Is My Life Ordinary?

Chapter 48 - In Charge

"Alright, now that you all are here I can now begin," The Principal said.

"…" everyone was quietly listening.

"I need all of you to contact your parents and tell them that you will be staying at school tonight and if they disagree tell them to talk to me then. Is that clear?" she said.

"… Yes." Everyone said in unison.

"I'll be leaving this room for a while call your parents till then and in case no one is picking up your phone at home I'll take of that," she said, "Also Allen I'm leaving you in charge." Huh?

Did I hear her correct? Even if she has shared some vital information with me this doesn't make sense at all. She must be knowing my hierarchy standing in the whole school. It's on the grounds. What is she thinking?

As soon as she stepped out and closed the door the ones who spoke were Anna and Roy.

"Why him?!" Anna yelled.

"Of all of us him…!" Roy shouted.

"Now, now. Anna, calm down," Liz tried to stop Anna.

"I don't want to obey him at all! Do whatever you want…!" I would love to say 'shut up' right now to him but this might get disadvantageous for me.

I stayed silent.

"Will any of you…?!" he is making a fuss. Why don't they shut him up? If he shouts again I'll step in. I know it might not be in my favor but if we look at it like this, the Principal put me in charge then she will have to take responsibility. There might be some reason behind it.

"Will you shut up?" it was Harry who stepped in.


"Alright, that's enough. Before she comes, at least finish that and then waste your time," I said. I don't care what they do but it would be much better if they could tell their parents. I know how parents think when their child gets home late and with all those rumors and kidnapping it has become worse.

"Why do I have to listen to you?!" Roy was still yelling. Even Anna understood that it was necessary to call at home but I think his screw must have fallen.

"Okay fine don't listen to me," I said, "I just repeated what the Principal said and if you still won't do it then I would take it as a violation of Principal's order. Since you are denying it I guess you are also ready to face the consequences when the Principal comes back, right?" if I am guessing it right then these people are kind of scared of the Principal. I might as well use it as my advantage.

"… I-I…" he stuttered.

"What happened now?" he couldn't reply. That's much better.

"I'll be coming in a few moments till then please contact your home," I said.

"Where are you going?" Lily asked me.

"I forgot something so I'm going to take it back," with that I left the room.

While I was walking down the stairs I noticed that few of the tiles had a lump on it. Like it was lifted up a little as compared to others. It was not noticeable when many students are moving on it but now that it's completely empty it can be noticed.

Now that I remember I saw few people doing some work on these stairs few days ago. They didn't do their work in right manner.

It was not just the stairs rather a few small bumps were noticed on the surface of the walls of the school. I wonder if they didn't do their work properly or was it intentional? Well I have more important things to focus on right now so I ignored them and went back to the Principal's Office.

In about 10-15 minutes they all called their respective homes.

"Um, my parents didn't pick the home," Anna was the one who said, "Since you are in charge I am telling you to advance." Since I'm in charge it's natural for them to tell me this type of information.

"My parents are not approving. They are opposed to allowing me to remain at school," Peter said.

"Anyone else?" I said.

"…" everyone shook their heads in denial. Then it's just these two.

"Peter, did they specify any particular reason or they are just worried?" I asked.

"They didn't tell me any particular reason," he said.

"Call your parents again and this time I'll talk," I said.

"Huh? Why?" he was confused as well as the others.

"I am in charge so I need to at least decrease the number of problems for Principal if possible and if it can be solved with just a talk why not give it a try?" The principal already has her hands full with more important things than chatting to parents, so even if it's only a little bit, I need to assist her out.

"… Here," he handed me his phone.



[What do you want now?]

"Hello, good afternoon. I am Peter's Classmate. I need to talk to you for a minute, are you free right now?" I stood up from my seat and I stepped out of the room.

"Oi, where are you going?!" Roy shouted. Is he dumb? Can't he see that I am talking to someone's parent?

"Someone shut him up…" I said that and left the room.

[… Alright. But you need to be quick, I can't talk for long.] He said.

"I understand. I'll be brief. You must have heard from Peter already that he needs to stay at school. Is there any particular reason you aren't letting him stay here or are you concerned about him?"

[Reason? Whenever he has gone on a school trip before he could come home his complaints would come. I don't want that to happen so I am not letting him stay. That's my reason.]

"What if I will take full responsibility for it?"

[This is the first time I have talked to you how can I believe me?] That's true. Who would believe a kid and moreover it's their first time talking.

"Sir, what kind of job do you have? Corporate or Government?"


"Okay sir, you must be remembering the incident that happened right?"

[… Yes.]

"Sir, what will you do I told you that your son might die today?" I didn't take the longer route rather went for from front.

[What kind of nonsense are you telling me?!] He seemed raged. It was a natural reaction.

"Okay sir, I won't try to pursue further but please reconsider your decision. It's just not him but everyone from the incident including me. You must be knowing my name. My name is Allen."

[… Is that your real name?] He asked.

"Yes sir, that's my name. It's just for the night let him stay."

[… Let me think. I'll call later.]

"Sir, I need to ask you something," I said before he could end the call.


"Since you have a government job, can I assume you have a considerable high post in the department?"

[… Maybe. What do you want?]

"Sir, this is a top-secret so never tell this to anyone. Do you happen to know about a secret criminal organization HYDRAs?" I asked.

[… How do you know that name?] He already knows about this.

"I need you to find if the person is involved with HYDRAs," I said.

[What's the name of the person?] I told him the person's name and ended the call.

Why did I tell him about HYRDA? First of all, if he was with HYDRAs he would never do something which would put his son in danger. The way he talked and the reason he said for not letting Peter stay was a genuine reason as a parent. Second, he already knows about HYDRAs so when I said about HYDRAs he would have been surprised but he was calm and collected. The bigger the secret the person is hiding the bigger the reaction but he didn't show any type of reaction at least through his voice.

I walked back to the room.

"What did he say?" Peter asked me.

"Hmm… he'll call you soon so till then wait here," I said.

"Were you able to pursue him…?" he kind of looked shocked.

"I said to wait, right? I can't say for sure if he agreed or not."

I sat on the couch while everyone was standing. As I sat on the couch everyone looked at me with suspicion. Alright, I need to know why they are all acting like this. This is definitely weird. But it can wait till tomorrow.

The girls were standing on one corner while the boys were standing on the other corner. I was the only one sitting alone. Well, this is much better.

Now that I noticed the increase in number of people has made the temperature of the room to rise, I decided to decreased the temperature on A/c.

Anna was glaring at me nonstop. So I asked, "Anna do you want something?"

"Allen, did you hold a gun?" Anna asked. The whole room fell silent. Everyone's gaze was at me waiting for me to say something.

"What do you think?" I passed the baton to her.

"… M-maybe you did," she looked hesitant but still said it out loud.

"He sure did!" Roy supported her. Huh? Does he just smirk at me? Maybe he did.

"Well, detective Roy if you say so then why don't you put me in jail then? The police still haven't put me in jail nor have charged me for anything. Now let me ask you again, what do you think now?" I said.

"T-that's…" he couldn't respond.

"Do you like to make a fool for yourself? Earlier also, do you ever think before you speak?" I said.

"Y-you…!" he came towards me, "Say that again!"

"Just like your brain, does your ear also doesn't work?"

"Allen…!" he raised a punch at me.

I didn't do anything. I saw him swing his hand at me but I still didn't move because I knew it would stop anyway.


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