Is My Life Ordinary?

Chapter 5 - What Will Happen?

Let me introduce our physics teacher-

She is a scary instructor, and I mean that literally. When a student was not paying attention in her class, she escorted him to the counseling room, and he has always paid attention in class since then. So, never do something that would put you on her radar, because I don't want to be on her radar...

But whatever happens, it doesn't matter now.


Approximately ten minutes have passed since the period started but she was nowhere to be seen. Also, she has a history that she has never taken a single holiday for the past 7 years. How do I know this? I have an elder brother who was taught by her and he is 6 years older than me, also I have asked a few others and they all confirmed the fact.

"SCREECH..." the door opened but no one came inside.

"Oi, is it her?" Alex asked me.

"I am also sitting next to you, why are you asking me, ask someone from the front bench," I said.

"Did she come?" someone from the back, asked.

"No. Not yet." Tim answered, he always sits on the front bench. He has weak eyesight so cannot see things clearly if they are far away.

The whole class was dead silent and was waiting for her arrival but no one was seen at the gate.

"Peter goes check if she came or not," Alex said but still looking towards the door.

"W-why me?" even Peter is scared of her.

Peter always ends up in fights so he is considered a delinquent. Even delinquents are afraid of her.

"Show some gut's man." Alex taunted him more.

"Why don't you show some gutters and go check it yourself." Peter didn't let him taunt.

"I-I-is that so." even his voice his cracking.

But I have a way to check. I stood up from my seat and the whole class looked at me at the same time.

"Watch me." I declared as I went towards the gate.

I just wanted to be in the spotlight and doing something heroic. Also, it seems like what the main characters would have done. Hehehe.

My plan is very simple. If the teacher is at the gate I will tell her that I am going to the washroom or if she isn't there then there is no problem. I was just a few steps away from the door and then-

"Class 2-E we have an announcement to make." a girl came inside running pushing me sideways as if I was not there. Also, there were three more students behind her.

"I am the school president and this is an announcement if all second years are requested to report to assemble at the auditorium."


"Right Now."

When I heard 'right now' I looked directly towards Selene and Alex. I can see that Alex is quite happy, I mean look at him smiling as if he has won a big competition. And for Selene, I cannot completely comprehend what she is thinking but a slight change could be seen on her face, so I guess she is also relieved by the news. This goes the same for all six who haven't done the homework.

Everyone stood up and started exiting the classroom.

I waited for Alex since he waves at me and... also he shouted to wait for him.

We all walked towards the auditorium.

"Allen, can you believe it!?"

"No, of course not."

"I am really happy right now."

"Is that so..." actually I could make out that he is happy, it's showing on his face. Anyone would be able to see that.


As we entered the auditorium it was almost full, it looked like they were waiting for our class only.


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