Is My Life Ordinary?

Chapter 49 - Infiltrate Part- 1

"I leave the room for a few moments and this is what I happened," I heard a familiar voice.

"… Wh-" he was about to yell but as soon as he saw the Principal standing by the door he was petrified. He let go of my collar.

"What happened?" she asked as she glared at each one of them.

"I-I was j-ju-" Roy tried to justify his stupid actions but failed miserably.

"Can't you speak clearly?"

"…" he couldn't spit out a single word and just bowed down.

"Nothing happened," I said, "He was just anxious because of this sudden request to stay at school without any notice and just panicked. It's nothing serious."

"Hmm… is that correct Roy?" she asked Roy.

"… t-that's right," he said. What happened to all his yelling now? He can't even speak loud enough to hear the person standing next to him. Yes, I couldn't hear him at all.

"I didn't hear you, come again."

"W-what Allen said is correct…!" this time he shouted it out loud.

"So loud," she said, "Now, can I assume you all have talked to their parents about staying at school?"

"I was not able to contact my parents," Anna said.

"Anyone else?" she asked. I thought Peter would also say something about his parents not allowing him to stay but it seems like he already received the message.

"Anna I'll take care of that," she said.

*Ring-Ring* the telephone on the Principal's desk rang.

"What happened?" she said.

"…" I couldn't hear what the other person was speaking, it's obvious since she didn't put it on speaker.

"Huh?! What do you mean by that? You couldn't stop them!" what happened? The atmosphere feels heavy.


"… Okay, I'll think of something," she said and ended the call.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Listen everyone from this point onwards no one will leave this room," she walked towards the big almirah placed beside the bookshelf. She opened and took a bottle which looked like perfume.

"Allen, come here," she called out to me. I stepped forward.

"What?" she handed me the bottle.

"Spray it inside this room and wear this. Empty it." I was handed a gas mask. Huh? How do I know it's a gas mask?

"Why? What's this?" I asked.

"I'll explain everything soon just do I say for the time being," she said.

Ack! Suddenly my head started hurting a little and disappeared moments later. What was that?

I ignored it and started spraying the spray inside the room as I wore the mask given by the Principal.

"What are you doing…!" everyone started panicking. I still continued spraying it till the bottle emptied. What was that? I looked at what was written on the cover of the bottle but it was all black. Not on the bottom, nothing was written what it was.


Noah was the one who fell down first. Slowly one by one everyone dropped on the floor.

"W-what w-was th-that…?" Lily who was closest to me said to me and just gradually she also lost consciousness.

"What was that?" I asked while I was checking everyone's pulse to make sure that didn't die. Suddenly dropping on the ground can be considered that that spray might be a poison.

"Don't worry they are fine. It was a sleeping gas. Since they all are high school students the effects might be considered an overdose but in about 10 hours they might be waking up." She was wearing a bulletproof vest and two pistols attached to it sideways. Again. Why do I know for sure that it's a bulletproof vest?

"Here," she threw a pistol in my direction. What is she thinking? Making a high school student hold a gun.

As I held the pistol I ran my hand across the whole pistol and without taking any time to think I clicked a certain part of the pistol and something slide down from where I was holding a gun. I was moving my hand as if it was natural for me.

The part which slide down I noticed some shiny part at the top. It must be the bullet. I placed the part where it belonged and pulled back the upper part of the pistol and it made a click sound.

What just happened? The weight of the pistol and this strange feeling felt similar yet something contradicting at the same time.

"Have ever held a gun before?" she asked. She was also wearing a similar mask as mine which covered only the lower part of the mouth while the other part exposing.

"As if," I said, "I am still a high school student why would I hold a gun? Although the footage where I was holding a gun was something different which I, myself is not aware of it so don't ask me about that."

"Alright I understand, anyway let's go now." Wait, wait. 'Go'? She suddenly gave me a pistol and made these students force sleep, what's happening?

I thought of at least making them sit on the couch but she wasn't planning to do it and was about to leave so I also didn't bother with that.

"At least tell me what happened?" we both stepped out of the room.

"The school is being raided by the HYDRAs, the first floor has been captured by them. My unit is trying their best to take back the floor but it seems like the HYDRAs have taken someone hostage-"

"Who? A student or a teacher? Also, how did they infiltrate the school? Didn't you take any measures to stop this?"

"The person is wearing a female school dress so it's a female student. They are soon going to make their way to the second floor so before they reach the third need to stop stall time as much we can till backup arrives. How did they come inside the school, I don't know yet but we need to stop them at all cost. Otherwise, their lives will be at risk." It's happing too fast.

"Why can't they just move to the second floor?" what's so hard to go to the second floor? Are they having difficulty in finding the stairs for the second floor?

"What do you think I was doing while I was out?" she said as we made our way towards the stairs.

"I don't know? Maybe bathroom," I said.

"I made sure that no student or teacher is at school and the reason they can't move further easily is that I installed some traps just in case something like this happens. It seems like it was a good idea to install them, if he hadn't said this to me I wouldn't have thought of it. They were deactivated but when I made sure everyone left the school I activated them." That's the reason the HYDRAs are not able to move easily.

"But when did you install them?" I asked. If they were adding some kind of traps in school someone must have noticed it but that doesn't seems to be the case.

"Do you remember the construction that took place few days ago?"

"It was for this...?" I didn't expect this at all. I thought those bumps were because of the poor work done on them.

The stairs to the second floor were in view.

"But, in all this ruckus what should I do?" I still don't know what my role is.

"I need you for something, the pistol is for self-defense so I would prefer if you only used it for that but in some situations, you think it's necessary to use it, use it." Huh? Use it? Does she not know I'm a high school student, under 18?


I heard sounds of gunshots from below. It's real.

"But why me? I'm still a high school student, don't you have someone in your team to help you?" I asked as we were walking down the stairs.

"I don't know who but someone is trying to sabotage our every mission." She continued, "I had already placed people from my unit outside the school at standby but for unknown reasons, they were able to infiltrate inside without being noticed. It's fortunate that one of my subordinates saw them through the window and started the assault and here we are now. The only person who could use a gun and could assist me even a little bit is you, even though you don't remember it but in footage and in the room earlier I know for sure that this guy can be useful."

It's for sure that there is someone who is siding with HYDRAs but it's difficult to point who. This is going to be a problem for me as well. What if I tell the traitor something? I need to be careful.



The shooting increased substantially.

As we were about to enter the second floor she stopped just a step behind the door and signaled me to stand against her. She told me to check in her direction check whether someone is there or not.

No one was in sight. I also didn't say a word and signaled her.

"Follow me," she whispered in my ear. It tickles.

"How much you have?!" I hear shouts near the opposite stairs.

Our school has two stairs, both at the ends of the building.

We slowly stepped inside the nearest class from where they were shooting. We both waited at the door waiting for them to show their face or boy or anything to aim at.

"3 more! Did you do it already?!" this time the sound felt a little different.

"I am doing! Who the hell places a bomb trap inside a school!" bomb? By traps, did she mean this? That's super risky what was she thinking?

"If we don't complete this mission I don't think the boss will leave us alive so whatever needs to be done do it!"

I noticed that there were 5 of them wearing similar black jackets. Why are they wearing such heavy clothes?


This time the sound felt near. I looked at her to see what happened just now and saw a small amount of smoke coming out of her pistol. Was she the one?

"Hey! What happened?!"

"I don't know someone from behind shot him…!" by the number of sounds I heard till now I think there are 5 people and her just one so now it's down to 4.

"From behind!"


Two of them started firing at us, though they still don't know our accurate location so they were randomly firing. I tried taking a little peak to know their location while the Principal was drawing their attention. I took the farthest distance possible to see them but…


The sound of bullets felt near but this one was not from us to them instead from them to us and to be accurate it landed just near my ear.

It was a close call just now. I immediately went inside the class.


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