Is My Life Ordinary?

Chapter 50 - Infiltrate Part-2


The bullet missed me by one inch. My ear would have blown out by now if I had been even one inch in that direction. I think I got lucky.

However, because the bullet missed me by an inch, my right ear was ringing nonstop.

The Principal was continuously shooting at them while I was hiding and attempting to settle down my ears. She was constantly shooting at them. Even after such a change of events, she seemed unfazed.

"It's my last mag…!" I heard the enemy person shouting.

"Why don't you just tell them all of our plans, huh!" they seemed to be arguing with each other. I wanted to know what was happening but I didn't try to peek again. I don't want to blow my other body part. That time with ear was lucky but luck doesn't work always. Who knows I might actually get shot this time so instead I was just listening and waiting for it to end. But see the Principal she seemed to be having some other plans.

The Principle plunged forward and shot three bullets in one go.

*Shoot! Shoot! Shoot!*

Did she get all three?

"Wha…!" the moment she shot 3 bullets I moved forwards to see and saw that all three bullets pierced through each of their vital parts. She really killed three of them in a single go.

I saw the dead bodies with their eyes open. They all must have been astounded at that moment. But seeing right at their eyes, it looked creepy. The three were bathed with blood. The floor which was grayish a few moments ago is not dyed in red. One on the head, the other at the heart, and the last was at the neck.

"P-p-please…" the last survivor said.

Wait a minute, where is the hostage? She told me earlier that there is a hostage, so where is the hostage? I looked around while the Principal stepped down the stairs. As she was about to step on the lowest stair I saw a slight glimpse of a small hair sticking out the stair wall and a very slightly visible shadow on the floor.

"It's a trap. Don't go yet Principal," I said. He must have waited for that. Seeing the 3 of his teammates he hid himself to ambush her at the last moment before she could react to it.

My hand moved unconsciously, the moment he was about to ambush the Principal my hand pulled out the gun, removed it from safety, and aimed at his head. What happened just now? The way I felt the recoil and the sound of bullets felt familiar.


It happened so suddenly. I couldn't believe what I had just done and seen.

The bullet pierced right through his brow. I just killed a person. But it didn't surprise me as much, but I was taken aback when I spotted the bullet's route traveling through the Principal abdomen area and I fired it without hesitation. If the path was slightly tilted the Principle would be bleeding buckets but even after knowing the risk factor, I shot without showing any kind of hesitation.

"… That was my fault. Thanks for the save," she said and shot two bullets through the last survivor's both legs. So that he doesn't try escaping.

"AAAAGGGGHHH!" he shouted in agony and fear. The unpleasant sound echoed throughout the whole floor.


Something fell down the stairs where I shot a person moments ago. The sound could be of the dead body of that person but his body was already fallen and is in front of the Principal's leg so what could have fallen?

"Allen, go take a look," she said while pointing her gun at the last survivor.

I stepped down the stairs rapidly. I saw long black hair and a uniform from our school but her clothes were slightly colored red near the upper part of the uniform. Was that blood? She must be the hostage.

I walked closer towards the girl. I lifted her head and saw blood flowing from her forehead. It must be because of this fall but she looked like she was unconscious even before she hit her head.

"What is it?" the Principal asked from above.

"It's a girl. She seemed to hit her head. She needs medical support ASAP," I said.

"… Alright I'll do that but come up here for a second," she called me up. I supported the girl's back with the sidewall and moved up. A few drops of blood splashed on me and

"There she is," I heard a man's voice from behind. I looked back to check who it was.

I saw a couple of people holding a gun in their hands. They must be subordinate of hers. They lifted up the girl and went outside again.

"What is it?" I walked up the stairs to again see the dead bodies lying on the floor.

"Do you know him?" she said.

"Why would I know him?" how would I know a HYDRAs member?

"I'm not talking to you," she isn't talking to me?

"W-w-why i-is… he h-h-here…? On the brink of death, he looked at me with fear.

"How do you know him?" Principal asked.

"N-n-n-no… w-wa-way. Y-you…" he looked at me with terror. Before he could say further I noticed that he was bleeding from his right arm also. He wasn't shot anywhere other than his legs so then the bleeding on his arm is from?

In about a few seconds he died.

"What?!" she pulled his hand high and noticed a small blade pierced through his veins, with the lade hiding behind his long sleeves jacket. That's why they all were wearing those jackets. He must have pierced his veins beforehand. Did they come prepared to be killed? If they were caught they would commit suicide, was that their aim from the start? What kind of organization are HYDRAs that they are willing to give up their lives to keep a secret?

"Dammit, I shouldn't have let my guard down…!" she exclaimed. She seemed to lose her composure. Well, it's a normal reaction for someone who lost the one way to find about the HYDRAs. But why did she ask him about me?

The place where bullets, shooting sound was heard is now dead silent.

A few moments later she was back to her usual self and I think that my question needs to be answered.

"Um, why did you ask him about me?" I said.

"Well… it's kind of hard to explain. Let me tell you in short. If you were framed by the higher-ups then someone must have some clue about it, right? I mean other than higher-ups. The way he talked and the reaction he showed before dying confirmed that except the higher-ups there are few more who know about it," she said.

"Anyway forget about it for now, before anything else tell me how you did it?" she asked while she called her team members to remove all the traces of this incident.

"What do you mean?" I said.

"Don't play dumb with me," she said, "No amateur can shoot like that."

Ah, she meant that. Well, even I don't know how it happened. It just happened before I could even evaluate it.

"Hmm… what if said 'I don't know,'" I said.

"Do you want me to believe that?" she said.

"It would be much better that way," I said. I need to find it out first myself.

"Then I'll wait but sooner or later you need to tell me," with that she turned back and asked me to check on the students.

I walked two flights of stairs and reached the Principal's Office. I opened the room to find out that they all were still unconscious lying on the floor. With all that sound they still didn't wake up means that the gas was too effective.

As I took a look around, I noticed a change in position of Peter's hand. Is he awake? I walked in his direction and tried slapping him multiple times on his face until his face turned from peach bright red. After multiple tries, he still didn't wake up or show any kind of reaction. I guess he moved his hand unconsciously like we usually do in a dream.


I heard something heavy fall on the floor. I looked back to see what it was.

Oh, I had forgotten I was carrying a pistol. It reverberated a little because the room was quiet. I placed it in my back pocket but the size was not big enough to keep all of it inside, so half of it was hanging which would fall any moment and I guess it is this moment.

I picked it up and placed it on the table.

As I sat on the empty couch I noticed something peculiar. The number of HYDRAs members to kill us was less. This doesn't feel right. If they needed to kill us the organization would never try to do it from the front. No one ever does a frontal attack if the only way to win is through tactics. If they would have used force at least 10 people must have been sent but only 5 of them were there. No, wait. I am sure that I have seen 6.

One died as soon as we reached the first floor by the Principal's hands. The other three were also killed by her through surprise. The one who was aiming to ambush the Principal was killed by me. This sums to be 5 but there is one more. The last one committed suicide.

But the number of dead bodies I saw were… only 5. One is still missing.


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