand that his social position will only degrade because of my presence but at most he would have convinced the school to expel but then the Principal is also there. Did he get frustrated by the fact that he can't reign over me? Spectaculating on his behavior and attitude, he seemed like he thought himself as an Emperor sort of. At least that's the vibe I get from him. 

But it's still not convincing enough for him to go this much against me. THe Stage embarrassment I can understand, the uploading of video I understand but to use violence, it's not something I expected to use in order to win. 

And there are two that I can speculate at the moment. 

First, he took my retaliation on the stage as a provocation as an insult and is trying to get back at me. But the possibility of that happening is quite low. 

And the other being, he is being used, ordered or advised by someone to go against me. It's not too far-fetched to assume that a third person is involved. Similar to Roy, there is a small possibility that the President is also being hostile towards me because he has something to gain from it. Not some reputation but something more. 

It's kind of a 40-60 situation. 

"Allen dinner's ready…!" 

I guess I will know if after I face him directly until then I should focus on finding evidence against him. 

It was past quarter 9 but there was no sign of Lily coming. What happened? Wasn't our little expedition supposed to happen today as well? 


I got a message. I opened it up but apparently it was from an unknown number. I wonder if my number got leaked or something, because I have been getting spam messages about some ads and all. 

Anyway I opened it up. 

{}-> For Allen Messages 

{}-> For Alex Messages

[Are we not going today?] 

Is it Alex? 


[Yeah, who did you think it was? Also dude you haven't saved my number?!] 

{I suppose. It's not like you told me in the first place…}


He sent me a sticker of a panda making a baby face and in pink letters written 'Tee-Hee'. And I don't know how I am supposed to respond to it. So with no experience in talking I didn't respond. 

Soon enough he messaged me again but I didn't look at it since I got a message from Lily and it holds more priority than having to talk with Alex. 

[I can't come today. You might have to go alone or should I ask one of my drivers to come and get you?] 

{No need. We can postpone it to tomorrow.} 


And now she is also one of Alex's group. She sent me a sticker similar to what Alex sent me a moment ago. A panda bowing down and 'Sorry' written in small letters. Is this some kind of trend that I don't know of? But I don't know anything about what the trend is so I can't complain about it. 

Now that the plan is called I messaged Alex, he is too dump so who knows if he will wait outside at night waiting for us. He was kind of shocked since he seemed eager to go today. Was it because he wanted to clear thoughts with Ariana? If not then what else? 

Anyway I think it turned out to be best for us. If we were seen sniffing around on a daily basis even a dog might get suspicious of us. It's better to stay low. Since the President isn't someone with a low self awareness he might be super attentive to his surroundings as an 'UNKNOWN PERSON' raided their place. If it were a casual meet-up, he wouldn't have given it a second thought but it's a place that is illegal for everyone. 

But I can't delay it much further because the President might onto something and I need to act on it before anything. 

Alright let's make a diagram for it- 

1- Get the Girl

2- Get the Evidence to support the claim of changing the Facts

3- Kick out the President

Better. All things sorted out, although if we were to go into details I believe it might cross at least half the register if we include the fact that the Principal is out of this. 


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