Is My Life Ordinary?

Chapter 95 - Real Reason

"Anyway, care to tell me what really happened to me…?" I asked her. 

I was in bed even though I collapsed on the door. Did she put me here? 

"Umm… about that," she said. 

"Yes…?" I asked. 

"Did you really have a headache…?" she asked me. 

"What's that supposed to mean? Isn't that a given, since I collapsed earlier…?" I asked her.

Where is she getting at? If I haven't gotten on then why would I be here in the first place? It's not like I was planning to ditch any classes.

"Well I don't know the exact reason why you collapsed but the moment I saw you collapse I was scared to death, I am not kidding," she said. 


"So, I…" she seemed to hesitate for a moment there, "I instantly pulled… you up…?" 

"Can you say it a bit more clearly…?" I asked her. 

"Yes, I pulled you up and instantly placed you in here. So, without any delay, I checked your heart rate and for fever but…" 


"You didn't show any sign of it," she said, "So, this leads to my previous question, did you really have a headache?" 

"I… am sure… that I had a headache…" After hearing that, I even doubted myself a little bit. 

No, that feeling of pain felt too real to be a dream. It can't be, yet I showed no sign of it. 

"Are you going through any hard times?"


"No, it's a bit common these days for students to have pressure, like their future plans and how they will end up in future so many of them have their healths depleted. So, are you through any one of those things…?" she asked me.

"Are you what? A counselor also?" I asked her. 

"Maybe… but that's not the point here," she said, "You don't show any kind of problems at least not on the exterior but are you suffering from something that has been in your mind for far too long?" 

Is she really asking me this? I mean all of the school knows about my situation so why doesn't she know?

"Do you not know me…?" I asked her. 

After what happened to me yesterday I don't think anyone is this whole don't know me or is what I think. 

"I know your name," she said, "It's Allen right…?" 

She knows my name yet she doesn't know what I have been going through? 

"But what has it got to do with your problems?" she asked me. 

"Were you not in the Auditorium yesterday…?" I asked. 

"Was I supposed to be?" She answered me with another question. 

"Where have you been this whole time then?" 

"I have some gist of what happened there but I still don't understand the point here," she said. 

"I was the one who was up against the whole school expelling me so-" I was about to say something but she interrupted me again. 

"Wait what? It was really you…? I wasn't present there but the teachers were talking like something had happened there. At first, I thought they were exaggerating it but then a video was circulated on the school's forum-" this time I interrupted her. 

"School forum? What did they write there…?" I wasn't even aware of that.

"Write? No, no. It was a video," she said. 

"If it was a video then you should have recognised me, yes?" I asked her. 

"Yes, I should have recognised you but its quality was so low, or was it that both their faces were blurred intentionally. Nevertheless, your faces weren't shown."

"Why? Why didn't they just reveal our faces? It's not like no one knows about it anyway. All the students were present there," I said. 

"Although the students know who they are, the problem is that it's not just the students who use it," she said, "There are few more who use it. Like parents or those who are trying to apply for this school so maybe for that reason, they didn't reveal your faces. Or else there could have been some problem from your parents' side. I guess they didn't want to go through such haggle," 

After hearing her I forgot for a moment there that she wanted to talk to me about my hard times but I am guessing she forgot about that. 

"But didn't read any comments there? On the video?" I asked. 

"It was off. Also, it's not like anyone can upload things on it. Only a few students have access to it."

"But that video has to be taken down," she continued, "It's giving a bad message to the outsiders. Even though to us it seems a bit amusing, it's not good for the school..." 

Wait, what? Only a few? Then I can find out who recorded it. 

The reason I have to find him is that she just told me that only a few students can upload things on the school forum so it has to be one of the Student Council or someone they asked to do. 

That video only showed that I was humiliating the whole school so it's definite and when someone outside the school sees it, nothing good will come out of it. 

The Student Council won't risk themselves for such things, then the only option is that someone other than the Student Council did it. The question remains who?

Ah, it's going to be hard because I have to find that person before the school does. They are going to have to delete the video and for that, they have to find the person. I just have outrun them.

"But what made you do all that…?" she asked me. 

"Didn't you see the video? That person, the President, was about to expel me. What else was I supposed to do?" I said. 

Why is she asking something like this? Isn't that a given after seeing the footage? 

"No, no, no. It didn't look like that," she said as she corrected me, "It appeared that you were dishonoring the school's honor and its students. That's why I said it felt a bit amusing because there was some truth in it and seeing you saying it out loud made me laugh a little." 


So, they were clever enough to only make me look like the enemy. That was a good plan. This way all those who were not present at the moment might get the wrong idea about me but to the outsiders, it might look otherwise. 

The school can blame me for this. 

This time they have the reason, and now that I have made the enemy of the Student Council and not to forget the 'President' they will most likely will set it like I am the one who made someone else record this video. 

If it was revealed that I am the one who did this then I could be charged with bullying the person for forcefully recording and for dishonoring the whole school. 

This video clearly makes it look like I am the one responsible for the downfall of the school's reputation and this time they will have proof. 

They really got me this time. 

"What did you mean by expel…?" she asked me as she looked at me with those weird eyes. 

Was it a worry? Was it sympathy? 

There was no way for me to know what they really meant.

"You wouldn't know the real reason why I said those things, would you…?" I asked her. 

"Based on the video I am guessing I guessed it was just a debate," she said. 

"Wait what? You didn't even see the Principal at the end…?" I asked.

"No… was she also on the stage?"

Oh, boy. They really have me down there. 

At this point, I have at most 3 days. 

If the Student Council were to reveal the person who recorded all this in just a couple of days it might look suspicious. So to make it look like I was the one who made the person record the video then they will have to pretend to take some time and then reveal it. 

If my brain is working fine then it will be around the third day not more than that. 

"Allen…?" she called out to me. 

"Oh, right. She was also there," I said 

At this point, I don't seem to have viable options. What should I do now? 

I hate to admit it but I might be actually in a pinch right now. 

"Fufufu…" I let out a little laugh. 

I don't know why I did but I just did. Am I okay?

"W-Why did you laugh just now…?" I looked over to her and she had this confused look. 

"No, it's just that I remembered something funny," I said.

"Hey, if you laugh out loud then you have to tell the joke as well," she said, "Is what I believe. If you don't want to then it's fine."

"Really it's nothing," I said. 

I can't possibly tell her that, now can I? 

"That's good…" she commented as she looked at me. 

"What's good…?" I asked her as I was also curious and also there was also a part of me that wanted to at least know at last something. 


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