Is My Life Ordinary?

Chapter 96 - New Strategy

"What's good…?" I asked her as I was also curious and also there was also a part of me that wanted to at least know at last something. 

At this point, I have too many unsolved mysteries that I need to answer so I had this weird feeling of wanting to at least know this. Weird. 

"The first time I saw you," she said, "You had this look… umm… like you were handling all the world's problems but now you have a different look." 

"What look…?"

"That… you don't look particularly happy or sad but… that… normal look. I can't say the right word but what matters is that you don't have a worried look anymore," she said. 

Now that I think of that, I don't have a headache or those weird images appearing. Was it because I needed a good rest, no I don't think it's just that. 

That weird potion inside me that calms me down when I start to fear, tremble, it's definitely that did this to me. Should I be grateful or be concerned about what it does to me? 

"Then I can say the same for you as well, right…?" I said to the caretaker. 

"Huh? Me? I don't understand," she looked confused. 

"You were also angry, or whatever you were feeling earlier. You right now are far much better than the earlier you. At least to me," I said. 

"Oh, hahaha… you little cheeky brat," she said laughingly. 

"So, can I leave now…?" I asked her since she was the one who told me to stay put for the time being earlier. 

"Yeah, sure." 

"That so? So, I should leave now," I said as I stepped outside the bed and walked towards the door. 

Seeing it again I remembered the pain but it was only a memory, I can't seem to feel it anymore. 

And what's more weird is that I feel a little refreshed than before. Am I being addicted to that substance that is inside me? 

"Allen…!" she called out to me as I was one foot behind the door. 

"What is it…?" I said as I retracted that foot and looked behind.

"Don't get in too much trouble," she said with a bright smile, and if that wasn't enough a bright sunlight reflected behind the window making her smile more mesmerising. 

Was she this much encouraging? I wouldn't have believed that if I hadn't talked to her. 

"I will try," I said and set off from there. Leaving behind the room and her. 

I walked down the hallway thinking about multiple things and one of which concerned me a bit more than the rest is that I am feeling completely fine. 

Experiencing something like that (Allen is talking about The headache, pain, decrease in strength, and those flashbacks) I wouldn't have imagined that earlier but here I am now. Something is definitely weird about me, I just need to find what exactly. 

But that doesn't take the first priority yet. The video clip takes the first priority right now.

TheStudent Council really got me this time, even though I hate to admit it but they really got me. 

I thought I could have gotten a lead on them but they have already been one step ahead of me. 

Also, this is partially my fault, I don't particularly open the school's forum so I didn't even get to know this. If I had at least known about this earlier I could have thought of it but at this point, I am too late.

I must have muted its notification, if I hadn't done that I would have postulated something about it in its earlier stages. This is way too late.

Now, without any further delay, I need to think of something. 

What should I do first? 

Find the one who made the video or find Iris? 

If I don't find the real person who uploaded that video then who knows when the Student Council might reveal that person to everyone. I can't risk that. 

But blindly attacking them won't be any good to me either.

I don't even know all their names yet. 

If I haven't gotten that headache then I might have not yelled at Iris or made her go away. Seeing her act I believe that she got some information but I ignored it. 

I shouldn't have that. 

Well, thinking about what I should have done earlier isn't going to change my current position so let's focus on that instead of it. 

I walked up the stairs and reached the classroom. 

I took a peek inside and saw my physics teacher standing there. What should I do now? 

It's the second last period of the day. Almost two periods have passed since I was resting in the infirmary. 

I hope the caretaker has told the teachers about me not intentionally skipping classes. Also, I need to talk to Anna. It can't wait any longer. It has to be done fast.

I stepped inside.


All the gaze fell upon me. 

Same as always, it was filled with hostility and anger hidden… 

Well, it doesn't concern me much so I went straight to the point. 

"Mr. Allen," the teacher said to me as she turned to me. 

"Yes…?" I said. 

"Where have you been this whole time?" she asked me. 

Hearing it I guess the caretaker didn't tell her. 

"Umm… would you believe me if I told you that I was not feeling well so I went to the infirmary?" I asked her. 

"Is that the truth? You know very well that I can check this instant and in case it were to be found false you will have to face some severe consequences for skipping classes and for lying to my face. So I will ask you again, where were you?" she tried scaring me but I didn't faze at all. 

"My statement still doesn't change so please go ahead and check it," I said, "Also, while I was on my way here I met with the Principal-" 

"Where?" before I could say another word she jumped in.

"Yes, I met her in the staircase," I said, "But that isn't the main issue here-"

"Then what is…?" she again popped in between my sentences. 

"Let me finish please," I said politely, "I met her at the staircase and was asked by her to send Anna and Selene to the Principal's office."


"Maybe you didn't hear me right. I said-" this is the third time she interrupted me. Is she doing it intentionally?

"No! I understand what you said but why all of a sudden?" she questioned me. 

"I… don't know so they need to leave right," I said. 

"... Alright, Anna and Selene you may go to the Principal's Office," she said. 

"Okay," Anna said as she stood up. 

"Mhm-Mhm," Selene nodded as she also stood up. 

As they made their way out I was just about to follow them but I was stopped. 

"Mr. Allen, where are you going?" she asked me. 

I looked around the whole classroom and every single ball was at me including Anna and Selene. 

"To the Principal's Office," I replied. 

"You never told me that you were also asked to go," she said. 

I could see in her eyes that she is thinking that I am lying. Is this because it was a sudden demand or was it because it is me. I am the problem here. 

"Well, now you know," I said. 

"Why were you also called and not anyone else in this classroom?" she asked. 

Now, this is ridiculous. She is definitely doing it on purpose. 

"Again, I don't know the reason," I said. 

"Are you telling the truth…?" She continued her investigation. 

"Yes…" I said. 

"Should I call the Principal right now to check?" she said to me. 

'He should be revealing the truth any minute now' is what I think she must be thinking. 

"Yeah," I said, "Go ahead."

"O-Okay," she hesitated, "You are good to go." 

I am guessing she didn't actually think that I would agree to it. 

"Thank you," I said and made my way out. 

We were silently walking down the hallway until I broke the wall of silence.

"So Anna, I need your help." I blurted out. 

"W-What?" She looked anxious. 

"Yes, I need you to do something for me," I said. 

"Y-You said we were c-called by the Principal, what about that…?" she asked. 

"What…? No, you weren't called. I just made that up to get you out," I said. 

"Huh!?" she exclaimed. 

"Hey, don't yell." I stopped her. 

"Y-Y-You lied to her…!" she said in a hushed voice. 

"That doesn't matter now," I said, "I need you to do something for me."

"W-Why me…?" she asked me. 

"You said in the library you will help so I asked you or… you don't want to help…?" I asked her. 

"N-No…! It's not like that bu-" before she could agonize more I started talking. 

"You don't need to do something serious. But what I am about to tell you shouldn't be heard from anyone else. Are you willing to do it…?" I asked her. 

"I… don't know…" she said. 

"Hey Anna, please don't bail out on me right now," I said, "Just one thing."


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