Is My Life Ordinary?

Chapter 6 - What's Happening?!

As we were about to enter the auditorium I could hear some voices from inside. I entered and saw that almost all of the auditorium was full with only a few spaces available. Probably our class was the last to come.

"Woah! It's full." Alex was walking beside me.

"It must be important since first years and third years both are all here," I replied.

The space left was occupied by our class. I looked around and was quite surprised to see that all teachers and vice-principal, principal and school chairman were present, forming a line in front of the students.

"What's going to happen?"

"Why are we here?"

"What are we here for?"

Many students were confused about what is going to happen because neither the teachers nor the student council has revealed anything yet.

"SILENCEEEEEEEE!" someone on the microphone shouted and at full volume. The whole auditorium fell silent. Who is he?

"Who is he?" Alex asked me.

"You don't know him?" I said sarcastically.

"You know him!?"

"No... I am kidding....." Does he not understand sarcasm?

"As you must be knowing me, I am the principal of this school. Today here with me is Mr Albert, he works for the government and is here to tell you all some important things." what important things?

"What important things?" Alex again asked me, poking my shoulder.

"Shut up for a second," I spoke a little loud and a few turned behind to see what was happening. But I acted as if nothing had happened and I also looked around to make it look like I am also not aware of who it was.

"You there, be silent." one of the teachers from the front said while looking towards my direction so I thought she was saying to me but she also thought that Alex is the one making noise.

"Hello my name is Albert and as your principal has told you earlier I work for the government. You all will not be able to go outside the school for two weeks."

"WHAT?!" someone from class 3-C shouted.

That class especially is known as one of the worst classes in the school. I have heard some bad rumours about that class. But that's not important now.

"Please calm down, listen to me first."

"...." students settled down.

"Okay, now that everyone is calm I will proceed. What I mean is that the government has planning to introduce a new system of education and coincidentally your school name came up."


Even after he finished it raised more questions than answers.

"Excuse me." I heard someone from behind so I looked back but I could not see the person. I couldn't make out who it was.

"Yes." Mr Albert said.

"What do you mean by not being able to go outside school?" Yes, that's the main question.

"Good question. It means that from today onwards till the end of two weeks you all will have to stay in school."

"Don't worry about food or clothing, the government will provide it all."

Everyone was in confusion, also by the looks on the teachers face we could also make out that even they didn't know about this.

"Everyone focuses here." The principal took over the microphone.

"We have already contacted your parents about all this and they all have agreed to this."

"What! My parents will never allow this!" a person standing beside me shouted.

"Yeah, I need to talk to my parents!"

Shouting increased drastically, probably because whose parents would agree to sudden demand? They aren't even requesting but demanding. Without any prior notice, any parent will decline it.

"Sorry but no one is allowed to talk to anyone outside."

Now this made students go wild.

Shouting increased so much that, now I have put my hand on my ear to block such loud voices.

While no one was noticing, I coincidentally noticed another person wearing similar clothes to that of a government official; like Mr Abert. I thought that she was with him but-

"Shut up!" she shouted so loud that it echoed around the auditorium. Yup not with the government, I mean look how scary she looks.

"...." everyone's gaze turned towards the corner.

"Are you not able to sleep without your mother? Huh!? It's just two weeks after that you can sleep on your mamas' lap." she glared at all of us.

She looked so terrifying that no one was able to say anything.

"Ohh... right there is my acquaintance. Her name is Charlotte." really!? A person like that works for the government instead she looks like the leader of a gang. Scary. Very scary.

The atmosphere became nervous and the look on everyone's expression was that of a dumbfounded.

It's like we will be confined in school for the whole two weeks. Let's see what is going to happen to us.

Also, I still have to complete my physics homework.


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